Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 766: Stone monument



The sky shook his head and shook his head. "I didn't want to fight with you. I just want to ask you, how can this jagged fish be used?"

There was a bit of sarcasm in the mouth of the piano, but I knew that I was very dangerous now. If I couldn’t cope with it, I would invite the siege of all the monks here. Since being concealed by Kong Fan, she has never dared to look down on the demon monk. What's more, there is still a rebellion here? Then I said faintly:

"I don't know. But I know that this sawtooth must have an extraordinary place. Of course, we must first catch the sawtooth in the lake and then slowly study it."

The sky reversal eyes are slightly glimpsed, and the surrounding demon monks are also blinking. As Qinqin said, even if you don't know the function of the serrated fish, they also think that the serrated fish must be extraordinary. However, they did not have the armor of the piano and could not enter the lake. The sawtooth caught was less than one percent of the piano. How does this balance their minds?

The jigsaw fish that have the heart to grab the piano, but the doubles in the name of Fengming in the name of the Yaozu, the big name, so they are very taboo. They could not help but look at the sky.

They are very strange to Tianti, but they can see that Tianshen and Qinshuang seem to know each other. It seems that they have also handed over their hands. The two people are very jealous of each other. This shows that the strength of the sky is not inferior to the Qin double, as long as the hands of the sky, they participate in the siege. Of course, if they don’t do it, they won’t dare to act.

The sky is cold and looking at the piano double, but the heart has risen a little helpless. How can the piano double change, can hold others, but can not hold him. Because in the depths of his soul, the god-given soul seems to have a sign of recovery. The only person who can make such a big response to Gods is the piano pair, and there will be no others.

He knows that he can't kill the piano pair for the time being. Don't say that the piano has a horrible technique of Confucianism and Taoism. It is not. When it is critical, the gods in the depths of the soul will wake up and block him. Unless one day he can completely devour the godsend, then he can kill the piano doubles at that time. Looking at the surrounding demon monks, one by one is looking at his color, his heart is clear, as long as he does not shoot, other monks can not take the initiative to take a shot, and then the figure flies above the lake. Since Qin Double wants to catch the sawtooth fish in the lake, he tries to catch it.

On the shore of the demon monk in the heart of a move, one by one also flew up, went to the lake to catch the sawtooth fish. Only one of the demon monks did not move, but instead walked toward the piano. Qin double looked at him coldly:

"Kong Fan, do you want to die soon?"

That Kong Fan walked to the front of the piano and said to the piano double: "Feng sister, don't misunderstand me. Although my actions were reckless, my heart was..."

"But I want to pick me up, absorb the phoenix in my body?"


"You want to absorb all the phoenix in my body, by Bifang Huafeng?"

"You... I... how come?" Kong Fan saw that Qin double had already seen him, and he could not help but feel nervous.

"Do you think I am stupid?"

"How can you be stupid..." Kong Fan’s handsome face became stiff.

Qinqin slowly stood up and said: "I was in this unknown space, I will put you down for the time being and let go. But since you are not interested, then kill you first."

"Don't!" Kong Fan hurriedly waved: "We still don't make river water. Since you have already seen my thoughts, I will no longer target you."

Speaking of this, he smiled proudly: "Don't think that you have killed the demon eight layers, you can eat me. My Kong Fan also has his own cards. I admit, I probably not your opponent. But if I If you want to escape, you may not be able to kill me."

Seeing that the eyes of the piano were slightly picked up, the killing of the eyes was filled, and Kong Fan hurriedly raised a hand:

"Well, I swear, I won't have any thoughts about you in the future."

She did not want to fight with Kong Fan here. Don't look at the peace and peace here. However, it is likely to become a mess because of a small matter. There is a heavenly rebellion that makes her jealous, so the piano double has to be careful.

"Roll!" Qin double shouted.

Kong Fan's face became gloomy, and he looked at the piano and finally flew away. He came to the lake and began to find a way to grab the sawtooth fish.


A figure fell on the reef in the middle of the lake, looking at the stone with the words "empty". The demon was repaired to a lower level, and the serrated fish at this time sneaked into the bottom of the water. He couldn’t catch it, and he fell in front of the stone tablet and looked curiously. He reached out and touched the stone, and then his look changed. He found himself feeling touchless. With a little effort, a palm of his hand sneaked into the stone tablet and opened from the outside. One of his palms disappeared.


He couldn't help but scream, and Huo Ran took his hand back and looked at his palm. He found that his palm didn't receive the slightest damage, and his heart couldn't help but a gaze.

“Is this the only place where the real inheritance is empty?”


Hearing the screams of the demon monk, several monks flew down on the reef and looked at the stone monument. At this time, the demon monk who first discovered the secret of the stone monument did not know where the heart was, and the secret of the stone tablet could not be concealed. Even if you don't say it yourself, you will eventually be discovered. Immediately after a footstep, one head ran into the stone monument. What he thought at this time was only to take the first step into the inheritance. Perhaps because of this step, he would get countless benefits.

The few demon monks standing next to him saw him slamming into the stone, and they were shocked.

"This fool is crazy?"

However, their thoughts have just risen and they see that the fool in that eye has disappeared into their vision.

"The real heritage!"

The monks and monks immediately understood, and they slammed into the stone in a word, and all disappeared into the stone.

The movement here is naturally a concern of the monks, and found this situation, all of them are mad shocks, rushing toward the stone monument.


All the people and the shadows disappeared into the stone monument, even if it was a heavenly rebellion. It was only a moment of effort, and only the piano pair on the edge of the lake was left.

Qin doubled his eyes and looked at the stone monument. He said in his heart: "There should be a real place to inherit."


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