Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 767: Long river sunset



However, the piano did not immediately rush into the stone.

Because her heart is very clear, there is such a sharp serrated fish in this lake outside the inheritance, and the empty inheritance is definitely not easy to obtain. Going early may not be more rewarding than going late.

not to mention……

Thousands of birds are in the forest, not as good as a bird.

Or catch the jagged fish here and say it.

In fact, the serrated fish in the lake is almost empty, and the piano doubles down twice, and the serrated fish in the lake is caught. At this time, it has been half an hour since the monks entered the stone monument. Qin double looked at the stone tablet, and the volley took a step and stood in front of the stone tablet. After a slight pause, I stepped on the stone tablet.


The mind stunned, and the piano double saw everything around him again. There is a straight road in front of her, and at the end of the road is a snow-capped mountain that can't see the side.

Qin double looked back and the stone tablet had disappeared. Behind him, the piano double stepped back and found that his back was still white. After careful observation, he found himself standing still, as if he had just stepped back, it was an illusion.

The piano turned around and walked toward the front. After about a dozen steps, the piano double stopped and she found herself still standing.

Qinqin immediately turned and looked at the distant snow-capped mountains. Because she knows she can't get out.

"This should be the reason for the space law. Is it only possible to move forward after coming in?"

Qin double stepped toward the direction of the snow-capped mountains, and the heart was a joy, and sure enough to move forward, no longer standing still. As soon as the piano was in shape, it flew away toward the front. The speed of the piano pair is very fast, and it quickly approaches the boundless snow mountain. After running for half a day, she has already finished a third of her journey.

Suddenly, her brow wrinkled and could not help but pause. At the moment of the pause, the space around her suddenly broke and became a myriad of space blades, strangling towards her.

The shape of the piano double slammed out, even if it was, there was a space blade cut from her body, and almost half of her body was cut off. Qin double hurriedly took out a Vientiane fruit, ate it in three mouths, while keeping his feet. At this time, she had a speculation in her heart. I am afraid that since I entered the space of the stone tablet, as long as I took the first step toward the snow-capped mountains, I needed to keep flying forward. Once I stopped, my space would become Space debris, you will be twisted into powder by countless space fragments.

So, why did Qinqin stop now?

Because she found a problem, she found that she was slow to fly.

Do not!

It was not slow. Her own body knew clearly that she was still flying at the same speed, but she had a feeling of slowing down, so she stopped. Now, she naturally won't stop, even if she wants to stop, she will have to wait for her injuries to recover.

The piano double spreads the knowledge, and the look is changed again. With the intensity of her current knowledge, it is absolutely no problem. But at this time her knowledge can only spread out to kilometers. This is because of the reason why her knowledge is very powerful. To know that her **** and the sea lotus are combined, the intensity of the gods has reached the Mahayana period.

"This can suppress God!"

The piano pair became more careful and carefully slowed down.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, she found that she slowed down, did not make the surrounding space into pieces, so she slowed down again, gradually slowed down again and again, and finally became Walk slowly. At this time, Qin double began to spread his own knowledge and observe the surrounding space.

Gradually she found that she was not slow, she kept the speed of walking, but the distance was shorter and shorter. She saw a kind of distortion and movement of space. This kind of distortion and movement was very subtle. Qin did not hesitate to take out a December fruit suit, and then gave himself a subconscious mind, that is, don’t pause, always Go on.

Gradually, Qin double forgot the time, forgot where he was, and the whole mind was completely immersed in the epiphany.

After the piano double walked for three days, there was a figure in front of him. It was a demon monk. At this time, he was fluttering in a panic, and the appearance was always flying, because the consumption was too large and the breath was very weak. . The piano double passed by him completely, and the demon monk saw the piano double, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He shouted to the back of the piano pair and shouted:

"Feng Daoyou..."

Qin double did not hear it at all, she was completely immersed in the epiphany, although she still maintained the original walking speed, but the distance she crossed was farther and farther, and soon disappeared into the back of the Yaozu. .

The demon of the demon monk showed despair, as if he had exhausted the last strength and listened to his footsteps.


The sound of the space shattered, and countless pieces of space cut through the body of the monk, and the monk became a **** fog.

Qinqin is still unaware of the movement, floating on the body of the epiphany. Soon after, she surpassed a monk. The monk had already had a numbness at his face. He just walked mechanically. There was no slight sigh of breath on his body, but it was a breath of death. That is the life has disappeared, but still walking with the will.

Along the way, Qin double has more than one monk, and gradually, with each step, another far, five feet far, ten feet far...

Shrink the ground into inches.

The piano double stopped because she could not perceive the surrounding space and woke up from the epiphany. When I saw myself stopping, my heart was shocked. I just wanted to rush out, but stopped again. She found that the space she was in was not broken, so I had time to observe where I was.

The heart was shocked, and he stood at the top of the snow mountain at this time. I remembered that I took the last step, as if I had taken a step away.

"I have learned the rules of space?"

Qin Shuang’s heart was happy, and immediately began to recall the mystery of the previous epiphany. Then there was a disappointment between the eyebrows. At this time, she realized that the shrinking of her own body was only a magical power, and it was not a law at all.

I packed up my mood, and I looked at the opposite side of the snow-capped mountains. The look was a stay, and she was shocked by the beauty in front of her eyes.

Below the snowy mountains is a desert, a full moon hangs in the sky. A lonely smoke goes straight to the moon and is connected to the moon.

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun!

It is a kind of lonely beauty, beautiful and empty.


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