Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 768: One sand and one world




When the piano eyes moved and looked toward the right side, he saw that Kong Fan was standing 100 meters away from him. His eyes showed fear and there was a transmission array beside him.

For Kong Fan to be able to comprehend the shrinking into the inch and go here, the piano is not strange. The five-color light of the Bifang family is the space magical power. The Qinshuang is also known for the nine-color light, and the understanding of space will be so fast. It’s not surprising that Kong Fanbi came in as long as she came in. It’s a step ahead of her.

"Kong Shi brother! What did you find?" The piano walked in both directions.

Kong Fan suddenly awake from the shock, only to find that Qin double has arrived at the top of the snow mountain.

"Are you here too?"

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently: "Kong Shi brother is one step ahead of me, but what did you find?"

"I..." Kong Fan swallowed a sip of water and said with a look of fear: "I came here and saw that Tianrui had already reached the foot of the mountain. When he stepped on the desert, his figure suddenly disappeared. Nothing happened again."

"Disappeared?" Qin Qin looked amazed, she was very clear about the strength of the sky: "How long?"

"It’s been a quarter of an hour. I doubt..."

"What do you doubt?"

Kong Fan swallowed again a mouthful of water: "Feng sister, you already know that the road we came is a space road?"

“The road to space?”

Qin double thought about the previous experience, and also felt that the name of the space road was very appropriate, and nodded.

"That road is constantly twisted and moved, but it is still in a space. The desert below the mountain, after the sky is reversed, does not follow the path of the previous space, can walk in the desert, and It suddenly disappeared."

"So what?"

"So... I think those deserts are made up of countless spaces."

“There are countless spaces?” Qin’s double look: “Do you mean that a grain of sand is a space?”

Kong Fan's throat squirmed and nodded. "If that's the case, how many sands does this desert have? How can it go to the end of the desert? And a sand is a space, moving from one space to another." Space, where is it so easy? If you don’t understand the space magical to a certain extent, you will be trapped in a grain of sand, and you will never get a second grain of sand.”

Qin double is also a glimpse of the heart, although she has nine colors of light as a foundation, but also has a fruit of December to improve understanding, but also did not grasp through a space. Just look at the boundless desert, even if you are going straight ahead, don't know how long it will take, maybe you will be trapped in the gravel world and die.

"I want to leave!"

Kong Fan was also a simple person, jumped onto the altar and looked at the Qin Double Road:

"Feng sister, don't you leave?"

Qin double eyes hesitated and said: "You leave, let me see."

"Take care!" At this time, Kong Fan's look is very sincere.

Qin doubled and nodded: "You also take care."

Kong Fan quickly took out the Lingshi and placed it in the groove on the altar. The altar gave a light, and Kong Fan’s figure disappeared.

Qin double took his eyes back from the altar and walked down the hill. Now she is cautious and does not fly in the air, but every step is careful. Although she did not feel the rules of space after she appeared in the foothills, she was still down to earth and did not dare to fly.

It took about half an hour to do so. Qinqin came to the foot of the mountain and stood on the edge of the desert, but did not step into the desert, but carefully explored the gods.


A grit suddenly jumped out of the desert, and then burst into blast, a figure suddenly appeared, and then fell to the desert. Qinqin quickly reached out and grabbed a hand, then turned a big hand, grabbed the man back and placed it on the ground around him.


The piano looks a glimpse, and then it is found that Tianrui has passed out. The gaze was a move, and immediately squatted on the side of Tianrui, and explored the gods into the body of Tianrui, and found that the god-giving body was filled with rich magic blood.

"God, you are okay." Qin looked at the sky and said: "I will help you."

Qin Double puts the palm of his hand in the heart of Godsend, communicates the awe-inspiring spirit in the heart of Haoran, and the golden scent of the air flows out, and enters the god-given body through the palm of the piano.


The fierce roar sounded, and the eyes of the piano pair seemed to be in a **** sea. The golden solitude is like the sun, and the blood sea is touched by the golden scent of the sea, and it becomes nothingness.

It’s just that the magic blood in the sky is too rich, and the piano double consumes its own arrogance to purify the blood.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


The double face of the piano became ugly, she just purified a quarter of the magic blood in the sky, but her awesome liquid has already been consumed.

The eyes of the piano are flickering. I just want to release the symbol and seal the sky, and then retreat into the town demon tower, waiting for myself to accumulate the awesome liquid, continue to purify the magic blood in the sky, but see the sky Suddenly opened his eyes, the heart of the piano is anxious, his hands will quickly move the pattern.

"Double children..." Tianrui suddenly opened his mouth, and the hands of Qinqin were a meal. He looked at the sky and said: "You are... Gods?"

"Yeah!" Godsend looked at the piano and said: "You are easy to accommodate. What is here? Why are you so easy?"

Godsend can see that the piano is easy to change, and the double is not strange, because this illusion is taught to God. When two people experience life and death together more than once, they are so easy to change, how to change the atmosphere, and each other can perceive each other. Just like today, Qinqin can be sure that the person in front of him is a godsend, not a heavenly rebellion. Because she perceives the god-given atmosphere.

"This is the demon world. As for where the demon world is, I don't know. I was suddenly sucked in. After coming in, there is a demon monk who said that this place is an ancient and empty space."

Godsend sat up and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and showed a bitter smile on his face:

"I know, I found out that dozens of big demons got together and wanted to absorb their blood, but I didn't think there was an altar here, which absorbed the blood of 90% of the big demon. So after the blood sacrifice This space is opened, and the sky is also sucked in by this space.

And he just entered a gravel space, completely unable to find a way out, and finally detonated a part of the magic blood, which blew the gravel space, just because he detonated some of the magic blood, so that his soul was injured, only to give I have the opportunity to regain my physical initiative. ”


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