Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 776: Crossing fruit



At this time, Gao Xiaoxiao pulled the carriage and it was already 100 meters away from the gate. The piano double came down from the carriage, and smiled at the cracked sky.

Behind Qinqin, Gao Xiaoxiao became a person, and Yunyun waved his cart into the storage bag. One left and one right stood behind the piano double.

The door in the middle of the cracked sky was opened, and a team of the demon family took a neat formation and walked out. There was also a big demon of the elders of the scorpio, gathered around the cracked high, and walked out of the cracked heaven, greeted the piano. double.

Gao Xiaoxiao's eyes swept over the cracked height, and his eyes showed a shocking color. She found that the Scorpio family had dispatched four demon sacred, and the elders of the sacred eight-story peak also personally greeted them. This is definitely a high-standard welcoming, and the genre of the scorpio is not present. This specification is We are greeted with the specifications of the saga. Only the patriarchs such as the Feng nationality will come and the patriarch of the Scorpio will be greeted. Gao Xiaoxiao’s heart was shocked, but he could not help but secretly:

"It seems that this Fengming is now famous. It is no longer a previous practice. In addition to the Feng nationality, there is a race like the Scorpio who has become her friend. The Qingniu people want to take revenge, but it is getting harder and harder. ""

Such a large number of masters, such a large momentum, pressure came to the surface. Gao Xiaoxiao is already the fourth floor of the demon. Although she feels pressure, she can still change her face. That cloud is just a demon king, and all of them are shaking, and they are on the ground. I couldn’t help but hide behind the piano.

This kind of pressure does not play any role for Qinshuang. Although her realm of gods is not enough, the power of the soul has reached the late Wusheng. The opposite of the four cracked scorpio demon sacred to see the piano on both sides of such awkward momentum, still with a kind smile on the face, no slight change, could not help but also admire:

"It’s not a character who stirs up the demon world."

Qin and Shuang Tian met in the center and looked at each other. Splitting is now the first layer of the demon. It seems that after returning from the demon world, the crack should be closed, and finally broke through the level of the demon. Two people walked side by side in the cracked sky, and two people along the way recalled the past in the demon world and the past of the Wanhui City.

Splitting Gao also introduced Qinqin to those big demons. Qin double also proposed to see the cracked Tianzhu clan, but was told by the crack high that his father was retreating because he had suffered some injuries before. Qin doubles is a slogan:

"Uncle is injured?"

"Well!" The cracked high head slammed Gao Xiaoxiao, and then whispered: "My father received a message saying that the earth's attribute origin stone appeared in the thick abyss, then went to the thick abyss, but did not I thought of being ambushed by the young patriarch of the Qingniu family with a few young cows. At the same time, the Qingniu family came to attack and crack the heavens."

Qin Shuangwen wrinkled his brow and said: "So, the original stone is the fake news that the Qingniu family deliberately released?"

"Not bad!" Li Gao said with hate: "Later, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of an empty space, now our two communities are still fighting."

Two people came to the high-rise Dongfu, and after fifteen enthusiasm to entertain the Qinshuang, the two men exchanged tea in the cracked Dongfu. The piano doubles in the heart, looking at the crack high:

"Cracking brother, can you have exercises and magical powers about space attributes in your family?"

Splitting high and thinking while saying: "Our splitting of the sky is a soil property, there is no inheritance of space attributes..."

Speaking of this, his brow suddenly picks up: "I remember that the elders got a space magical accident in the past, but no one in our family can understand, I am going to give you."

The crack high hurried away. Soon I came to a cave house and went inside while shouting:

"Da, I am coming."

A warm voice came from Dongfu: "Gao, is your friend gone?"

"No!" The cracked high step into the Dongfu, the big elder who sat on the jade bed with his knees: "Da Bo, give me the space you got, my friend wants to comprehend."

The elder elders showed a petite smile on their faces, and took a quaint jade from the storage ring and handed it to the crack high. The crack high took over the jade, and said:

"Da Bo, can you give me a goose fruit?"

"You want to cross the fruit?" The elder elder screamed: "No, it takes only a hundred years to get fruit, and only nine fruits at a time. When you break through the demon, the one that belongs to you Already given you."

"Da Bo, Feng Ming has saved my life several times. She is now going to comprehend the space magical power. I am afraid that she will not have enough insight. Would you give me a fruit to realize?"

"No!" The head of the cracked scorpion shook like a rattle: "Duowuguo is too important for my family. There are only three left. The fertile fruit tree will mature again and it will take eighty years. These three Duwu fruit also has a vesting. It is your three brothers. After only a few days, they have accumulated enough to take it when they break through the demon sacred. A ferry fruit represents our scorpio family. A demon holy, you know how important this is. No, absolutely not."

Splitting the sky and thinking about it: "Da Bo, I will not enter the quota of Turing Pond after one month, and change the fruit of a ferry."

"You are confused!" The elder elders had no warm look. They looked at the cracked sternly: "You enter the earthen pond, and there is a great possibility that you will break through to the second floor of the demon. For the sake of Fengming, give up the Tuling Pool. The chance, you are too disappointed."

"Da Bo, I insist!"

"I know that Feng Ming has saved your life several times. But you can wait until you become stronger and return her."

The crack height is still shaking his head: "Da Bo, please complete it. I have already thought of giving Fengming the fruit. If I don't give it, I will have a lack of heart and it will be difficult to improve."

The elder's face changed and his look changed. In the end, it was a long sigh and got up:

"Go with me to the treasure house."

"Treading step..."

Qinqin heard the footsteps, and then he saw the cracked tall figure coming in.


Put a jade slip and a jade box in front of the piano, with a happy smile on his face:

"Feng sister, these two are for you."

The eyes of Qin double fell on the jade slip and the jade box. Without knowing, the jade slip is a space magical power, so he pointed his finger at the jade box:

"what is this?"

The crack high is like a treasure, and smiles happily: "You open it."

The piano double picked up the jade box and gently opened it. The gods knew it.

"this is……"

Qin double searched quickly in Dandao's inheritance, and then looked at the opposite side of the music with amazement:

"This is the fruit of the cross?"


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