Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 777: Du Wudan



"Feng sister is very good!" The cracked high gave a thumbs up to the piano.

The piano looked at the cracked high and licked his lips and said: "Is this fertile fruit very difficult?"

"It's not hard to get!" The cracked high hand swayed: "There is a cross-fruit tree in my family. Some of them are, I usually eat snacks."

Qinqin cried and looked at the cracked high road: "Cracking brother, do you regard me as a fool? Don't you know that I am a Dandao teacher? I don't know that the fruit tree has matured once in a hundred years, only nine fruit at a time. You just said that there is only one fruit tree in your family, but you told me that you usually eat snacks?"

"This... this...hehe..."

Splitting his hands in front of his body, his face groaned. Qin double put the jade box on the cover, and the cracked Gao Sheng was afraid that the piano pair would return the fruit to him, and said quickly:

"Feng sister, you must accept it."

Qin double looked at him and said: "I didn't say no."

"But your look..."

At this time, Qin Shuang really has some entanglements in his heart. The realization of the fruit is similar to that of the December fruit. If you don't realize the realization of the fruit, you can only enhance the understanding of the first layer, and only last for three days. However, if you turn the fruit into a realization of Du Wu, the realm of Qin Shuang, you can fully refine the three-transition Wudan, the three-transfer Wudan can double the comprehension, and can last for thirty-six. day. Of course, this is because Qinshuang is the great master of Dandao. If it is only the Dandao master, it will only be able to refine and transfer to Wudan. The second transfer to Wudan can only improve the six-layer comprehension, and it can only last for 14 days, and the Dandao master can only refine it. Transferring Wu Dan, a transition to Wu Dan can only improve the three-layer comprehension, and can last for seven days.

Qin double is now entangled, she feels that she has obtained a space magical power from the crack high here, if you take away this fruit, you will not be willing to go. Moreover, this Wuwu fruit is very important for the Scorpio family, and for itself, it is totally unimportant. Because I have a better December fruit. She also wants to give her a space magical power. She should give a gift to the cracker. How can she go through the fruit again?

However, as long as she sees the high-figure look, she knows that she can't return it. It is conceivable that the fruit of the sacred fruit is in the sacredness of the scorpio, and in order to obtain this fruit, it must lose a lot of benefits. At this time, if you return it, it is a cracked high face.

The good way is not that there is no, it is to turn the fruit into a realization of Wu Wu. A fertile fruit with twenty-seven kinds of herbs can be used to refine twelve cross-bows. The value of a ferry is more than one.

However, the piano double refining system turns around Wu Dan?

With Fengming’s current status, he can only refine and transfer Wudan. He can say that he has just broken through the realm of Dan Dao. If you refine and transfer to Wu Dan, you will reveal your identity, not to mention the three transitions to Wu Dan.

However, it is a waste of this Wuhua fruit when refining and turning around Wu Dan!

Seeing the piano double there, the look was indefinite, and the cracked face was also smashed. He thought that Qinshuang was there to excuse him and to deduce Du Wudan. I don’t know what to say for a while.

"Forget it!" Qin said in the heart of the heart: "Take a reincarnation and transfer to Wu Dan, otherwise it will owe the human feelings. Anyway, when the fruit of this Wuwu Dan is planted in the town demon tower, the president will grow into a If you think about it, it’s not a waste, but it’s earned.”

Thinking of this, the piano doubled up. Seeing the piano double looking at himself, the crack high hastily said:

"Feng sister, you will quickly take the fruit of Wu Wu into the fruit, and you will be able to comprehend the space magical power here."

The piano double shook his head, and the high face was a slight white saying: "You...return the fruit to me? You look down on me?"

Qin double shakes his head again.

"That... what do you mean?"

Qin double smiled: "Cracked brother, you forgot that I am a Dan Dao. And I just broke through to Dan Dao."

"Dan Dao Master..." Split Gao unconsciously repeated a sentence, then suddenly widened his eyes, the sound line increased linearly:

"You are Master Dandao?"

"Yeah!" Qin double smiled and nodded.

The cracked up and stood up, and the face was full of excitement: "Feng sister, my family has a record, saying that this fertile fruit can be refined into a realization of Dan?"

"Yes!" Qin double still nodded with a smile.

"That... can you refine it?" Cracked high and looked forward to her.

"Can!" Qin nodded and said: "But..."

"But what?" The look of the high hopes became tense.

"Do you know that Du Wudan is divided into three products?"

"I know, I have read the records of the family. In one or two turns, the three-transfer Wudan can double the comprehension and last for thirty-six days. The second transfer to Wudan can only improve the six-layer comprehension. And it can only last for 14 days. Once transferred, Wu Dan can only improve the three-layer comprehension and can last for seven days."

"Not bad!" Qin double showed the color of regret: "I am just a master of Dan Dao, only able to refine and transfer to Wu Dan, and some waste the fruit."

"No waste! No waste!" Cracked high and repeatedly waved: "This is also much stronger than our direct use of Wu Gou fruit. Feng Shimei, you see..."

Splitting his hands and looking forward to the piano. The piano double stood up and collected both Du Wuguo and Yu Jian:

"Do you have an alchemy room in your home?"

"There is something!" Cracked high and nodded.

"Take me there."

"Good!" Cracking Gao Gang said to the piano: "Yes, you need other herbs."

"I have!" Qin double smiled.

"How are you..."

Qin double shook his head: "The split brother, we don't have to be so polite between us. If you don't want to go, after things, let me go to your family's treasure house to see if I have missing herbs."

"No problem, absolutely no problem."

Two people walked out of the room, and the pace of cracking was getting faster and faster, and I can imagine the urgency in his heart.

"Big brother!"

A figure was in front of him, and the high-pitched footsteps kept saying: "I have something to say for a while, I am in a hurry."

The figure of the monk flashed again, blocking the crack high, and his face was very ugly:

"Big Brother, what do you want to give to my other people?"

Having said that, he glanced at the piano and said: "I know that she is your savior, but not my savior. You can be grateful for what belongs to you, why take my things."

Cracked high and lived in the footsteps, his face was apathetic: "Three brothers, I am not giving you the opportunity of the earthen pond?"

"I don't want to, I want my Gou Gou fruit, I am worse now, instead of accumulating spiritual power. Big Brother, I keep my duty, never grab your things, but you can't grab me. s things."


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