Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 783: Fengqiang strong


"No thanks! I still earn more and cheaper."

"Don't say this!" The elders smiled happily: "Master Feng, I am feasting for you."

"No need!" Qin doubled his head and said: "I am really in a hurry. I will come to visit the elders next time."


The elders did not insist on it, and together with the crackers and other people, sent the piano to the outside of the crack. Qin double stood on the ox cart and screamed at the squad. Gao Xiaoxiao's four hoofs clouded and flew over the white clouds and flew toward the phoenix.

Qinqin stood on the rut and looked down. He saw countless big demons around the crack high. Even the four elders stood there at this time. It is obvious that the reputation of cracking high has been in full swing, and the heart can’t help feeling .

"Is Fengdaoyou envious of cracking high?"

Gao Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed a hint of envy. Her ideal was to become the patriarch of the Qingniu family. She set foot on the position of a slap in the face, and now she sees the high-pitched voice, and then thinks that it is now a mount of Qinshuang, and her heart can’t help but feel awkward.

Qin double is shaking her head. She has a crescent moon empire. Although the monk around her is a monk who has no splitting Scorpio, she is also a singer. Even her prestige in the empire is far beyond the crack. High in the prestige of the Scorpio family.

However, at the same time, she also knows that having this status is not an enviable thing, because there is a burden on the shoulders and the mind is awkward. Sigh a sigh:

"This is not worthy of envy!"

“Not worthy of envy?” Gao Xiaoxiao’s eyes showed amazement: “The monks live between heaven and earth, and it’s not that this high is on the top, is it all right?”

Qin double silence, thinking of the sinister position of the human race today, the mood is even more heavy. It seems that he has a great reputation in the Terran, and the Empire is even more responsive, but he is responsible for hundreds of millions of people in the Crescent Moon Empire. In the future, he may also shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire Terran, and he is almost always practicing, rushing and killing. Have a good time, where is the joy?

As soon as the figure was swept, it entered the compartment, and the law was banned and entered the town demon tower. Begin to polish the foundation and cultivate accumulation.

After another 20 days, the oxcart entered the sea, and a large island in the sea where the phoenix lived was called Fengdao. It is said that a huge volcano is formed there, but it is suitable for the Feng people to live.

In the past 20 days, the town demon tower has passed for decades, and Qin double has already stepped into the realm of Dacheng.

The step of the small world is like a teleport, and the figure will appear in different directions in an instant, at different angles, so that the enemy can't prevent it.

The stepping in the realm of Zhongcheng will leave countless images in the space, just like real people. It’s just that these images will be attacked like a real double body. In fact, they are virtual, just an illusion, without real attack power.

The step of the Dacheng realm forms an image, but it can attack like a real body, and the attack power is the same as the real body.

I will take a step into the realm of Dacheng, and the piano will be in a good mood. I will come out from the compartment and sit on the roof of the car and look straight. I saw the big waves and the sea surge.

"Oh la la..."

There was a huge whirlpool in the sea. A huge snake head like a small island swept out of the vortex and stretched out into the air, revealing a huge body.

Jin Yun’s body was a glimpse, but Gao Xiaoxiao, who saw the car, looked calm. He sneaked a glance at the double piano on the roof of the car. When he saw the piano and didn’t look at him, he was relieved. Remind yourself that the next time you must not be so timid, otherwise let the owner know that you can't look at him and it is not good to drive him away.

On the huge snake's head, two eyes like the cold moon of the moon looked at the piano in the air, and then they saw the water vapor filled, and the huge sea snake seemed to be in the clouds.

The forcing man’s momentum volleyed, Qin Shuang and Gao Xiaoxiao did not react at all, but the Yunyun constantly reminded himself not to be afraid, but it was like a sieve.


The sea suddenly turned into a fiery red. The sea water split in front of the sea snake head. A flame burst out of the sea, and a claw was extended from the flame, and the head of the sea snake was shattered in half. The sea snake was sore that it was soaring, the waves were boiling, and it rushed into the sky. A huge tail slammed toward the flame like a celestial column.

The flame suddenly exploded, showing that it was a smoky phoenix. She did not evade the huge tail, but she unfolded one wing, and cut it like a giant knive.


The huge sea snake was cut in half, and the phoenix was forward. With a sharp mouth, I saw the sea snake’s demon smashed out, and the sea snake’s body sank. The bottom of the sea.

"Oh la la..."

When the sea water surged, I saw countless huge crabs waving huge fronts and rushing out of the water. There were big fishes coming out of the sea, more lobsters, etc. The dense sea monsters covered the sea, and countless magical powers were on the sea. Surging.

The piano double plucked his gaze from the sea and looked toward the clouds in front. He saw that the cloud suddenly turned into a burning cloud, like a sea of ​​fire.

The eyes of the piano were slightly stunned, and the face showed a dignified color. Gao Xiaoxiao also stopped in the clouds, and a pair of bulls eyes looked seriously at the burning cloud.


Countless sounds of phoenix sounded, and the burning cloud was like a red waterfall, pouring toward the sea. It was not a burning cloud, but a myriad of fire phoenixes. The head of a fire phoenix, looking like a sun ray, glanced at the ox cart, and finally landed on the piano double on the roof.

When the fire phoenix saw the body of Qin and so on and did not kill, he ignored the piano in the cloud, but continued to dive down and smashed toward the sea.


The sea is tumbling, and a large number of Krakens have appeared in the direction of the fire phoenix. They have been attacked by the original Kraken attack. At first glance, they know that this is the helper of the Huofeng family. Soon, the Huofeng family will take advantage. When the leader of the fire phoenix saw that the overall situation had been fixed, he screamed and handed the battle to other phoenixes. She flew over to the ox-cart, and stood in front of the piano doubles, turning into a human figure, looking at it. Qin Double Road:

"The Feng nationality is in a rebellion, what is your demon?"

Qin double stood on the roof of the hand arch: "Feng Ming, how is your demon?"

"Feng Province!" The Feng nationality monk looked up and down the piano, and at this time Gao Xiaoxiao heard it, his look became serious, and he hurriedly wanted the piano to pass into the secret channel:

"Master, she is the strong of the Phoenix, and the strength is absolutely not under me."

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