Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 784: Fengdao


"You just want to come to recognize the ancestors' phoenix?" Feng is still looking at the piano.

At this time, the rebellious demon people on the sea have been defeated, the Feng people are being chased, the sea is dyed red, and the **** taste fills the space.

"It's me!" Qin double nodded gently.

"I heard that you have been born from the birth, but you have cultivated the name of Hehewei. The patriarch is also praised for you."

The piano has a loose heart, and it seems that the Fengzu patriarch’s perception of her has not changed. So it is safer to enter the Feng nationality this time.

Feng's gaze directly ignores the low clouds, but falls on Gao Xiaoxiao's body. The look is a change:

"You are Gao Xiaoxiao? Are you a young cow and Fengming are not enemies? What do you mean by the fact that you are close to Fengming? Do you want to harm Fengming? And dare to enter the Feng nationality, do you want to die?"

The piano doubles and swings: "Feng Shishi sisters don't misunderstand, now Gao Xiaoxiao is my mount."

"Your mount?" Feng said in a different way: "Do you know Gao Xiaoxiao's identity?"

“Yeah!” Qin nodded. “I grabbed her and accepted her as my mount.”

“Strong!” Feng Province raised his thumb to Qinqin: “You go back to Fengdao with me, and many elders want to meet you.”

The piano nodded twice, looking at the sea below, and his face showed an incomprehensible color:

"Feng Sister, why are these sea people rebellious?"

"This is a common occurrence." Feng said nothing.

“What often happens?”

The piano is strange in the heart, the phoenix is ​​so powerful, what will often have a sea rebellion?

Feng Province said faintly: "There are countless races that live in the sea like our phoenix, but there is only one race that can be compared with our phoenix, that is, the dragon."

"Dragons?" Qin double looks a bit stunned.

“Not bad!” Feng Province said: “In the sea, all the seas are divided by our phoenix and dragons. Other seas must be subordinated to our two races. The phoenix and the dragon are the sea. male.

However, the two males do not stand.

The Feng and Long nationalities have been fighting forever. Other kinds of sea people also have rebellions for various reasons. Of course, there are also Feng and Dragon races behind. Today is a sea rebellion belonging to the Feng nationality. There will be a sea rebellion belonging to the dragon family tomorrow. ”

"It's really messy!" Qin double could not help but sigh.

The look of Fengxian became dignified: "Three years ago, a message was heard from the dragons that it was the patriarch of the dragon family, and there was a phenomenon of returning to the ancestors."

"Return to the ancestors?" Qin double surprised.

“Not bad!” Fengxian nodded: “Actually, all the ethnic groups of our Yaozu are trying to find the chance to return to their ancestors. Once they return to their ancestors, they will be able to take the last step and improve their bloodlines and become the ancestor-level demon. Even if it breaks the void in the future, it will become a strong one, not an ant.

After the news came out, there were dragons secretly pushing, and there were a large number of demon rebellions that had originally surrendered to our Feng nationality. ”

“Is the dragon patriarch really returning to the ancestors?”

In the heart of the piano, she is not a rookie who does not understand the demon world. She knows that today's demon world does not have a big demon at the ancestor level, so the whole demon world is a chaotic era. Once a certain big demon returns to the ancestors, it will become the first demon of the entire demon. Once he is integrated into the demon world and unified the demon world, the strength must be turned several times, extremely powerful. So is there a way for the Terran to live?

“Not sure!” Fengxian shook his head: “The dragon patriarch has never appeared, but the dragon has been active for the past three years. Maybe it is possible.”

There are many worries in the face of Feng Province.

Qin double thought and said: "Even if the dragon patriarch has the opportunity to return to the ancestors, it is not easy to raise the blood to the ancestor level. Right..."

Qin double suddenly looked up at Fengdao Road: "Since this legend, why do the Feng people not attack the dragons? If the dragon patriarchs are killed before the cultivation is successful, all problems will be solved."

“Where is it so easy?” Feng Province turned a white-eyed road: “Even if the dragon patriarchs did not return to their ancestors, the strength of our phoenix and dragons is not worse. They can’t help our dragons, and our phoenixes also do the same. They can't be their dragons."

Qin double listened, but also shook his head: "Does our Feng nationality watch the dragon patriarch return to the ancestors, seeing him strong? Seeing him attack the Feng nationality in the future?"

"This is a headache for the patriarch and a headache for the elders." Feng said helplessly.

"Elder's Temple?" Qin double one said: "Feng Sister, you should already be a demon holy?"

"Of course I am, and I am already the peak of the four layers of the demon. I know what you want to ask, since I am already a demon, why not an elder?"

"Also ask the teacher of Feng Province to advise!" Qin double arched.

"I am an elder, but not an elder in the elders."

"What do you mean?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"All monks who have been repaired to reach the demon sage are automatically promoted to elders in the phoenix. But they cannot enter the elders and can only become ordinary elders. The so-called ordinary elders are the resources to enjoy the elders and have certain powers. However, in deciding the major affairs of the Feng nationality, there is no right to speak. Only by repairing to reach the seventh floor of the demon, can we enter the elders' hall. At that time, not only the cultivation resources were greatly improved, but also the real right to speak."

"That... how many elders are there in the elders now?"


The piano can't help but **** a cold air. These eight are not demon, but the demon is more than seven layers. And the string moon empire?

Wu Sheng only has one enemies, and is still far away from the seventh floor of Wusheng. Qin double believes that even if it is Wu Zongdian, there are probably two or three of Wusheng’s seven floors. This strength is really too strong.

"So... ordinary elders?"

"There are more ordinary elders. There are no one hundred and eighty."

"Hey..." Qin double couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

At this time, the battle below has ended. Fengzhou released a flying boat, on the double track:

"I will take you to Fengdao."

Qin double nodded, Gao Xiaoxiao changed back to the human body, Xiaoyun put away the oxcart, followed the piano double into the flying boat. The flying boat then slammed away.

In less than an hour, a huge island appeared in the field of Qinshuang. On the island, all kinds of pavilions and pavilions were magnificent and magnificent.

The flying boat landed in front of a huge city gate on Fengdao Island. Fengzhou put away the flying boat and Qinqin fell in front of the city gate. Behind her, one of the phoenixes fell from the sky.

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