Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 785: Grab


Fengdao is very huge, like a small continent.

It is not only the Feng nationality that inhabits Fengdao, but also the side branches of the Feng nationality, ostriches, crickets, and pheasants. The strength of these races is only slightly worse than that of the Phoenix.

This shows that Fengdao's strength is strong. In the view of Qin Shuang, it is only the Feng family that can sweep across the mainland. Today, there are only two phoenix demon sects on the mainland of the warriors. There are not many other demon's demon saints in the mainland of the warriors. The vast majority are young people in the various demons. It can be seen that the demon world only regards the warrior continent as a trial place for the younger generation.

"The land of trials!"

There was a bitter bitterness in Qin’s heart, and Feng Province walked into Fengcheng with Qinqin. While walking, he said to Qin Double:

"I am going to report the situation. I will send you to Otaru. I will arrange your future trip."

"Small 梧? Feng Xiaoyan?" There is a lively girl in the mind of Qin Shuang.

"Yeah!" Feng nodded and said: "It is her. She is the purest blood of our Feng nationality, and the future is limitless. Last month has broken through to the demon floor. The ancestors are very fond of her, often Take her with her."

"Is she the strongest generation of the Feng nationality?"

“How come?” Feng said in a different way: “She is still too young. Today, the Feng nationality is stronger than her. Of course, those people are older than her.”

“And...” Feng Province said again: “There are not only Feng nationality in Fengdao, but also ostriches, pheasants, pheasants and other ethnic groups. I don’t have one hundred, but also eighty demon sacred. Does not include these races."

The heart of the piano can't help but the heart is even heavier. Compared with the Yaozu, the Terran is too weak.

However, the mainland of the warrior is ultimately human. No matter how powerful the demon, I must guard the Terran, the demon to kill the demon, the devil to kill the devil.

There was a murderous murder on the body of Qinqin, and Fengxian looked at Qinqin in a strange way:

"what are you doing?"

The piano doubles in the heart, will murderously hide, smiled and smiled:

"When I heard so many strong people, I started to fight. I let the sisters laugh."

"Okay, it's over!"

Feng Province does not care, and wants to be a strong, this mentality is normal. Feng Province walked into the main hall with Qinqin and went to the main hall. Then he saw four big demon sitting in the hall. Feng Xiaoyu saw Fengxian and hurriedly stood up. Then he saw the Qinshuang and walked quickly. Feng Xiaoyi of Fengxian Province:

"Small, Feng Ming, I brought it to you, I still have things, go first."

When the words fall, they will leave. The three big demon in the hall heard the words of Fengming, and the look was a move, and the eyes looked at the Fengming at the door. Qin double asked Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun to wait outside the door. As Feng Xiaoyu walked into the hall, Feng Xiaoyu said happily:

"Feng Ming sister, I have long been looking forward to you. Didn't you come to the demon world a year and a half ago? How come to Fengdao at this time? The patriarchs have asked several times."

"I encountered a little bit of things in the middle, and I was delayed." Qin double smiled.

Feng Xiaoying introduced to the three big demons in the hall: "Everyone, this is Fengming. I mentioned to you that Fengming’s sister is very powerful. Now he has laid a foundation in the mainland of Wushu, Fengming City. It is Feng Ming’s sister. Feng Ming’s sister, these are the young talents from the three tribes.”

Qin double and courtesy, but the three big demons are not enthusiastic, completely perfunctory. The piano doubled in the heart, and then the heart was clear. These big demons have a background behind them in Fengdao, but they are just regarded as a sprawling, without any background. It is normal for them to look down on them.

Qin double is not a real Feng nationality. Naturally, these gestures are not taken care of. The background in the Feng nationality does not matter to the Qin double.

"Small, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have already broken through the demon." Qin double smiled.

Feng Xiaoyan repeatedly waved: "Where is my Feng Ming sister?"

Qin double can not help but smile, now Feng Xiaoyu is already a demon sacred layer, aside from the real combat power, Qin double is only the mid-tenth of the Valkyrie. Already behind Feng Xiaoxiao.

"Hey..." The youth of the family is very demon: "She is still a demon god, and it is comparable to a younger sister."

Feng Xiaoying’s face was apathetic: “Even Feng Ming’s sister, even if she is a demon god, has killed the demon.”

A group of big demon shook their heads slightly: "It’s a rumor."

The face of Feng Xiaoyu was like water, just wanting to worry, but suddenly came a series of roar from the outside, and then there were countless powerful atmospheres rising from the sky.

Feng Xiaoying’s look changed: “Feng Ming sister, you stay here, and you three are hosting Feng Ming’s sister for me. Let’s see what happened?”

"Small cockroach..."

Qin double has just shouted out, and the shape of Feng Xiaoyu has disappeared into the hall. Qin double can not help but shake his head, this Feng Xiaoying is still a child's heart. If you leave, just go, but it is simply.

Qin double did not go anywhere, only waiting for Feng Xiaoyu to come back here. The other three big demons in the hall, she is not willing to take care of, then sit there and drink tea silently.

The big demon exchanged their eyes, the silence in the hall, and the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Qin Qin also hopes that the three big demons are proud, it is best not to take care of themselves. I just want to come here to recognize the ancestors, and then see if there is a chance to cultivate the space heaven, and do not want to have any entanglements with them.

At this time, the three big demons seemed to have exchanged, and the big demon of the family looked at the piano pair and said faintly:

"Feng Ming, do you occupy a city in the mainland of the warrior?"

"Not bad!" Qin double faint response.

"The territory is not small?"

"There are thousands of miles."

"You a little demon **** occupies the territory of Wanli, huh, huh... Are you coming to the phoenix to recognize the ancestors?"

Qin double has no words, just looking at each other faintly. Ignore the eyes of the piano, still proud to say:

"There is a circle in Fengdao. If you don't integrate into the circle, the end is very miserable. In this case, you will contribute 90% of the benefits of Fengming City, and we will give you 30% of each of them, leaving you 10%. You will return After the Warriors’ mainland, we must seriously manage Fengming City for us. We will help you to integrate into our circle.”

There was a bright smile on the face of Qin double: "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure." The young man looked at the piano with a gaze: "Fengming City Wanli Territory, how can you give a monk who is out of the house? A small monk who is out of the house, the blood must not be pure enough, we The blood is high blood, and the repair is to break into the demon holy, give you a component, not because you are strong enough, not because you are qualified, but also let you honestly manage Fengming City, the resources will be old Send it to us honestly.


Understand? ”

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