Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 787: motivation



The young man couldn’t help but scream, and the muscles on his face were sore. He is just a layer of demon sacred, and the body strength of the piano double has reached the fourth floor of the demon sacred, and he also despise the piano double, pinched by the piano, and the bones have cracked a few cracks.


Qin double smashed his arm and smashed the young man and slammed it on the ground. The ground plaids in the hall are flashing. These plaids are to protect the hall, so as to avoid breaking the hall once the battle takes place. However, although the ground at this time has no depression, it is also a crack.

Qinqin did not make a magical power, but pure power, a simple fall, the ground will be cracked, showing how terrible the power of the piano.


The young man spurted his nose and nose, his hands supported the ground. He just wanted to get up, but he saw the piano stepping forward and stepping on his head.


The half of the skull’s head was stepped into the ground by the piano, and the piano looked coldly at the other two big monsters:

"I am killing the demon knife in the demon world, killing the blue ox family. I am a warrior in the mainland to kill the seven sons of bamboo forest and establish Fengming City. On this way to Fengdao, it is even more and more killing the demon. No phoenix With the support of the dance, I am nothing? Do you think that I am the phoenix dancer?

Fengming City was killed by me, not who supported it. Your greed has blinded your IQ, don't you know that greed is too big, will you die? ”

The rest of the man and the woman were shocked.

" so strong?"

The two big devils glanced at each other and their body shape flashed. They wanted to escape from the main hall, but they saw the doubles of the piano and they burst out with two fists. Each of them had dozens of fire and phoenix hovering, and instantly gathered in the double fist. On, they bombarded them both.


The shape of the two big demons was bombarded onto the wall, and the wall behind them was cracked. The two big demons felt that there was still a layer of power to suppress them, so that they could both fall on the wall and could not fall. . The girl screamed sternly:

"You, you, you... don't mess, we are noble, not one..."


Qinqin is also a pair of fists, bombarded in two big demon hanging on the wall, behind the two big demon, the pattern on the wall flicker, layers collapse, the two big demon's body is fully inlaid Inside the wall. Moreover, the entangled Fenghuan turned into a fiery red thread and walked upstream of them, sealing them to the wall.

"Feng Ming!" The big demon who was still stepping on his feet by Feng Ming was desperately raising his head a little bit and shouting:

"Feng Ming, you are too arrogant, you dare to hit us, you are in a big disaster."


Under the feet of the piano, he exerted his strength and stepped his head into the ground. Then there was a boring color on her face. She was bullied by the three demon sacred layers. It was really boring, and she walked toward the main hall.

Behind her, the young man's head was lifted from the ground and looked at the back of the piano. Although the light was sinful, he dared not attack the piano.

The double hands of the piano stood on the steps outside the main hall, and looked at the magical powers from time to time.

"It seems that the dragon's attack on the Phoenix is ​​very strong!"

"Master..." The voice of Gao Xiaoxiao rang in the ear: "You just hit the Fengdao and you are not afraid of being expelled by the Fengzu. Do you want to recognize the ancestors?"

Qin double smiled and said: "I have been living outside since I was young, and I am used to it. I am used to it. I don’t recognize my ancestors and I don’t care for my ancestors. I don't care. And..."

Qin double smiled faintly: "I don't want to recognize the ancestors, but the phoenix wants me to recognize my ancestors."

Gao Xiaoxiao's look was a stagnation, and the heart of the piano double suddenly moved, suddenly glimpsed in the heart.

Why do the Feng people want to recognize their ancestors?

As the bloodline of the Feng nationality, the ancestors belonged to the sect. However, this should be initiated by oneself, not by the Feng people.

What is the Feng nationality?

It is one of the five most prestigious races in the world, including the Feng, Dragon, Xuanwu, Baihu and Qilin. These three races do not even admit that they are demon, but they regard themselves as protoss.

How proud is such a race?

How can I take the initiative to ask myself to be such a small monk who has never lived in the Feng nationality to recognize the ancestors?

Even if he asks himself, I am afraid that the Feng nationality will perfuse him. It is an opportunity for himself. He will never let go of such a low attitude and take the initiative to ask his ancestors to return to the ancestors.

At this time, Qin Qin understands why the Feng people have such a big controversy about their ancestors. It stands to reason that one of the Feng nationality who has no influence at all in the Feng nationality, who has been outside since childhood, even if he is a small ancestor, is a small thing that can’t be small, how could it cause such a big dispute?

There is only one reason.


The Feng people took the initiative to ask their ancestors to return to their ancestors. This is to lower their posture. This is something that the proud Feng people cannot accept. Even some Feng nationality accepted the reality, lowered their posture, and volunteered to recognize their ancestors. However, there must be more Feng people who are unwilling to lower this posture. The proud heart does not allow them to do so.

Then, why do some Fengzu people want to lower their posture and take the initiative to ask their own ancestors to return to their ancestors?

Is there a conspiracy here?

If so, what conspiracy would it be?

The piano doubled his brow and thought about it there, but he couldn’t understand it.

"It seems that this trip to Fengdao should be more careful."

She did not think that the Feng nationality would be because of their superior strength, but they must recognize their ancestors, but they are not sure. She believes that as the noble blood of the Feng nationality, the Protoss, and other behemoths, must be able to challenge more and more, they may just be a little higher than them.

"What is it for?"


A loud sound like a blast on the top of the piano double, the whole phoenix island seems to be shaking. Fengcheng feels that he is swinging, and Qinqin is shocked and looks up at the sky.

When I saw the sky, it seemed to crack a gap. A huge dragon claw swept down from the void, with endless power, and grabbed it toward the center of Fengdao.

Accompanied by the dragon claws, wherever it passed, the space was cracked, and a mountain named Fengshan in the center of Fengdao was actually under that claw and began to collapse.

The Fengshan Mountain is huge and towering into the sky. However, at this time, the dragon claws shrouded a hundred miles, covering the sky. Although the Fengshan Mountain collapsed, there were more layers of flickering to stop the huge and mighty dragon claws.

In the heart of the piano, she was shocked. She clearly perceives that the power of the claw is not something she can resist. I am afraid that even if one stroke can't resist it, it will turn into powder.

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