Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 788: Original wood gas


The piano doubled and sneaked into the air, but found that although she was far away from the dragon claws that were a hundred miles away, it was the power of the sky that oppressed her and only flew high, and then flew again. Instead of going up, there is a tendency to be crushed from the air by the power. That Gao Xiaoxiao just flew about seventy feet, and then it was not flying high. As for the cloud, it was already oppressed by the power and trembled on the ground.

Qin double no longer fly high, staying around a hundred feet. She flew into the air just to see it more clearly, and she never had to fight with the dragon claws. She saw the huge dragon claws covered with scales, one like a huge round mirror, with flowing sinuous patterns on it, exuding strong power.


A phoenix sounds, the strong breath rushes from under the Fengshan Mountain, and the whole space becomes hot in an instant. Qin double knows that it should be the peerless powerhouse of the Feng nationality.


An angry voice sounded, the huge phoenix mountain split from the middle, a huge phoenix scorpion rose, raised his mouth, and smashed toward the dragon claw.

The dragon's claws did not blink, and slammed straight toward the huge, sharp mouth.


The sky seemed to be torn by giant force, and the cracks in the dark space flowed down. The phoenix was photographed, and the dragon claws shrank back toward the void.


Another dragon claw swept down from the void, and slammed into the cracked open mountain. Then I saw the dragon claws grabbing a radiant palace.


The fire phoenix was another anger, rushing out of the cracked Fengshan Mountain, spreading hundreds of miles of phoenix wings, dragging endless flames and flying toward the void.

In the heart of the piano, from the breath of the fire and the phoenix, she perceives the ancestance of the ancestors of the phoenix, and the ancestors of the phoenix ancestors in the dragons.

Li Wu led the attention of Feng Yao's ancestors Feng Yao, and the curtain took the opportunity to grab the Feng people's things.


A phoenix sounded, Qin double saw the Feng nationality's long Feng Tianzheng flying from a distance, the piano double could not help but sigh. This dragon is fully prepared. First, it uses the dragon army to attack Fengdao, attracting the Fengzu patriarch, and then attracting Fengyao by Yiwu, and finally launches a fatal blow by the curtain.

Fengdao has become a mess. Today, three-fifths of the strongest people on Fengdao are fighting the dragons outside the island, and one-fifth of them are rebellious in the sea. At this time, the strongest people staying in Fengdao are less than five. One of the points. However, they came to the two masters of the Dragon family, Liwu and the curtain.

At this time, the scorpion was struggling to entangle Fengyao, but the curtain was flying rapidly outside Fengdao. Behind him, Fengtian was chasing after him.


When Qin’s eyes were bright, she saw Feng Tian’s wings and caught up with the curtain.

"Space magic!"

"Curtain, you are very courageous." Feng Tian shouted: "I dare to **** my Feng nationality treasure house."

Qin Qin was shocked. He did not think of the purpose of the dragon's careful arrangement, but it was to seize the treasure house of the Feng nationality. Her eyes fell on the palace in the dragon claw.

"That is the treasure house of the Phoenix!"


The heavens and the earth vibrate, Fengtian is attacking the curtains crazyly, but the curtain is constantly resisting the attack of Fengtian by the treasure house in his hand. The heart of Qin double is a jump.

"Not good! The curtain is to break through the ban of the treasure house by Feng Tian's attack. However, once the treasure house is banned, the treasure house must be smashed under the attack of two masters, and the treasure inside will fall down. Isn't the purpose of the dragons to ruin the treasure house instead of robbing the treasure house?"


A blast broke out, and the treasure house was finally broken into pieces, and countless treasures were scattered from the air. The curtain flashed and suddenly clawed toward a bottle.

"What is that?" Qin doubled his brow and fixed his eyes on the tumbling bottle.

Feng Tian also saw the purpose of the curtain. A huge wing stretched for a hundred miles, like a giant knife, cutting the past toward the dragon claws of the curtain.

The space was sharply cut into a straight line, the phoenix wings collided with the dragon claws, and a few drops of dragon blood were sprinkled in the sky. The phoenix wings and the dragon claws collided, and a huge power burst broke out, spreading rapidly around the perimeter, like a waning of a thousand moon knives.


The strong slamming bombardment on the jade bottle, the ban on the jade bottle collapsed instantly, and the jade bottle shattered. A touch of green is revealed in the crushed jade bottle.

"The source of wood gas!"

The strings of the piano suddenly slammed and the heart beat violently.

The greenery made a small tree and went to the distance to travel. Li Wu and the curtains of Feng Yao and Feng Tian chased the direction in which the small tree disappeared.

"The dragon wants to get the original wood gas!" Qin double squinted and thought: "The Qinglong family is a wood, is the dragon ancestor really returning to the ancestors? Just the degree of returning to the ancestors is not enough, I want to use the original wood gas to improve What is the chance of returning to the ancestors?"


Feng Tian screamed angrily, but did not pursue it. Instead, he explored a chicken claw and grabbed it toward the ground. The various treasures falling from the treasure chest gathered under the phoenix claws, just like gathering together. The Galaxy, then Fengtian flew to Fengshan with those treasures, and the ancestor Fengyao also flew back to Fengshan.

Whether it is Fengyao or Fengtian, at this time, they dare not chase after the ruling and the curtain. Because they have already eaten a plan to adjust the tiger to the mountain, if this is still the dragon's adjustment of the tiger from the mountain, Feng Yao and Feng Tian were taken away, and then a group of dragons, the Feng people are in danger of being destroyed.

Qinqin slowly fell to the ground, shook his head, whispered: "This loss is too big for the Feng people."

This is not only the casualties of the Feng dynasty monks, but also the loss of reputation. She knows that the Feng family will not be able to do this, and there is probably a family war between the two communities.

His eyes turned and he waved at a man in Feng Xiaofu's house. The next man hurried over and his face was panicked.

"Take me to rest!"


The next man brought the piano into an independent courtyard and hurried away. Qin double let Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun go to pick the room. She enters a room at will, closes the door, and then starts to set up a ban and array in the room. After about a quarter of an hour, it was laid out, and it entered the town demon tower.

As soon as he entered the town demon tower, Qin double came to the golden pillar of the west. He turned his hand and took the bottle of gold from his hand. He looked at the golden pillar and hesitated for a moment. Still open the jade bottle.

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