Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 789: Sea gold beam




The plaid on the golden pillar suddenly swelled and flowed, giving birth to a huge suction, but instantly sucked the original gold gas in the jade bottle into the pillar. The streak on the golden pillar floated out of the pillar and circled around the pillar. The whole pillar was golden and magnificent.


In the heart of the piano, he was sitting on the opposite side of the golden pillar and looking at the flow of the golden pillars.

"This is... the law of origin..."

The previous Qin double did not touch the law, and did not know what the law was. However, since she has learned the rules of space in an empty space, the law is no longer strange. At this time she realized the mystery of the law from this pillar.

"This is the law of metality..."

Qin double was soon immersed in the epiphany of the metal law.

Empty and secret.

After the full moon, the crystal world, a **** figure slowly appeared on the path between the crystals of the crystal, and finally stopped in front of the transmission array, the line of words followed, looked down.

Godsend, find the king in March, lost space. When I go to the Feng nationality to comprehend the space heaven, I will come again to find you. Seeing people, seeing dead bodies.

The piano doubles the word.

"Ha ha……"

The man smiled and whispered in a low voice: "God, have you seen it? Qin double left you a word, she has to come in."

Hehe... Space whirlwind hit you, let me regain control of the body, do you say that I still go to Qinqin as you?

what do you think?

The result must be very interesting!

Oh, I forgot, you are already falling asleep, can't hear me. Ha ha……"

Tian Rui took out the giant crocodile sword and left a line on the crystal ground:

Double children, I am not dead, I am leaving, I have a chance to get together.

Godsend words!

On the face of Tianrui, he showed a satisfied smile. After a light span, he boarded the transmission array, sprinkled the Lingshi, and transmitted a ray of light. The shape of the heavenly rebellion disappeared into the transmission array.

Inside the town demon tower.

The hovering plaque fell back on the golden pillar, and the brilliance was hidden in the pillar. The piano double is still motionless, but also hangs his eyes.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

The piano opened his eyes and shot two golden ergonomics in his eyes. Her face smirked. When the mind was moved, a golden ocean appeared in front of her, and there was a golden bridge on the ocean. This is a kind of magical power she has learned from the golden pillars.

Sea gold beam.

The piano doubled up the magical powers and looked at the golden pillars. There was disappointment in the eyes. The bottle of gold was just one thousandth of the golden pillars. The column is still a crack.

"If you use this bottle of gold to cultivate, maybe my Ruijin method can break through the peak of the gods."

Qin double whispered a word, then shook his head, her heart did not regret. Not to mention that the golden pillars have been repaired by one ten thousandth, which is not able to be repaired. It is only a comprehension of the sea-goeled golden bridge, and the piano is very satisfied.

Qin double left the town demon tower, the time outside has not passed the day. Qin double knows that such a big thing happened in Fengdao. I am afraid that it will be postponed. At the moment, I didn't take it easy. I opened the door and went out to ask. Feng Xiaolu didn't come back. He left Feng Xiaoyu's Dongfu and strolled around Fengcheng. This is the first time she has come to Fengdao, always want to experience the exotic.

Looking at Fengshan, I saw that the original phoenix body had been closed. At this time, there were countless fire phoenixes hovering around Fengshan, while flying and circling, while spitting out a pattern of streaks from the mouth, branded on the top of Fengshan.

"This is repairing Fengshan!"

After listening to the piano for a while, he continued to hang out. After three consecutive days, I have not seen Feng Xiaoyu come back for three days. It was the fourth morning. Qin double is preparing to go out for a walk. In the past three days, she didn't have a white stroll. This Feng nationality is really a wealthy place. She bought a lot of precious herbs and refining materials here. I want to go out and see if I can buy some good things today.

"Feng Ming sister!"

Feng Xiaoyan walked in from the door and walked opposite to Qin.

"Oh, you are fine, great!"

Feng Xiaoying looked stunned, and then smiled on his face: "Feng Ming sister, let me go. The patriarch and the elders of the Presbyterian Church want to see you."

"it is good!"

Qin nodded, although the heart was stunned, but did not inquire about anything from Feng Xiaoying, and Feng Xiaoyan left the Dongfu side by side, under the leadership of Feng Xiaoyu, came to Fengshan.

Fengshan has now completely restored its original appearance!

Huge, solemn, and magnificent.

Qinshuang followed Feng Xiaoying along the steps to the uphill of Fengshan. When he reached the middle of the mountain, he saw a fiery red palace. The palace was full of variegated patterns, and it was like a colorful phoenix flying. On both sides of the palace gate, there are eight monk handles, each of which has a strong atmosphere.

These eight monks turned out to be the masters of the demon emperor. The demon emperor peaks the door?

This makes Qin double have to admire the power of the Phoenix.

Feng Xiaoying whispered: "Feng Ming sister, you are waiting here."

The piano nodded twice and stood shoulder-by-hand. Feng Xiaoyan walked quickly toward the entrance of the main hall, pushed open the door and went in, and closed the door with the backhand. Isolated inside and outside the hall.


At the moment when the gate was closed, the eyes of the eight monks were instantly gathered on the body of the piano. Some eyes are dull, some are curious, some are good-minded, some are contemptuous, some are malicious...

However, no matter what their eyes are, no one moves, and there is no opening. It can be seen that the rules of the Feng people are strict. This makes the piano double heart more stunned. Since the Feng nationality is such a well-regulated place, why would you take the initiative to ask her to come back and recognize the ancestors?

Soon, the door opened again, Feng Xiaoyan stood in the door, waving to the piano double:

"Feng Ming sister."

Feng Ming stepped forward, Feng Xiaoyan let open the body, the piano stepped into the door in one step, behind her, Feng Xiaoyu closed the door. When Qin’s eyes swept through the house, he saw nine monks sitting in the house. Each monk’s body exudes a strong breath. Although the breath is not deliberately released, it is like a sea tide in the hall. The piano has great pressure.

The nine monks and singers only know one, that is, the Feng nationality patriarch Feng Tian, ​​who sits in the middle of the upper head, sits on the two sides of her next head with four big monks. At this time their eyes are gathered in the doubles. Body.

Even in the late soul of the Qin Shuangwu Shengshi, the forehead also oozes a drop of cold sweat. Nine people in this hall, at least four demon sacred nine layers, took a deep breath, pressed the blood of the body under the armpits, and handed the ritual:

"The younger generation Fengming, meet the patriarch and elders."


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