Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 790: Test blood



"do not worry!"

Feng Tian smiled, then moved the handcuffs and gently patted the roof of the main hall. The piano looked up and saw the top of the main hall is a picture of the nine palaces. After the handcuffs of Fengtian, the Zhonggong of the Jiugong figure hangs down. A beam of light falls in front of the piano. The sound of Fengtian sounded in my ear:

"Feng Ming, take out a drop of blood in your body and put it in the light column."

Qin Qin suddenly stunned, understand why the Phoenix people volunteered to ask her to return to the ancestors. Feng Tian saw the Qin double-step challenge, and his strength was strong, and he doubted the purity of Qin Double. In the Yaozu, the purer the blood, the stronger the combat power, and the Qinshuang can kill the demon saint in the realm of the demon god. There is only one reason, that is because the blood of the piano is pure. If Qinqin is just an ordinary Feng nationality, the Feng family will never take the initiative to let her recognize the ancestors.

I think that Feng Xiaoying, why did you get the favor of the Fengzu ancestors?

Still not because her blood is pure?

Just don't know the extent to which Feng Xiaoyan's blood is pure?

Qin double is very clear at this time. If the blood that she reveals is not pure enough, the Feng nationality will invite her, and she will not let her recognize her ancestors, but she will never take her again. She was offended before. He and other ethnic groups may decide to slay her and win her Fengming City on the mainland of the warriors.


Qinqin is the purest human bloodline. Once it is detected, she will not be able to walk out of this hall. She will immediately be caught by the Feng people and study why she has a phoenix atmosphere. And it is also able to overcome the challenges, it is not as good as death.

She is able to use the blood of Fengming, which is made from the bones of the ancestors and the blood of the ancestors, and is the purest blood of the Feng nationality.


If you use the blood of Fengming once, you will be considered to return to your ancestors. Will it cause bad results?

"What are you still hesitating?" At this time, a man sitting on the left side of Fengtian looked coldly at Qinqin: "Do you know that your blood is complicated? Unbearable?"

The Fengtian and the elders' faces in the hall are all slightly changed. Looking at Qinshuang’s eyes, there is a fiery enthusiasm and a trace of greed.

If the Fengming in front of me is really bloody, then where does the strength of her challenge?

This secret is too important!

If I get this secret, will my strength be the first in the Phoenix?

With such a thought, all of them are hot.

In the heart of Qin double, how can she react?

So I can't take care of anything else, and I use Fengming's blood to say it. Then I communicated Fengming Road in the town demon tower:

"Feng Ming, give me a drop of blood."

Feng Ming immediately took out a drop of blood, opened the town demon Tata door, and bounced into the body of the piano. The piano double wrapped the blood with the spirit, quickly moved to the right index finger, forced out the fingertips, and bombed Into the light column.

The eyes of Feng Tian and the eight elders gathered on the drop of blood in the light column, and they saw that the light column wrapped in the blood of the nine palaces flying to the top of the main hall, with the drop of blood invisible After the Zhonggong of the Nine Palaces, the light column disappeared.


The dry palace in the Jiugong figure suddenly ignited, and the look of Fengtian and the Eight Elders did not change at all. This just indicates that Qinqin is the next product. Then the palace was also lit up, indicating that the blood of the piano has reached the bottom. There is still nothing to look forward to. This kind of blood is rare on Fengdao. The Fengzi disciples who have this kind of blood are rubbish, which is the humiliation of the Feng people.

When the palace was lighted up, the blood of the representative of the piano double reached the middle of the product. This blood is only common in the Feng nationality. Then the earthquake palace also lit up, representing the blood of the piano double reached the Chinese product. This blood purity is considered an elite disciple in today's Feng nationality. However, this blood is not enough to make Qinshuang have such a strong challenge.

When the palace was lighted up, there were already three old nods in the hall. This level has reached the upper bloodline. This bloodline has become the core disciple of the Feng nationality and received key training. And this blood purity has been able to make the Feng monks more challenging.

When the palace was lit up, even the other five elders had a serious look. This level is already the blood of the top grade. Among the entire Feng nationality, there are no more than fifty Feng monks with this blood. These fifty can be regarded as disciples, including elders. At this time, the faces of Feng Tian and the eight elders showed their expectation.


Kun Palace suddenly slammed up, and the eight elders could not open their mouths.

The best blood!

Nowadays, there are only three elite bloodlines in the entire Feng family. One is the ancestor of the Feng nationality, the other is the patriarch of the Feng nationality, and the other is Feng Xiaoying. Otherwise, how can Feng Xiaoyu get the favor of the Fengzu ancestors?

Feng Tian's gaze stared at the palace on the Jiugong map, and his eyes were full of intense expectations.


The palace is lit up.


"The best!"

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders stood up and looked at the Qinshuang in shock. The Feng Xiaoying who stood at the gate was holding his mouth and his shocked eyes.

The best blood...

This is the blood that the Feng nationality has never seen before. The blood of the Qin double can be described as the first demon of the Feng nationality.

The five original high-profile, can not afford to see the Qinshuang, a wild and scattered in the field, and now also attach great importance to the piano. If this was before, they might have a hint of guilt in their hearts, but now there is absolutely no.


I think the dragons are putting too much pressure on them.

The ancestors of the Dragons are said to have returned to their ancestors.

This shows that the dragon's ancestors' blood purity is at least upgraded to the best. The reason why the source of the Feng nationality's collection is desperately is to further improve the purity of the blood, to surpass the best, and to reach the ancestor's blood.

Now the purity of the blood of the piano double reaches the best. If the Feng family finds the source of the fire, the Qin double has a great possibility to raise the blood to the ancestor level.

Why is Feng Xiaoyu so valued because she is the only three blood products of the entire Feng family. Even if Feng Xiaoyu can not improve the purity of blood in the future, it is also the heir to the natural Fengzu patriarch. Nowadays, there is a pair of pianos, which is actually the best blood, which can not help but make the Fengzu patriarch and the eight elders think. Since this world can find the source of wood gas, why can't it find the source of fire?

Once you find the source of the fire, the blood of the Qin double is raised to the ancestor level, even if the blood of the dragon ancestor is raised to the ancestor level, then what?

"Feng Ming you..." Feng Tian's excited voice has been a little trembling.


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