Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Ancestor blood




At this time, the entire hall was screaming. Feng Tian and the Eight Elders, Horan looked up and looked at the top of the main hall. The eyes were unbelievable.

Then I saw the Zhonggong in the center of the Nine Palaces at the top of the main hall suddenly lit up.

"Begin... ancestors... level..."

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders were completely sluggish, and then they were ecstatic, and the muscles on their faces were distorted because of the impact. Every one of them is shaking, even if it is the cultivation of the demon, it can't control its own state of mind at this time.

The ancestors of the dragons also need the roots of wood to promote the blood, but the Feng family directly appeared a bloodline of the ancestor. This is simply that Heaven is blessing the Phoenix.

"Ha ha ha..."

Feng Tian laughed wildly, and the eight elders laughed, smiled and tears flowed down.

The pressure the dragons gave them was too great.

Fengshan, which was previously attacked by the dragons and separated from the mountains, has already damaged the reputation of the Feng people. Once the dragons have acquired the original wood, the dragon ancestors are likely to return to their ancestors. At that time, did the Feng nationality still have a foothold at sea?


Now there is Feng Ming!

The Fengming of the blood of the first ancestor, all the crisis was solved.

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders are like a group of wolves watching the little sheep in general, staring at the piano double, let the piano double heart in a cold.

"The patriarch..."

“Feng Ming!” Feng Tian interrupted Feng Ming’s words and took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down: “Do you know what blood purity is your own?”

Qin double shook his head, and Feng Tian took a deep breath again: "You are the blood of the first ancestor."

The words fell, and said: "I immediately informed my ancestors."

Feng Tian backhand, there is a more plume in his hand, a gods branded into it, and then a hand, the root feather feathers shuttle space. Just less than three times, the space in the hall was rippling, and Feng Yao’s figure appeared in the hall. Look up and look at the Jiugong figure at the top of the main hall.

At this time, the light on the Jiugong map is gradually dissipating, but Fengyao still can see that the Zhonggong of the Jiugong map is still on. Feng Yao’s body could not help but tremble, and Huoran turned to look at the piano pair.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Fengyao made three sounds and his eyes were full of excitement. Then I looked at the monsters in the hall:

"Who is still commenting on Feng Ming’s confession of his ancestors?"

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders hurriedly said: "No!"

Feng Yao nodded and his face became dignified: "Feng Ming is the ancestor's blood, not allowed to pass out, otherwise it will kill."

The demon are all in a hurry, they instantly think of the dragon. If Fengming is the blood of the ancestor-level blood, the dragons will definitely try to kill Fengming before Fengming has not yet grown. It will definitely not let Fengming grow up and become a threat to the dragons.

"Yes!" Feng Tian and the eight elders answered in unison.

"Feng Ming!"

"Old ancestors!" Qin double hurriedly salute.

Fengyao looks at Fengming more and more, and the more he likes it. Looking at Feng Mingdao: "From now on, you will not want to be a warrior in the mainland, just follow me."

The piano is a glimpse of the heart, she naturally will not be with Feng Yao, she has a lot of things to do.

not to mention……

She is not a Feng nationality at all, and it is OK to stay with Feng Yao for a while. If she stays at Feng Yao’s side, it’s hard to keep her feet. Therefore, she immediately prayed:

"Old ancestor, Feng Ming does not want to stay in Fengdao."

“Well?” Feng Yao’s eyes glimpsed slightly, and then seemed to think of something, condensed: “But have you been bullying you in Fengdao these days?”

"Oh!" The piano slammed a bit, then shook his head: "There is no such thing as bullying my monk. There are three big devils who want to bully me, but I have a meal."


Feng Yao's face showed a hint of a smile, for just this monk Fengming dare to beat Phoenix on the island, she was not a bit surprised. She saw Feng Ming in the arrogance of Wan Yaocheng, and saw Fengming all the way to kill the wild nature of the demon world.

"Who is that big courage?"

"I am not familiar with them." Qin doubled his head.

"The ancestors are the tribes of 鹓鶵, 鵔鸃, 鹔鹴..." Feng Xiaoyu, who stood at the door, said the situation he had learned before.

The anger on Feng Yao’s face flashed. The dragon was attacked by Feng Long. The heart was pressed with an anger and there was no place to vent. Now that I heard this, I just found a vent and looked at Feng Tiandao:

"You will handle this matter."

"Yes!" Feng Tian hurriedly responded.

"Feng patriarch!" And at this time, a voice sounded outside the hall: "The elders of the three tribes of the 鹓鶵, 鵔鸃, and 求 seek the patriarch."

Before the opening of Fengtian, the face of the ancestors Fengyao appeared angry, and the elders of the three tribes of the 鹓鶵, 鵔鸃, and 鹔鹴 were standing outside the door, and they saw the door open, and the three elders When I looked at it, I just wanted to walk, and I saw a big hand flying inside the door.


The big hand took the elders of the three clan, 鵔鸃, and 鹔鹴 and flew out, fell into the square, spewed a breath of blood in the mouth, and looked at the direction of the hall in amazement, but saw that the door had been blasted. Closing, inside, Feng Yao suppressed the majestic voice of anger:

"The Feng nationality disciples who came back to recognize the ancestors of the ancestors also dared to insult, and went back to discipline the disciples."

The elders of the three tribes of the 鹓鶵, 鵔鸃, and 鹔鹴 have changed their faces. The three of them are because the disciples of the tribe are beaten by Feng Ming, and they are fair to the Feng people. When they want to come, just a disciple who is acquainted with the ancestors, Fengtian will give them a face and give them Fengming. They Yuan chick, Junyi, Sushuang prize is not as good as phoenix clan, phoenix clan can beat some of the monks are disciples of their family, such as small Wu Feng. However, not everyone can bully. However, I did not think that the ancestors of the Feng nationality appeared here, and they protected Fengming.


The elders of the three elders, shackles, and elders looked blank. Although they were unwilling, they were not willing to stay here again. They climbed up from the ground and hurried away. To stay away from the hall, the elders couldn’t help but resent:


Elder sighed a sigh: "Fengshan has just suffered from the attack of the dragons, and the treasure house has been broken. The ancestors of the phoenix are in anger, and it is not the time for us to come."

The elders look stunned: "You mean, the ancestors did not value Fengming and protect her, but used us as an object of venting anger?"

In the eyes of the elders, there was a humiliation and nodded: "It should be."

鹔鹴 鹔鹴 语 语 冰 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

The elders looked cold and cold: "The ancestors of the Feng nationality just used this to vent their anger. After waiting for a while, they will forget Fengming. A small disciple who has fallen outside, dare to hit us without the slightest footsteps. Outstanding disciples in the family will not be so."


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