Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 793: ceremony



"Well!" Feng Xiaozhen took it for granted: "The ruler is short, and the inch is long. Even the elders of the Presbyterian Church are much higher than the disciples who participate in the adult ceremony, but each monk is for Heaven. The understanding is different. Even the same method of cultivation, perhaps those who participate in the rite of rites have a shallow understanding of the Tao, but it is also possible that his comprehension angle is different from those of the elders and inspired the elders."

Qin Qin double heart can not help but one, praised the Feng nationality this adult ceremony. I wondered if I was making such an adult rite in the Yueyue Empire.

It is only the Feng nationality who participated in this rite of rites because there is a heritage that is not inherited. Shake his head and put it down temporarily.

Returning to Feng Xiaoying’s Dongfu, Qinshuang shut himself in the room and reorganized his understanding of the nine-color light.

Not bad!

She is going to speak nine colors of light.

She came to the Fengzu nationality in order to obtain space inheritance, and the nine-color light of the Feng nationality is a space attribute, and it is a very advanced space attribute. She believes that as long as she tells the nine-color light, she will be chosen by the ancestral hall to enter the space of inheritance, and it will be a deep hierarchical space.

She did not think about reservations. The nine-color light was originally from Fengzu, and it also used the bones and blood of Fengzu to gather her own distraction. Returning the nine-color light is also to make yourself feel good. As for the number of Feng nationality monks who can listen to the Tao, it is not a matter of Fengming.

Three days passed quickly. At this time, Feng Ming has stood in front of the gate of the ancestral hall. The ancestral temple is located in another mountain behind Fengshan, called Zushan. The ancestral temple is located at the top of the ancestral mountain.

At this time, from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain were filled with monks, dense. In front of the foothills of the ancestral temple, Qin Shuang and three Fengzi disciples stand side by side. Qin double is to recognize the ancestors, and the three disciples are coming to participate in the rites.

Qin is looking at the ancestral hall in two directions. The ancestral temple is not big. Compared with the Fengzong House of the Great Hall, which was entered three days ago, it can be said that it is very small, that is, a very ordinary house. Only Qin double can feel a sense of simplicity and vicissitudes. At this time, the gates of the ancestral hall were closed, and the patriarchs of the Feng nationality stood in front of the gates of the ancestral hall, whispering in a low voice, and at the same time they played a handcuff in their hands.

The gates of the ancestral hall suddenly glared, radiant, and the runes circled.

The door gradually opened.

Feng Tian turned and looked at the four disciples. Qin double stepped back and made a courtesy. Anyway, it is possible to go in the morning and evening, and Qinqin first saw such a thing, and there is a lot of uncertainty in his heart. I want to see what happens when other people enter the ancestral hall. Feng Tian saw the piano double courtesy, but did not say anything, nodded to the first disciple on the left side, the disciple looked solemnly to Feng Tian Shen, and then walked toward the gate of the ancestral hall.

Qin double through the gate, saw a jade futon in the center of the ancestral hall. The phoenix boy entered the ancestral temple, and he sat solemnly on the jade futon. Then I saw the roof of the ancestral hall separating from all sides. The jade pegs were raised by the phoenix juvenile, rising from the separated roof to the roof, and floating in the air. The boy began to preach.

Qin double also sat in front of the ancestral temple, listening to the ear. This young man is comprehending the power of power. Qinqin is also a smelter, and he has his own understanding of the power. Listening carefully, there is no appreciative appreciation in the eyes of Qin double. Although this young man is not as good at understanding the power, she also has a place where the piano has not realized it.

Space, fire attributes and power are the three avenues of the Phoenix.

There must be a rich heritage in these three avenues. These phoenix disciples must be immersed in their childhood and find out what they are good at and learn systematically. And there are guidance from the elders. In this respect, Qin double is a wild path, no systematic inheritance, no clever elder guidance, only one person alone to explore. Therefore, Qin double is really a lot worse in terms of the details. Naturally, the young man said that he had a complementary effect on the comprehension of Qin Double.

With the understanding of Qin double, as long as someone gives a hint, it can be derived a lot. At this moment, she found that although she possessed the body and strength of the four layers of Wu Sheng, the use of power was like an idiot. When I was immersed in the sermon of the boy.

The boy spoke for a whole day, although he did not lead the rhyme, but also gave the piano a great inspiration. When the boy closed his mouth, he saw that the jade fell slowly back into the ancestral hall. Qin double stared at the boy and saw the boy being shrouded in a ray of light, and disappeared into the ancestral temple.

Outside the ancestral hall, there was a low voice.

“Fenghua is good, and the foundation of the power is very solid.”

"Well, I got a hint of inspiration from his sermons. Today is nothing."


At this time, Feng Tian let the second disciple enter the ancestral hall, the path of the fire attribute that this disciple told. Qin double has the deepest insight into the nature of fire. The disciples of this disciple did not inspire the Qin double, and then disappeared with a light. The third disciple still tells the story of the nature of the fire, and does not give any inspiration to the piano. Even so, the younger grades can have such insights into the fire attributes, and let the piano double praise the roots of the Phoenix.

This time it is the turn of the piano.

When Qin double stood up, it attracted a lot of attention. In fact, this is just the feeling of Qin double, the first three stand up, as well. Just looking at the eyes of Qin double has a lot of different, Qin double to Fengdao time is short, but it is also known as fame. There are a small number of monks who know the name of Feng Ming.

On the one hand, because Qinqin is coming back to recognize the ancestors, on the other hand, because Qinqinyi went to Fengdao, he violently smashed three demon saints. This can not help but pay attention to the demon.

"Look at her breath should not be able to go to the demon holy?"

"Well, it should be the peak of the demon god."

"Just the peak of the demon god, you will be able to defeat the three demon sacred layers. This Fengming is very powerful!"

"What's so powerful? A scattered repair that has never been systematically cultivated, and there is no guidance from the elders. I guess the three demon saints are too contemptuous of Fengming, making Fengming earn cheaper."

"Yes, it should be."

"It is estimated that listening to her preaching today will not be the slightest gain. She has a loose practice, never studied systematically, nor has her elders pointed out. The foundation must be very shallow, but relying on brute force, squatting, swearing, The tribe of the tribes despised her with her, and she won the victory. I guess she should tell the power."


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