Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 794: inherited



"Yes! I think it is. After all, she relies on brute force to sway the demon world. She should have some insight into the power. However, I can't comprehend where I can go. If I can't leave, I will leave now, sit here. Listening to her is completely a waste of time."

At this point, Qin double has entered the ancestral hall and sat on the jade futon. Then he was lifted up by the jade futon, crossed the roof, and came over the ridge, hanging in the air. Her gaze swept below, filled with monks in a densely packed manner. Before the ancestral hall, Feng Tian and the eight elders sat cross-legged, and the eyes of Qin Shuang were full of encouragement.

Qinqin has been sorting out the Tao of the nine-color light for two days. He just began to talk about the nine-color light path.

When the public demon heard the sound of the nine pairs of light, the look was a glimpse, and then they all looked solemn and listened carefully.

The piano double talks, while demonstrating, starting from the one-color light, illuminating the light from time to time behind the piano double, the ray in the light flows, the piano double starts from the basics, slowly rises, even if it is just beginning The color of the light has different changes, so that all the monks are fascinated, even the Fengtian and the Eight Elders are no exception.

The time of the day passed quickly, and Qin Double had already talked about the seven colors of light. Most of the monks who were not trained as demon gods were completely immersed in comprehension, but the monks above the demon gods remained awake. Their cultivation was too high, and they really felt that the piano was exquisite, but not enough to lead. They entered the epiphany.

However, even so, it is full of shock to those demon gods and demon hearts. A young demon sat on the knees and looked at the piano double on the jade futon. His eyes were full of appreciation. A demon **** sitting next to him voiced him into the secret passage:

"Feng Yuan, she is a scattered repair, she can realize the nine-color light to such a realm, not simple!"

Feng Yuan nodded slightly and passed the voice into the secret road: "Without the support of our phoenix, there is no systematic cultivation. I really don't know how she survived in the demon world, and she can cultivate to such a realm."

The demon **** also sighed: "A monk wants to grow up, talent, qualification, savvy, luck, inheritance, guidance of the elders, etc., is indispensable, this Fengming can be in the absence of inheritance and elders pointing, After practicing to such a realm, and comprehending the nine-color light to the seven-color light, I am afraid that she has exhausted her understanding and luck. If she wants to go further, it will be difficult for her."

"Yeah!" Feng Yuandao: "She should be overdraft and sorrowful. This is the sorrow of the distraction. Fortunately, she now recognizes the ancestors and returned to the sect. It took hundreds of years to make up for the rest, and perhaps save."

"Feng Yuan, do you want to have her for a while?"

"Have her?"

"Yeah! You are in our Feng nationality youth generation, the strength is second only to Feng Guang, I heard that Feng Ming is known as the first demon **** list, it is only the true master of our Feng nationality is not born."

Feng Yuan turned a white-eyed road: "You all say that it is a demon **** list. I am a demon saint and a demon **** than what? It is you, the demon **** ten layers of peaks, with your strength, but no birth, if you are born, The first demon **** list must be you, you might as well go and talk to that Feng Ming."

The demon **** raised his eyebrows and his eyes showed war.


At this time, the space suddenly swayed, and a trace of rhyme appeared from the space, such as Qi Feifei. At this time, even the monks sitting at the foot of the mountain are shaking their hearts. Originally, they all had to work with spiritual power, gathering their ears, and being able to listen to the sermons of the doubles on the Qingfeng. However, nowadays, it is not necessary to run the spiritual power. The sound of the double piano is in the rhythm of the rhyme, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu usually thinks in their ears.

Those demon sacred gods vibrate in the heart, shocked to look at the piano double in the air.

I started to explain the eight-color light!

Can actually lead to the rhyme circulation!

Among the entire Feng nationality, the deepest understanding of the nine-color light is just eight-color light, and has not yet realized the peak. At this time, those demon saints and demon gods are also in the rhyme circulation, completely immersed in the epiphany.

When Qinqin began to explain the nine-color light, and the nine-color light was shining behind him, the sound of the boulevard was rumbling, and the sound of the silk was like flying, and the whole Zushan was enveloped in the rhyme.

Three days later.

Qin double closed his mouth, and the air was scattered in the air. The shape of the piano double fell back into the ancestral hall. I felt a ray of light covering her, and the shape of the piano double disappeared into the ancestral hall. The Feng dynasty monks in the mountains are still in the epiphany.

After one day.

The monks from the top and bottom of the ancestors woke up one after another. The first time they woke up, they looked at the sky above the ancestral hall. When they saw that the ancestral hall had disappeared, the figure of the double pair had disappeared. Epiphany, can not help but be shocked:

"Feng Ming's high understanding, even realized the nine-color light, and now the entire Feng nationality did not have the monk to realize the nine-color light, but this Fengming did.

I am not as good as her! ”

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders looked at each other and everyone was surprised by the eyes.

"I really don't want to be the blood of the first ancestor. I am afraid that only the ancestor-level blood can understand the nine-color light? Is it so high-savvy?"

At this time, Qin double has stood in one side of the space. The space on this side is very quiet, about a few kilometers or so. The eyes of Qin double are sweeping around. This space is a circular hall, but there is no exit. The piano double heart can not help but be confused.

"How can this go out?"

Slightly wrinkled his brow, and then relieved: "There must be a passage out. What is here? Here is the inheritance of the Feng nationality. How can the Feng disciples be kept here and die?"

You don't have to think about it, Qin Double knows that you must be here to understand and inherit before you can go out. Otherwise, it will be kept here.

Qin double’s worry is gone, but her heart is eager to get up. She still wants to go to the empty space to find the godsend as soon as possible. How can I stay here for too long?

The aura here is very rich, and it is the cultivation of the Qinshuang. As long as there is a strong aura, I will not be starved to death. just……

“Space inheritance?”

“Where is the space heritage?”

The eyes of Qin double are mastered everywhere, and there is no place to find the inheritance. There is nothing left in the air. There is nothing inherited.


The eyes of the piano double condensed and looked at the center of the circular space. There was nothing there, but the piano double always felt that there was something different. It was exactly the same as the surrounding space, but it always gave the piano a very virtual feel.


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