Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 795: Live and die

Qin double immediately spread the knowledge. She did not focus on the local point that she thought was very imaginary, but filled the whole circle with the knowledge of the gods. Very relaxed. When her gods were just filled with a space of a square kilometer, the heart was a jump.

She immediately discovered that in other spaces, her knowledge did not change at all, but in the virtual space of that side, her **** disappeared, as if it had been swallowed up.

Do not!

Not to swallow!

If it is swallowed up, her knowledge of the sea must have a feeling and it will hurt. However, at this time, her knowledge of the sea did not feel the slightest injury, but she felt that she had swallowed up her own knowledge and lost that part of the connection.

When the piano is double-minded, the gods will retreat like a tide. The eyes of Qin double are bright, and she finds that those who have lost contact are back.

Qin double can't understand the reason, but it is the place where the central government is very imaginary. Immediately no longer hesitate, he strode to the space of that side. Finally entered the space of that side.

As soon as he enters the space, the piano has a feeling. If the whole circular hall is used as a space, the place where she is now is like being dug. If the space in this hall is likened to a big ice, it is here that a piece of ice has been dug.

“How is this possible?” Qin’s heart was amazed: “Can space be dug up?”

At this time, the piano double felt that the space that this side was dug was back, and it became the same as the surrounding space. The piano doubles in the heart, knowing that this should be passed down. I hurriedly sat down and began to wait for the inheritance. When she wants to come, she should have what kind of inheritance message is poured into her consciousness, or the void reveals the inheritance.



None of these!

When the piano is strange, it feels that the space is fluctuating, and it feels hot and difficult. Only for a moment, Qinqin felt that he was burned by the hot flame, and there was no ash. It was completely burned together with the surrounding side of the void, and this emptiness was burned by a hot flame.

Qin Qin was shocked and hurriedly looked down at his body, but saw that his body did not disappear. The feeling of being burned was only felt from his own soul.

However, the feeling is very real, so that the piano has a pain to collapse, the feeling of being burned and dying. Her face was pale and her mouth even oozing a trace of blood.

Then, the space was filled back again, and then it was burned out by a living, so repeated, let the piano repeatedly experience the suffering of this death.

"This is a magical fusion of fire and space."

Qin Qin has realized that this is the great supernatural power of the Feng nationality. It is probably the original Feng Zu, the inheritance of the ancestor-level great supernatural powers.

Although Qin double is perceiving himself, he dies constantly, and he is dug up with space, and his body is dead. The pain experienced is an unbearable torture.

No matter who it is, no matter how high it is, this kind of death will live again, and if you die, you will let anyone collapse. Although this death is only an illusion, not a real death, but Qin double feels the crisis.

This kind of constant death, constant living, and constant death, is not something that ordinary people can afford. Even if it is an illusion, it will cause a heart-breaking collapse. Once the mind collapses, it is the real death.

The problem with Qinqin today is that it is to understand this magical power before the collapse of the mind, or to collapse the mind and completely degenerate.

Although constantly suffering from the pain of death, Qin double has to admire this way of inheritance. This is definitely a kind of great supernatural power, which makes the Qin double has been rushing forward, the more difficult the challenge, the calm and impetuous heart has calmed down, compared with this great supernatural, she is too far apart, too far.

The piano double served a December fruit, with great perseverance, and the great heart endured the pain of death and living, and began to understand this magical power.

Time passed by, and gradually she was dead and alive, and her heart gradually came to the brink of collapse. In the meantime, Qinqin heard a voice calling her, and the mind that she was gradually dissipating called back, and her mind was awakened from the boundless pain.

"Qin double, Qin double..."

"It's Feng Ming... Feng Ming, are you calling me?"

"Qin double, it is me, I feel a call, let me go out."

Qinshuang’s mind suddenly awake a few minutes, only to remember where he was, just a little bit of heart collapse and fall. When the mind moved, Feng Ming was removed.

Feng Ming came out from the town demon tower, and his face showed excitement.

"Qin double, this is the phoenix fire emptiness!"

"Do you know this kind of magical power?" Qin asked in amazement.

"I felt a call in the town demon tower, and now I am here, more clearly. It seems that a memory has been awakened.

Not bad!

This is the fire lotus starry sky. ”

In the heart of the piano is a movement, Fengming is made from the bones and blood of the fire phoenix, especially the vertebrae of the fire phoenix. The inner bone marrow is the essence of the fire phoenix. The Feng nationality pays attention to the blood heritage, and the inheritance should be In the blood. It is only because the fire and phoenix died, the memory was sealed, and now it is activated by the inheritance here.

In fact, today's Qin double can enter the town demon tower, waiting for Feng Ming to comprehend, when the mind is connected, she will also understand this magical power. However, Qin double knows that if she can stay here all the time, even if she uses the same feelings as Feng Ming, as long as she does not enter the town demon tower, she has endless benefits. Qinqin immediately smashed into the idea of ​​entering the town demon tower, sitting opposite Fengming, and his mind was connected, and both of them entered the epiphany in an instant.

This time, although the Qin double is still dying to live, Feng Ming is very quick to comprehend. In fact, Fengming is not a comprehension, but a seal that quickly releases memory, so that the mastery of the fire lotus sky is rapidly improving. At the same time, Qin double has also been continuously learned, Qin double feels that it has passed a month, no hesitation, and took a December fruit, with the sentiment of Fengming The sense of Qin double is also rapidly improving.

She lives longer and longer, and her deaths are getting fewer and fewer.

Another month passed, at this time, the comprehension of Qin double has dropped to eleven times. But at this time, Qin double completely forgot to eat another December fruit, completely immersed in the epiphany. And she has not died in the illusion for a long time.


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