Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 796: Fenghuo breakthrough



The space suddenly swayed, Feng Ming hurriedly called: "Qin double, let me enter the town demon tower."

Qinqin suddenly woke up from the epiphany, opened his eyes, and saw a whirlpool in the space behind Fengming, who was swallowing away. Qinqin rushed to the heart and took Fengming into the town demon tower, and the vortex gradually dissipated. Qin double stunned, this is because Feng Ming has already realized the emptiness of the fire, this inheritance will send her out.

After the vortex disappeared, the illusion of the surrounding space was once again ignited. However, this time the piano double is no longer so painful, once again closed his eyes and fell into an epiphany.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The piano opened her eyes and there was a whirlpool behind her, and her figure disappeared into the circular hall. Back in the ancestral hall.

Sitting on the jade futon of the ancestral hall, it was quiet around. Looking around, there is no one in the ancestral hall. And the gates of the ancestral hall are also closed. Qinqin spit out a long breath, and the spirit relaxed. Looking back at the two months of death, it was really unbearable to look back.

After a brief investigation of his own cultivation, all aspects have reached the critical point of breakthrough. Even the martial arts repairs have reached the critical point of breaking into Wusheng.

This makes the piano double happy and worried.

I am happy that my own law can be broken again. Worried is that the martial arts are repaired, and the three spiritual forces have not yet fully integrated. In the future, they still need to come up with some experiences and suppress the martial arts.

After looking at the heart of Haoran, the awe-inspiring spirit in Jindou did not change a little because of the constant experience of death and living in the place of inheritance. It is still empty. On the contrary, his own realm of Yinyin has reached the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng. Qin Double knows that from this moment, what he needs to do is to constantly use the Yuehua to wash the Yin God and let it produce qualitative changes.

There is also a change that makes the piano double surprise, that is, the quality of her phoenix fire has been improved, and it has reached the peak of eight products. When she met the fire phoenix, the fire phoenix passed the phoenix fire to her before she died. It was only at that time that the phoenix phoenix was dying and the grade of the phoenix fire was falling. After the piano double absorbed the phoenix fire, the phoenix fire did not show shape, but it was hidden in the body of the piano double, so that the piano can only perceive the existence of the phoenix fire, but did not know where it is, and could not use it completely.

In fact, Qin double has the speculation that the phoenix fire is scattered in every corner of her body. Only when he raises the grade of the phoenix fire to a certain extent, the phoenix fire will re-aggregate.

Qin double thought about it, decided to break through the Fenghuo method first, because here is the ancestral temple, the aura inside is very rich, but here is the Fengzu ancestral hall, and it can only break through the Fenghuo law, not dare to Break through the sharp gold law and Xuan Shui law here. The momentum of her breakthrough will definitely be discovered by the Feng family. Once the Fengzuo discovered the Xuanshui and Ruijin law, it is a big trouble.

Now her phoenix fire method is already the peak of the thirteen layers of the gods, and then the breakthrough is the distraction period. Qin double is very excited about the distraction period, but also very worried.

Because she knows that the monastic practice has improved the ancient exercises, and she cultivated the exercises after the improvement. According to the practice after the improvement of the monastic community, once it breaks into the distraction period, the sea lotus will be turned into a god, and then a layer of sea lotus will be formed under the god. Yuanshen sat on the sea lotus.

However, nowadays Qinqin has cultivated the martial arts and the law at the same time. Now she knows that the martial arts gods are sitting on the sea of ​​the law, as the cultivation and improvement of the distraction period. She does not know whether she will break through to the distraction period, will there be another god, if it reappears, what will happen to the martial arts gods and the legal gods?

But after practicing this step, the piano double can't stand still. The mouth of Qin double can not help but show a bitter bitterness. Her origin is only a princess of a small kingdom. Her vision and inheritance are too low. She is all groping for cultivation, and she is too much and too complicated to cultivate. But at this point, it is also a desire to stop, only to take a step and see. Maybe she will become the power of the past, perhaps when she breaks through the distraction period, because the two gods are in conflict. However, no matter what, at this step, Qin double did not go forward, the big deal is dead.

Perhaps before coming to Fengdao, Qin double did not dare to make a decision to break through the distraction period so easily. There will be fears and losses in the heart. There will be fear.


Now she has no troubles in her heart, and she has no fear. Because she has experienced countless deaths and deaths in the inheritance of the ancestral hall, her mood has reached a realm that she is not clear, and she is obsessed with life and death.

Qin double took out Lingshi, laid a gathering of spirits around himself, then swallowed the medicinal herbs, took out the town demon tower and held it in his hands, and began to break through the phoenix fire law without hesitation.

The heaven and earth spirits madly rushed toward the ancestral hall, and the naked eyes and the aura of the heavens and the earth bleed, even because the speed of the heavens and the earth blew out too fast, and the sound of the wind whistling in the air.

The monks of the entire Fengdao all rushed out of Dongfu, staring blankly into the air, and then looked at the direction of the spiritual airflow.

"That is the ancestral temple!"

Some of the great monks with identity flew toward the ancestral hall, and the remaining monks also looked at the direction of the ancestral hall with amazement, and thought in their hearts that the dragons had come over.


Feng Tian and the Eight Elders fell in front of the gates of the ancestral hall, and behind them there were constant powerful monks who fell down and looked at the gates of the ancestral hall with amazement.

"The patriarch..."

The faces of the eight elders showed a sullen color. At this time, the ancestral hall has become awkward and surrounded by a strong aura. Look at this trend. After a while, the more and more strong aura will turn the entire ancestral hall. Shaded.

When Feng Tian’s eyebrows were picked, the heart was a movement: “Now only Feng Ming has not come out of the ancestral hall?”

"The patriarch means Feng Ming?" The elders stunned.

Feng Tian nodded: "This is the breath of breakthrough. It should be Fengming's breakthrough in the ancestral temple."

The eight elders can't help but look at it. The Fengming is just the peak of the demon god. Even if it is a breakthrough, it is just a breakthrough to the demon. With this kind of momentum, I am afraid that it is only a breakthrough to the demon Saint Jiucheng.

Is this the blood of the ancestor?

It is so powerful!

"The order is passed down. Except for our nine, the remaining monks are not allowed to approach Zushan."


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