Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Exit



Outside the ancestral hall.

The aura has dispersed, and the rhyme has been hidden in the space.

Feng Tian and the Eight Elders opened their eyes and there was a shock in their eyes. They did not think that the breakthrough of Fengming in the ancestral hall even brought them a chance, so that they had a loose bottleneck.

Among these nine people, Feng Tian's cultivation is the mid-ninth peak of the demon sect. At this moment, she perceives the crack leading to the late ninth layer of the demon.

There are also three demon saints, which are the initial peaks of the ninth layer of the demon sacred. At this moment, they perceive the crack in the middle of the ninth layer of the demon.

The remaining five demon saints are all on the seventh floor of the demon saint to the eighth layer of the demon saint. At this time, they also perceive that their bottleneck has cracked.

As long as there is such a crack in the thread, let them see the world behind the crack, with their foundation, it will take a long time to get a breakthrough and enter a new level.

"Is this the ancestor blood?"

"Too strong!"


The gate of the ancestral temple was opened, and the figure of the double piano appeared in the gate, and the sunset glowed down, so that the body around the piano double seemed to be covered with a layer of sunlight.

"The younger generations met the patriarchs and the elders." Qin double walked out of the gates of the ancestral hall and saluted the nine great monks.

"Good! Good! Good!" Feng Tian was so excited that he was flushed and looked up and down the piano: "Are you breaking through?"

Qin double nodded slightly, slightly transported the Fenghuo Yuanshen, revealing the atmosphere of a trace of demon. Feng Tian perceives the breath of the demon's first layer, and his look is a big joy, and he can't help laughing. The eight elders behind her are not laughing.

Under the Zushan Mountain, the eyes of the entire Fengcheng are focused on the top of the Zushan Mountain.

They saw the aura of the gathering dissipated, and when they saw the rhyme of the silk, they knew that the monks in the ancestral hall had broken through. Who is the monk who broke through in the ancestral hall?

All the monks knew very well in their hearts, and that was to recognize the ancestors and return to Zong Fengming.

Feng Tian did not ask what the Qin double got in the ancestral hall. This is the secret of each monk. With a smile on the piano double track:

"Feng Ming, the family has already arranged accommodation for you. Now you have broken through to the demon sacred floor and become the elder of the phoenix. Of course, you should have a mountain. You have arranged a flame peak for you, and you are afraid of a monk. When you raise an objection, you are not a demon singer at that time. Now there will be no more dissidents in the family."

While talking, while going out for a jade card, he also sent a message in the jade card, turning the jade card in turn, the finger came out with a sword, engraved the word "elder" and handed it to the piano. Double way:

"This is your elder identity card. After you have gone to the flame peak, these days adjust your state. After a few days, it is the time when the blood pool opens. You also have a place to enter the blood pool."

"Blood blood pool?"

“Yeah!” Feng Tian nodded. “Every Feng brother disciple has only one chance to enter the Phoenix Blood Pool once in his life. The Fengxue Pool will be opened once in sixty years, which can improve the cultivation of monks, and it will have the opportunity to upgrade us. The blood of the Feng nationality. The most important thing is to have the opportunity to improve the phoenix fire.

By the way, have you gathered up the phoenix fire? ”

"No!" Qin doubled his head.

There was a disappointment in Feng Tian’s eyes, and then he was relieved: “Feng Ming, we are born with a family of fire and phoenix who can make a flame, and as we grow older, we will slowly develop a kind of body in the body. The element of fire. This kind of fire element is spread all over our body, so that they can make the flame more convenient. The cultivation can reach the depth and control the flame. But this is not the limit. The biggest talent of our phoenix is ​​the body flame. You remember The body flame that I said is not the magical power that our phoenix possesses. Every adult phoenix can almost make the flames of the birth. But this kind of magical power is limited, there are temperature restrictions, there are time limits, in short. Although it is powerful, it limits blossoming.

However, if we can condense the fire elements that are spread throughout the body into a flame, then we are the flames, and the flames are us. That is the most powerful state of our fire and family. However, there are too few monks who can achieve this. Now, in our Feng family, only me and my ancestors have done this. I think you and Xiaoxuan should have great opportunities in the future.

In the heart of the piano, one of the movements: "The patriarch, when did you and your ancestors condense the flame?"

"My ancestors and I were both condensed in the sacred eight layers of the phoenix fire. It is estimated that Xiaoyan will wait until that time, but you are different, you are the ancestor blood, should be able to be earlier."

Qin nodded, Feng Tian looked at the elders again: "The elders, you take Feng Ming to go to the treasure house to pick a treasure."


Qin two-way Feng Tian leave, followed the big elders toward Fengshan.

“Great elders, can every adult family go to the treasure house to pick a treasure?”

"No!" The elders shook their heads: "Only two monks can go to the treasure house to pick a treasure. One is for the family to make great contributions, the other is to become the demon."

The piano nodded and gestured to understand. Silently followed the great elders to Fengshan, standing in front of the treasure house. The original treasure house has been broken, this is a new treasure house. The elders looked at the treasure house and gnashed their teeth:

"One day, our phoenix must break the Dragon Palace."

The piano doubled silently, the elders played dozens of handcuffs, the treasures of the treasure house flashed, and the elders pushed open the door, on the double track:

"Follow me!"


Qin double followed the elders into the treasure house, and the elders were very vocal:

"No, the treasures collected by our phoenix people are here. It can be said that as long as there is in the demon world, we have it in the treasure house. You can pick slowly, don't worry. If you have any treasures you want, you can also I said, I know a lot about the treasures in the treasure chest and take you directly."

"The elders, the treasure in the treasure, or the source of spar?"

The elder elder's original proud attitude was a stiff one. He said: "There was a bottle of original wood, and now it is gone."

There was a disappointment in the eyes of Qinshuang. The elders said: "Feng Ming, in addition to the original treasures, we have a lot of top treasures. You should not look down, you will not let you down."

Qin double has no words, if it is not Qin double want to repair the town demon tower, she will not even have the spirit of the source. She is a principled person. She has benefited a lot from the fire phoenix. Although the ancestor of the phoenix is ​​not the ancestor of the phoenix in this continent, it is homologous. Qin double got a big chance from Feng Zu, but did not return any Feng nationality. Moreover, before the phoenix died, she also asked her to take care of the Feng people in the future. In this case, if the piano double takes away the treasures of the Feng nationality, there is always something in the heart.


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