Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 799: Flame Mountain



Moreover, the inheritance of the Feng nationality that had just been obtained before, after a few days, has to enter the blood pool. Therefore, Qin double decided to free the treasure in this treasure house.


The eyes of Qin double fell on a magma river, which is only a dozen meters long and is shackled in a ball. When the elders saw the piano looking to the magma river, they advised:

“Feng Ming, although this magma river looks like only a dozen meters long, but actually has hundreds of miles, it is the essence of collecting a magma river. This magma river can be used as a weapon, but not It is a top treasure. In fact, it is more suitable as a treasure of Dongfu."

In the heart of the piano, if you don’t want the treasures of the phoenix, you should take the magma river as the peak river of your own mountain. So it’s not a treasure of the phoenix. It is still in the phoenix. . Then he said:

"Great elders, I want this magma river."

The elders then advised: "Feng Ming, let's take a look."

"No!" Qin double backhand pulled out the Feng Yu Kendo: "The Great Elder, I have the weapons of the pickpocket. I took this magma river to make a peak river in my mountain."

The eyes of the elders fell on the sword of Feng Yu, and the color of the horror was not seen on the face:

"Good sword!"

The piano double backhand inserted the Feng Yu sword back into the scabbard behind it, and the eyes of the elders followed:

"Feng Ming, is that Feng Yu?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled and said: "I got it in the adventure."

The elders looked at the piano in a deep look, but did not ask the secret of Qin double, but asked again seriously:

"Are you sure that this lava river?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"Well then!" The elders reached out and grabbed the ball and handed it to the piano. "Go, I will take you to the Flame Peak."

"Thank you for the elders."

The piano doubled up the magma river, and left the treasure house with the elders. Soon it came to the mountain peak and landed on the flame peak. The eyes of the piano pair were a bit strange, because the trees were everywhere, the trees were green and there was no flame at all. How can it be called a flame peak?

The original Qin double heard the name of the flame peak, and thought it was an erupting volcano. Then curiously asked:

"The Great Elder, why is it called the Flame Peak here?"

"Because this is a flaming mountain, it is of great benefit to our phoenix cultivation."

"Flame Mountain?"

"You come with me!"

Qin double followed the big elders to the summit, and above the peak, there is a palace. Fall in front of the palace gate, the Grand Elders:

"Use your identity card!"

Qin double took out the identity card and looked down. The front is engraved with the words Feng Ming, and the opposite side is engraved with the words of the elders. Looking up, I saw a groove on the door, put the identity card into the groove, then reached out and pushed the door open, took the identity card out of the groove, walked into the door, and the door behind it automatically closed.

The elders walked toward a door and said: "This palace is very big, there are many rooms, you can watch it slowly, I will lead you to see the fire."

The elders pushed open a door and walked in with the piano. Inside the door is a step facing downwards. With the elders walking down, there are thousands of steps. The piano double sees a volcanic cave. The flame in the hole is spewing, but it is blocked by the prohibition of the hole. The steps are divided into two directions, leading to the left and right sides of the volcanic cave, and there is a room on each side. Grand Elders:

"This volcano was sealed by the ancestors, and the ground fire was introduced to the left and right rooms, one as an alchemy room and one as a refining room. When the ancestors were patriarchs, they lived here, and the ancestors loved alchemy and refining. But,...the ancestors gave up this place."

Qinqin snorted and knew the meaning of the long elders. It seems that the ancestors of the Feng nationality did not become Dandao and Taoist.

The elders looked around, like a thief, and lowered the voice: "Feng Ming, don't waste time and experience on alchemy and refining, or focus on cultivation."

Watching the elders cautiously, for fear of being heard by the ancestors, holding back and laughing:

"The younger understand."

"As an elder, you can also choose some people who are low-minded from the family. Of course, you can't be forced, and you need the consent of the disciples of those families."

Qin double immediately shook his head, she was not prepared to stay in Fengdao for a long time, what to do under the hand? And even if she is going to stay in Fengdao, she has a lot of secrets and is not ready to take it. When I saw the piano double shaking my head, the elders didn’t take it for granted:

"Okay, I am leaving!"

"The younger generation will send you."

After the elders were sent away, Qin doubles wandered around the flaming mountain. It was the place where the ancestors once lived, the aura was very rich, and many fruit trees were planted. The piano double picked up a fruit fruit and wandered around while eating. She discovered a pharmacy, presumably left by her ancestors. Looking closely, the piano eyes are bright, there are several kinds of herbs that are not in her town demon tower, and it seems that the ancestors have been here for a long time. Although the medicine garden lacks care, it has not been picked. The age of the drug is very long.

Qin double did not immediately transplant the herbs that he did not have into the town demon tower. Here is the Feng nationality. Who knows if there is any power of the Feng nationality to monitor themselves?

Looking into the hall, I saw three figures flying towards it. It fell to the foot of the mountain and then walked up the mountain. The shape of the piano double standing, looking at the eyes, the heart is a loose. It was a Feng nationality monk who came to her with Gao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyun.

"Elders!" The Feng nationality monk prayed to Qinqin: "The younger generation was ordered to send the two slaves of the elders."

"Well, thank you!" Qin double took out ten pieces of Shangpin Lingshi and threw it. The Feng nationality monk took over and said: "Thank you for the elders."


After the phoenix monk left, he ran up and down:

"Master, such a big mountain is yours? A strong aura!"

"the host!"

Gao Xiaoxiao also went to court, and she also came to Fengdao for the first time. The Feng and Fengdao represent powerful in the demon world. Now they have come to Fengdao, and they have seen Fengming get a mountain. The cultivation environment here is much stronger than their Qingniu family. Although she also has a mountain in the Qingniu family, she is not able to compare with it at all. The piano nodded twice:

"You two are staying at the foot of the mountain for a while, waiting for me to arrange the ban, you will come up again."


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