Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Array



"Yes, master!" Jin Yun was very dog-legged, and Gao Xiaoxiao was a lot more honest. Because she felt the breath of the piano double is strong.

Qin double no longer pays attention to them, flying to the foothills, the gods will be shrouded, the look between the eyebrows is a loose, her gods saw the traces of the flame mountain city once, but now there is no more Dazheng, when the Fengzu ancestors left here, they also took away the flag.

The piano doubled a bit and saw these traces. At the beginning, the ancestors of the Feng family shrouded the entire flame mountain in the ban. She thought for a moment, the formation can cover the whole mountain, but if the magma river is laid at the foot of the mountain, the length is not enough to circle around the foot of the mountain, it should be enough to be placed halfway up the mountain.

However, it is not possible to put the magma river in the middle of the mountain, which will destroy the entire flame mountain. Just by the heat of the magma river, the vegetation on the flame mountain can be turned into ashes in an instant, so she wants to be half On the mountainside, there is a large array of imprisonment, and the magma river is placed in a large array of imprisonment.

Qin double flying came to the foothills, and did not rush to refine the flag. Instead, they went to the main hall and looked at each room. Every time they went in, they used their knowledge to look at them carefully and never let go of any dead corners.

Every room in the hall is very clean, because every room is covered with a clean ban. Even in the past ten thousand years, the window will be clear.

When the piano double opened a door, it saw a row of shelves inside, and visited the various metal ores on the shelves. Although there are no top grades of ore, there are also a lot of pianos that are not available. Qin double knows that this should be the ancestors of the Feng nationality who do not look up and leave.

The ancestors of the Feng nationality can't see it, but Qin double can see it. When these ore are about to enter the storage ring. Then left the room. When she pushed a door open again, she found that it was a place to place herbs. Open a jade box with lots of precious herbs. I think that the ancestors of the Feng nationality could not be Dandao, and the herbs were too lazy to accept because there are several top herbs.

Qinqin was no longer polite, and these herbs were collected. It took more than two hours for the piano to finish the entire hall and carefully check any corners and found that there was no abnormality. There were still some expectations. The ancestors of the Feng nationality would not have any hidden dark layers in the main hall, but they did not find the realm of the Qinshou and the Grand Master. If you think about it, you will understand. As a ancestor of the Feng nationality, where do you need to establish secret doors and dark layers?

Who dares to come here to pick up the things of the Fengzu ancestors?

That is the shell lang off the pit, looking for death.

Qinqin once again came to the crater, and also carefully examined the place with the gods. After not discovering any abnormalities, it completely relaxed and began to look at the alchemy room and the refining room. The equipment is good, the experiment is a fire, the grade is not bad.

However, the piano double will not be refining here, after all, it is normal time here, but the time flow rate in the town demon tower is different. Simply set up a large master's array in the alchemy room, and then enter the town demon tower, first quietly sitting on the top of Lingshan, combing the Fengming's path, and combing the Fengyan's road again. Once again, this was discussed with Feng Ming, and then the two began to refine the flag. When all the flags were refining, Qin double came out from the town demon tower, came out from the hall, floated in the air above the mountain, and looked at the terrain on the mountainside. Then there was a flag. Go out.

Below the foot of the mountain.

Gao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyun were sitting on the rock and practicing each other. When they heard the sound of the flag breaking, the two demons opened their eyes almost at the same time. They looked into the air and saw the sky floating in the air. The strings of the piano are constantly rising in both hands, and the flag is spurred out and hidden in the ground.

"Feng Ming is still a martial artist?" Gao Xiaoxiao looked at the Qin double in shock.

"To be the master!" Jin Yun worshipped on the top of the mountain, the double piano in the air.

At this time, Feng Tian and other great monks also stepped out of the Dongfu, looking to the Qin of the flame mountain. Feng Tian shook his head, not only laughing:

"I didn't think that Fengming would arrange for himself. Second elders, you are the first division of our Feng nationality. It is already a nine-level master. Wait for you to help re-arrange."

The two elders also smiled and said: "No problem, but let us see, what kind of formation will Fengming set up? She actually used the bunting array, which seems to be a real research method."

Feng Tian also nodded slightly. The Yaozu usually did not need to be bunted. In fact, the Yaozu are not good at the front, but they are good at the road, and they are good at the array. Now they see the piano double with the bunting. Array, that is the real circuit, can not help but the two elders are also curious.


The flame mountain showed a light curtain from the middle of the mountain. The light curtain shrouded the upper part of the flame mountain, and then Guanghua dispersed, showing the original flame mountain, which was not different from the previous one.

"This is a way of isolating the gods!" The two elders nodded and said, "Let me try."

When the words fell, her gods rushed out and rushed toward the Flame Mountain.


Her gods were bounced back, and the two elders were shocked. She was the peak of the demon sacred ninety-nine, and her own gods could not wear the isolation of Fengming. Seeing the surprised look of the two elders, Feng Tian also quickly ignited the sensation of the gods, and then "snap", was bounced back by the formation.


At this time, countless gods were bounced back by the ban. These gods touched the ban, and the piano was naturally learned through the ban, and the eyes could not help sweeping in those directions. The Feng dynasty monks hurriedly flew up in the air and nodded to the piano. This is to tell Qin double, they are just curious, not malicious.

Qin double regained his gaze and began to concentrate on deploying the array. On one side, the flag spurred out. When the piano doubled, in the eyes of Feng Tian and the elders, they saw the flaming mountain swaying like a scorpion, and then restored the original appearance, still the flame mountain Some images just lost the figure of the piano.

"Fantasy!" Two elders look agile: "The level of this illusion is very high."

"Two elders, how is it compared to the magical array you set?" Feng Tian asked.

"I can't be sure, but I feel that Fengming's road is weaker than mine."

"How come?" Feng Tian looked at the two elders in front of him with amazement: "She has been living outside, she has been distracted, she has not systematically cultivated, and she has no support from the Feng nationality. How can she cultivate rapidly? At the same time, I also realized the road of such a realm?"


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