Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Test



"Maybe..." The two elders thought and said: "This is the difference between the blood of the ancestor and us!"

Feng Tian’s look is a glimpse, even if she is, her eyes are a bit envious.

"I am going to try out the big array she has set up."

As the master of the nine-level platoon, the two elders saw that Fengming cloth set up such a magical array, and it was very difficult to resist. As soon as the sky was empty, it flew away toward the Flame Mountain. Feng Tian is also very curious about the array of pianos, and it is also a void. The elders of the Feng nationality who were watching one by one saw that the patriarchs had moved, and one of them had fallen under the flaming hills.

Of course, only the elders of the demon level dare to follow Fengtian to the bottom of the flaming mountain. Below the demon sac, they still watch far away and dare not approach.

Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun saw Feng Tian and other big demons coming down, and they were enchanting, and their body shape swept away, and they retreated far away. However, Jinyun was oppressed by the mighty momentum of these big devils and trembled on the ground. Gao Xiaoxiao in the distance gave a look of help. Gao Xiaoxiao glanced at him with hatefulness. She remembered that when she and Xiaoyun both had Kong Fan’s powder poison, it was the schnauzer who rushed to her and wanted to go to her. If there is not Feng Ming, she has already killed him with a hoof.

Feng Tian and other big demon did not pay attention to the clouds on the ground, but he also knew that he was a slave to Feng Ming, so no one deliberately targeted him. All the eyes of the demon were gathered on the two elders.

"Two elders, how is the head of the singer? Can you attract you, shouldn't it be low? Will it be higher than you?"

The two elders confidently smiled and said: "The level of the singer's squad is not low. Five elders, your level of squad is definitely not as good as singing. But I am still a bit confident. Maybe it will take a few hours of effort, definitely You can move forward and retreat in the illusion of the song."

The five elders laughed and said: "We are here to wait for the two elders and the head of the song to learn."

"Oh, huh..." The two elders smiled proudly: "I can't talk about it, I will give you some advice and make her illusion more perfect."

When the words fell, the big sleeves swayed, and they stepped into the magical array in one step, and the figure disappeared.

Above the mountains.

Qin double saw the two elders enter the magic array, but she did not care. Now Feng Yan has become the top ten master of the peak of the 10th level, she is naturally the top ten masters of the peak. Feng Ming is also a master of the ten-level peak of the road, and their two refining flags have increased the power of the array. She does not believe that the Second Presbyterian Church is a ten-level master, and it is impossible to be a master. How can she break her own fantasy?


Qinqin was thrown out on one side of the flag, and this time she did not set up a large mountain guard for the entire flame mountain. In fact, she did not even think about settled in the Feng nationality, so she simply laid out a method of ignoring the gods and the magic array. Now she has set up a ban on the squad, and I am holding the entire magma river halfway up the mountain.

One side of the flag spurred out, a circle of broad light appeared around the mountainside, and then the light curtain disappeared, and the original appearance.

The double backhand took out the ball of light that contained the magma river, shot a few handprints, broke the ball of light, and threw the magma river into the forbidden burst.


In the magma river, only a dozen meters of magma river instantly turned into a kilometer-wide, 100-mile-long magma river, and circled the flame mountain in the middle of the mountain. Wherever he went, the original pines and cypresses were turned into ashes. The heat wave is raging, the magma is tumbling, and the flame mountain is divided into two parts from the middle.

The piano in the foothills leaps into the air, and the figure falls on the magma river. A huge suction pulls the piano in the magma river. The piano double backhand made a few lines and the figure floated in the air.

This imprisonment method is the method of the great masters' peaks, not only to impede the spread of magma rivers, but also to confine the space. I can only walk here and not fly. It is also only the master of the double-decker system that can play in the air.

The eyes of Qinshuang fell to the magma river. In the magma river where the collapse occurred, a group of magma beasts appeared, rolling in the magma, playing and roaring. They saw the double pair and screamed toward the piano. It is only these magma beasts that can only run in the magma under the imprisonment of imprisonment, can not fly, and can only roar to the piano in the air.

The piano doubled up with both hands, and the flag was dropped from her hand. When the last flag fell, a light bridge appeared in the magma river, connecting the two sides. The light curtains were raised on both sides of the light bridge, and the magma beast was kept out of the light curtain. The face of the piano showed a smile on his face. One hand moved a streak and fell down. The light bridge fell into the magma river and finally disappeared into the magma river and disappeared.

Qinqin looked up and looked at the two elders of the north and the south in the illusion. After the body shape, they flew up on the flaming mountain. Now the whole flame mountain is covered with a large array and no longer be peeped by other monks. Qinshuang picked up the fruit of the Lingguo tree that was not in the town demon tower, and collected the storage ring. When he ate the fruit, he planted the fruit in the town demon tower. Then I went to the medicine garden and transplanted some of the herbs that I did not have in my demon tower into the town demon tower, so that the ghost face tree was cultivated. Looking at the medicine garden, I thought about it. I have gained a lot in the Feng nationality and left a little chance for the Feng nationality. So, I took out the medicine and started to get busy. I weeded the medicine garden and collected it all over. I planted some precious herbs from the town demon tower and planted it.

After doing all this, the piano pair will have nothing to do. The rest of the time is waiting for the wind pool to open. The double hands of the piano stood on the top of the mountain and looked toward the magical array under the mountain. They saw that the two elders were still like a flies. It’s just that he didn’t violently bombard the illusion, but wanted to find a way to crack the illusion. Qin double shook his head, the heart secretly:

"You will slowly ponder."

Qin double reflexively entered the hall, thought about it, or set up a ban in the hall. After all, in the days of the phoenix, Gao Xiaoxiao and Jinyun could not live at the foot of the mountain, or let them Live in the hall. In this way, it is necessary to set up some bans to prevent them from seeing their secrets.

Then, she entered the town demon tower and began to practice the fire and phoenix law and improve her cultivation.


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