Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Fengzuo



"Alright!" Feng Tian smiled happily: "I am going to see the formation of the Phoenix elders."

At this time, the five elders also showed a smile. If Qin Double is really a great master, his status and identity can really be equal to her.

The piano pair played a pattern in the magical array, and a magical array appeared a mountain road. Qin double took the lead and went in. Feng Tian and the Eight Elders followed, and followed Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun behind them.

After entering the magic array, the passage behind them disappeared. Feng Tian looked up and his face was amazed.

"Feng elders, have you laid the magma river here?"

In the eyes of the monks, they saw a huge magma river, surrounded by mountains and waves. But I did not feel a trace of heat.

"This is..." The two elders looked at the magma river in shock.

"Where I set up a big ban, we used to look at it."

Soon, everyone stood outside the forbidden squad, and the piano doubled and walked back with a smile:

"The patriarch, elders. This is in the ban, even if it is a demon, it may not be able to fly. At the very least, we must use the magma."

"Nothing!" Feng Tian smiled. "We can't help you with this big ban, but the magma river can't help us."

The Qin double thinks too. These nine big demons are the lowest of the seven layers of the demon. With this magma river, it is really impossible for them. Not to mention them, it is Gao Xiaoxiao, who is on the fourth floor of the demon, and can ignore this magma river. It is the color of horror on the face of Yunyun. Qin double stepped toward the forbidden squad. This does not require the formation, anyone can enter this banned array, so the demon also followed the Qin double into the forbidden burst.

However, as soon as they entered the big battle, the demon felt that the body was sinking and the heat wave came. They stood beside the magma river and their faces were shocked. This kind of imprisonment, even if they are capable, can't fly, and can slide at most a distance in the air.

"Feng elders, when you don't go in and out, do you pedal the magma river?" Feng Tian asked softly.

"of course not!"

Qin double laughed, and then made a pattern, then saw a light bridge slowly rising from the magma river, and then across the banks of the magma river.

"The patriarch, elders, please!"

Qin double took the lead on the light bridge and walked to the other side. Feng Tian and others followed closely. Under the light bridge, countless magma beasts screamed and screamed from time to time.

I walked through the light bridge and wore a big ban. The heat is gone, and the beauty of the demon has a beautiful view. The green grass is green and the fruit trees are green. The demon came to the top of the mountain with Qin double and walked into the hall. Qin double to Gao Xiaoxiao and Yun Yundao:

"You two each choose a room."


Gao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyun gave a greeting and happily went to pick their own room. Qin Double invited Feng Tian and the Eight Elders to sit in the main hall, and then looked at Feng Tiandao:

"The patriarch, do you want me to set up a big queue?"

"Yes!" Feng Tian nodded excitedly, and then his face changed again, because she saw the piano double wrinkled her brows, and her look was awkward:

"What's wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. However, it takes too long to set up a large array of islands to cover Fengdao. I can't stay in Fengdao for so long..."

"Feng Elders, you misunderstood!" Feng Tian hurriedly said: "I am not asking you to set up a large island guard, just ask you to set up a big mountain guard, and then set up a battle for the treasure house."

The piano doubled a sigh of relief. Although Fengshan was huge, it was much less than the innocent desert. It was just a large array of guardian mountains, and a large treasure trove of treasures. It took a month to get enough. When even nodded:

"This is no problem. I will write down the materials I need now, and wait until the patriarchs have collected them and send them to me."

"This..." Feng Tian’s face showed a hint of martyrdom: "Feng Elder, can you set up a large mountain guard to block the attack of the demon sect?"

"Of course there is no problem." Qin said with a sigh of relief: "As long as you don't let the big demon of the 9th floor of the demon squad attack the big array for several months, there is no problem."

"How can we let the demon holy attack for several months in a row? This is the family of our Feng nationality." After Feng Tian finished this sentence, the look is ecstasy:

"Feng elders, can you really deploy that level of big?"

Feng Ming smiled and nodded. "You will know when you try."

"Good!" Feng Tian's face showed an excited color: "Feng Elder, you give me the list of materials you need."

When the piano nodded, he took out a jade slip and listed the required materials. At the same time, he said in his heart: "Feng Zu, I have laid a large array for the Feng nationality, which is also a guarantee for the Feng people. It’s your return.”

He handed Yu Yu to Feng Tian, ​​and Feng Tian took over Yu Jian and read it again. He said:

"Feng elders, these materials will be sent to you within ten days. Waiting for you to come out of the phoenix blood pool... Yes, Fengxuechi is the foundation of our Fengzu people. Can there be a big array there?"

Qin double took out a jade slip, and after burning the message, he handed it to Feng Tiandao:

"Where is this blood pool? Is it really blood?"

“No!” Feng Tian shook his head. “The reason why our Feng nationality established a ethnic land here is because there is a bloodstone. The bloodstone has a great effect on our Feng nationality. It can improve blood purity and phoenix fire. Grade. Let the phoenix fire in our body condense into a real fire more chances. Every time the phoenix blood pool is opened, it only takes three days. Then it takes sixty years to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth."

In the heart of the piano, she heard the improvement of the purity of the blood of the phoenix. She didn't care too much, because she was not a blood phoenix, but a pure human blood. But when I heard that I could improve the grade of Fenghuo, I couldn’t help but feel happy. At the moment, I am also enthusiastic about setting up a large array for the Phoenix.

"Feng elders, we are leaving. I will go back and start raising materials immediately. When you come out of the blood pool, you will be bothered."

Qin double sent away the demon, and the two elders stayed in the magic array to study the array. Gao Xiaoxiao and Jin Yun also practiced in the hall. Qin double is adjusting his state, waiting for the blood pool to open two days later.

The two days passed quickly. At this time, Qin double had come out of the Flame Mountain and stood on the side of Fengshan, standing in front of her. There are still 13 phoenix monks standing behind her. These three phoenix monks are not high, they are just adulthood, and they must enter the Fengxue pool together with Qin.


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