Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Feng Guang



Under the Fengshan Mountain, there are still many Fengzu monks standing on the side of the mountain side of Fengshan. In the demon group, Feng Yuan’s hand is standing there. Standing next to him is a high-spirited youth, which is even higher than Feng Yuan. At this time, the gaze also fell on the piano double on the mountainside.

"She is Feng Ming?"

"Not bad!" Feng Yuan said faintly: "How? You have to challenge her? Don't look at your Fengguang is known as the first master of the Fengzuo youth generation, but it may not be Fengming's opponent. Her legend is many."

Feng Guang’s mouth curled slightly, revealing a trace of disdain. When Feng Yuan saw the arc of his mouth, his heart was extremely uncomfortable. When Feng Guang defeated him, this expression is this arc. The eyes can't help but turn cold:

"You are the first master of the Feng dynasty youth generation, you really think it is. Forgot to tell you, I am now a five-layered demon, and you are in a realm, huh, huh... Waiting for the blood pool to close, I Will challenge you in public. Defeat your pride."

"Oh..." Feng Guang laughed very much. The colder the eyes of Feng Yuan: "You don't want to be self-righteous. Don't say that I can beat you now. It's Xiao Yan, just give her time and beat you is not a problem."

Feng Guang's gaze became deep and deep: "Even if Xiao Xiao is the best blood, want to beat me, I want to. As long as you want to beat me, I will be imaginary."


Feng Guang puts his hand in the hand: "You want to challenge me, you need to prove that you have that qualification."

Feng Yuan’s look gradually became red and red: “What do you want?”

"You beat Feng Ming first and then drove her out of the Flame Mountain. The Flame Mountain is where the ancestors once lived. It is not a casual monk who can live."

Feng Guang’s narrow eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the back of the half-hillside piano, faintly said:

"Small crickets have not settled there. She is a demon who has just recognized her ancestors and is not known."

“Hey...” Feng Yuanxiao smiled and said: “Don’t take a small excuse as an excuse, do you want to live in the Flame Peak yourself?”

"Not bad!" Feng Guangshuang quickly nodded: "Flame Mountain represents the identity, in the Fengzuo youth generation, I don't think that except for me, there is this demon who has this qualification. When I broke through to the demon, I asked the patriarch I gave the flame peak to me. The patriarch refused me decisively. I made a great contribution to the Feng nationality and the first generation of the young generation. Why not give it to me?

Originally thought that the patriarch was to leave the flame peak to Xiaoyan, although I did not accept it, I could bear it. But this time I gave a Fengming of unknown origin. I absolutely don't allow this to happen. You will defeat Fengming, otherwise you will not challenge my qualifications. If you beat me after defeating Fengming, you will prove that you are qualified to live in the Flame Peak. If you can't beat Fengming, don't challenge me again in the future. I will personally defeat Fengming and use the Flame Peak as my own Dongfu. ”

Feng Yuan’s heart is a glimpse. Feng Guang has been traveling for a long time. He has not returned to Fengshan for decades. This time, it seems that the picture is very big! He wants to establish himself as a minor patriarch, and even the best of Feng Xiaoying wants to suppress it.

“Did he have an adventure outside for decades? Isn’t it now a demon holy?”

"will not!"

"It will not!"

"Even if he is qualified and superhuman, he will not be able to break through to the sixth floor of the demon in just a few decades."

Feng Yuan’s look changed and gradually became firm. The war is filled from the heart.

"Since Feng Guang has such a great ambition, why can't I have it? Then I will defeat Fengming first and then defeat Fengguang. I have settled this little patriarch."


Halfway up the mountain, there was a roar, and I saw Feng Tian playing a handcuff, and a cliff on the side of the mountain showed a door. The plaid on the door fell with the mark of Fengtian, and it was full of brilliance. It took half a quarter of an hour, and Feng Tiancai stopped. The brilliance on the door gradually disappeared, showing the simplicity. The door. Feng Tian stepped forward and pushed the door open. He turned back to the fourteen ways of Qin Double:

"go in!"

Fourteen monks, such as Qinshuang, bowed to Fengtian, and then led the 13 phoenix youths behind them into the gate, and the door behind them automatically closed.

Inside the gate is a passage. The piano doubles along the passage and sees a huge pool like a lake. There is a huge stone in the center of the pool. Qin doubled his footsteps and looked at the boulder.

"This should be the bloodstone in Fengtiankou!"

The piano double stopped, and the thirteen demon monks behind him also stopped. These Yao youths are just young adults, and they are still very low. Before Qin Qin did not enter the blood pool, they could not move.

Qin Shuang’s gaze was recovered from the bloodstone and looked at the water.

The surface of the water is very clear, there is no color of blood at all. Qin double is thinking why the Feng nationality wants to call it here as the blood pool, and then sees a **** blood spread from the bloodstone, but less than half a moment. At the time of the clock, the entire lake became blood red.

The surface of the water is red, but there is no **** smell, but it is a kind of fragrance.

"This is definitely not blood!"

In the heart of the piano, he stepped into the blood pool and walked toward the huge bloodstone. The Feng national youths behind them have also stepped down from the blood pool. The more the Qinshuang is walking towards the fast bloodstone, the more it feels the deeper the color of the water. If you don't have to ask, you know that the **** stone is the place with the highest effect.

Qin double walked to the front of the bloodstone and placed his hand on the bloodstone. But there is no water feeling. Then he took back his hand and sank to the bottom of the water.

The water is very deep.

Nearly two hundred meters, the double feet of the piano touched the ground. She did not immediately start to practice cultivation, but sprinkled a flag, set up a small array of isolation and exploration and gaze that can sit down two people, and then sat down on the bottom of the water, thinking, moving Fengming Also put out from the town demon tower, two people sit opposite each other, each began to run the Fengfeng Collection.

This operation of the Fengfeng Baodian, Qin double will feel a trace of blood red from the lake water, penetrated into her body, flowing in her body. Qin double focused on the blood redness in the body, and saw that the blood red was not integrated into her blood, making her blood impure, but like quenching, tempered her The blood makes her blood more pure.


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