Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Feng Yuan Challenge



“Yeah!” Feng Ming nodded. “Look!”

When the words fell, they reached out to the palm of their hand and a flame appeared on her palm. Although the flame was small, it gave the piano a devastating scent, as if it could instantly burn the piano to ashes.

"This is the real phoenix fire! And there is more memory in my consciousness."

"What is it?"

"This phoenix fire is the real phoenix fire, and it is also the lowest level of phoenix fire. That is to say, its grade can be improved, but it needs to devour some treasures related to fire. There are nine products in Fenghuo. Now this is a product. Above the phoenix fire, there is a fire, there is a fairy fire above the fire, and there is a skyfire above the fairy fire."

"There is a long way to go!" After listening to Fengming's words, Qin double was not speechless.

"And I already know why my blood can continue to improve."

“Why?” Qin double is also very curious about this, because her blood can continue to improve after breaking through the bottleneck.

"After the breakthrough of the ancestor's blood, it is the blood of the soul. The memory of the inheritance tells me that as long as the broken void rises, the blood will be promoted to the blood. Only the blood of the spirit is divided into the top and bottom of the ancestor. The blood of the product is flying after the ascent Then, it will be transformed into the blood of the lower product. After the blood of the product rises, it will be transformed into the blood of Zhongpinling. After the blood of the top grade rises, it will be transformed into the blood of Shangpinling. After the blood of the best, it will be transformed into the blood of the best. And after my ancestor-level **** flight, I will be transformed into the ancestor-level blood. I did not expect that, now that I have not soared, I have begun to transform into the ancestor-level blood."

"You are now the blood of the ancestor level?" Qin double asked in surprise.

Feng Ming shook his head and said: "No, it just transformed one thousandth."

Qin double listened, hurriedly checked his blood, if his blood was considered as blood before the bottleneck, now he should still be transformed into blood. And even the blood of one's own body should be the most noble and powerful blood in the human race, and this can begin to transform into a blood here.

After a probe, Qin double found that his blood began to transform into a blood, but it was not as good as Feng Ming, probably about one in two thousand.

"The harder things should be the more expensive? Whether it is the improvement of blood or transformation, it is more difficult than Fengming. Does this mean that the blood of the Terran is more noble and powerful?

Not bad!

The human race is the spirit of all things, and it must be. ”

Qin double does not care whether he thinks right or wrong. Anyway, he thinks so much, he feels a lot more comfortable. At the moment, each of them and Feng Ming refined a storage gourd, and then two people left the town demon tower and began to install the blood of the phoenix in the blood pool.

The monks of the Feng nationality sat at the bottom of the lake to raise blood and phoenix fire. They did not have the idea to drop the water level of the blood pool. However, when the water level of the phoenix blood pool dropped by more than one tenth, the whole phoenix blood pool suddenly vibrated.

"not good!"

Qin Qin was shocked and threw the gourd and Fengming into the town demon tower. Then he saw the blood in the blood pool began to flow toward the bloodstone.

Qin double quickly left the bloodstone and rushed to the top. At the same time, her eyes stared nervously at the bloodstone. At this time, she felt that the bloodstone was not simple. It must have been because she was stealing the blood of the phoenix. Because at this time, there is at least one hour longer than the time of three days.


The body shape of the piano doubled out of the water.

"Oh la la..."

Thirteen people also rushed out of the water. When they saw the piano, they plunged toward the piano. Then stood behind the piano and nervously looked at the lake. It was only less than a quarter of an hour, and the **** red water became crystal clear.

"Feng elders, this ... what is going on?" There are Feng national youth looking to Qin double.

Qin double shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the time at the end of the distance is also worse. It's just that this time, shouldn't it be abnormal? Maybe the time of opening the blood pool is only about three days, and there is no precision. time."

The thirteen phoenix youths also felt that they were justified, and they all breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the piano pair. Qin Double once again glanced at the bloodstone, and his heart also breathed a sigh of relief:


The words fell, the body shape swept away, and swept away toward the passage. Thirteen phoenix youths followed closely and discussed one by one.

"I will raise my blood to the peak."

"me too!"

"me too!"

"I raised my blood to a small step!"

"Wow..." The words of the Feng nationality youth attracted an envy.


Qinqin fell in front of the gate, waiting for Fengtian to open the door outside, and the thirteen youths also fell behind the piano.

"Feng elders, how much have you improved?" A Feng nationality youth looked at the piano and asked.

"I just raised to the peak." Qin double smiled.

Thirteen young people behind him looked at each other, and the two young people who improved the purity of a small bloodline showed a smug look. Elder Lian Feng did not upgrade a small step, but only to the peak, while the two of them improved a small step.

About an hour or so, the front door of the piano double-sidedly opened, and the figure of Fengtian appeared outside the gate. Qin double led the thirteen youths out of the gate, and bowed to Feng Tian and the Eight Elders:

"See the patriarch and the elders."

Feng Tian looked forward to Qin Bindao: "How?"

“Uplift to the top!”

Feng Tian’s eyes suddenly illuminate like two little suns, but she knows what the peak of Qin’s mouth is. It’s the peak of the ancestor:

"Good! Good! Good!"

There are some imbalances in the hearts of the two Feng nationality youths behind them. One of them is going to court:

"The patriarch, I have upgraded a small step!"

"The patriarch, I also upgraded a small step."

"Good! Good! Good!" The Feng family was even more happy and couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"Feng Shimei!"

At this time, a voice came from the foot of the mountain, and then there was a figure flying from the foot of the mountain to the air, looking straight at the halfway up the mountain:

"I am Feng Yuan and I want to challenge Feng Sister."

The demon is a burst of sorrow.

"Feng Yuan actually challenged Feng Ming."

"Fengyuan is the second master of our phoenix youth generation. It just broke through to the fifth floor of the demon holy a month ago. I am afraid that Fengming will lose face."

"This is not necessarily. Don't forget the reputation of Fengming, it is definitely not blown out by the wind, it is Fengming."

"How can she play, but she just broke through to the demon sacred floor, can she still play the phoenix of the demon five?"

"It is said that Feng Ming has also killed the demon eight layers!"

"Is it a rumor, do you believe this legend?"

"Don't be noisy, look at the fullness and dare to fight?"


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