Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 807: Battle Fengyuan



Qin double looked at Feng Tian, ​​Feng Tian looked at Feng Yuan, and his heart sighed. In her heart, but knowing the reputation of Feng Ming is definitely played out. In the demon god, you can kill the demon holy, not to mention the Fengming has now broken through the demon holy layer?

"Let her have some lessons. In these decades, Fengguang is no longer Fengdao. This Fengyuan has inflated. It seems that he wants to go out like Fengguang for a while. See how Fengguang is calm. ""

Feng Tianwang showed a glimpse of Feng Guang’s gaze and perceive the eyes of Qin Double. Feng Tian turned his head and smiled:

"Feng Ming, this is the second master of our phoenix youth generation. Oh, you are coming, he is not the second, you can give him some advice."

Feng Yuan immediately blushes like a ray of sunshine. This Feng Tian publicly said that Feng Ming would point him to him. This is obviously not optimistic about him.


His war was rushing, taking out a long gun, pointing to Feng Ming, and shouting:

"What are you hesitating? Are you afraid?"

The piano nodded in two directions, and Feng Tian took out a ball to the air. The ball is magnified in the air for dozens of miles, and Feng Tian condenses:

"You two will learn from each other in the ball."


Feng Yuan’s figure flew toward the Qiankun ball and he entered the Qiankun ball. The piano doubles and squats, and the figure flies from the mountainside and enters the Qiankun ball.

There are other Qiankun in this ball, and the eyes are swept away. There are dozens of miles, absolutely thousands of miles. Mountains and rivers, deep forest valleys.

Qinqin fell on a mountain peak and looked at Fengyuan, who stood on the opposite peak. Then I saw Feng Yuan’s long gun pointing at himself, the gun tip slammed, and the smudges in the guns of the throughput, unpredictable, exuding the power of scorpion.

"Draw a sword!" Feng Yuan snorted.

Qin double did not pull the sword, with his martial arts realm, it is not to open the fire and phoenix body, does not combine the three spiritual powers, but also has the strength of the six peaks of the demon. Even if she has the strength of her body, there are four layers of demon, and there is no need to pull the sword when defeating Feng Yuan. However, Qin Double does not want to use the martial arts for the time being, but wants to try his own power. Now she combines the gods and the sea lions, and also reaches the third floor of the demon.


Feng Yuan saw the piano double and did not pull the sword, his face became red. The body is rushing, the road pattern is radiated from the body, turned into a blossoming flame, hovering around his body, the big feet suddenly slamming in the foothills, the body shape is like a meteor, and the singer is coming to the piano. .

"Thousands of Phoenix Wall!"

As Feng Yuan spurted out a shot, he saw a thousand guns condensed into the essence, rushing toward the piano. Only in an instant, the thousand guns turned into a thousand phoenixes, like a dragon wall rolling against the piano.

"The Feng nationality is really strong!"

In the heart of the piano, she felt that the other side of the phoenix wall was definitely better than the five layers of the demon sacred she had played against, even compared with the sacred six layers, and it was not too much.

Burn out all the waste.

A phoenix rushes out of the body and becomes very solid. The wings are swaying, and the endless sea of ​​fire slams toward the wall. The sea of ​​fire is so tall and boundless.

Then I heard a loud bang, the endless fire of the sea and the Qianfeng wall collided together, the thousand phoenix walls were broken, but the endless fire of the sea also rose into smoke, offset each other.

Qin double sighed in the heart, although he will burn out the eight wilderness to understand the realm of Xiaocheng, but also has the field. After all, after all, his own law is only equivalent to the three layers of the demon, while the other is the five layers of the demon, and is the Feng family, not the ordinary demon.

What's more, the other side is also proficient in the phoenix fire law, and it is not easy to offset all of them with the Qianlong wall. Just just broke through the Fenghuo Law, she wants to sharpen through Feng Yuan. At this time, I saw Feng Yuan use the long gun as a long stick and squat down to the piano.

A piece of stick shadow has become a mountain range. The mountain is sprayed with flames. It is a flame mountain range that falls down to the top of the piano pair. The flame mountain has not yet fallen. The magma ejected from the crater has been poured like a river. Hang down.

The piano hands stretched toward both sides of the body.


Three hundred and eighty-seven phoenix feathers sculpt out of the body, with the piano double as the center, the sword tip up, circled in a circle. Qin double slammed his arms to the top.


Three hundred and eighty-seven phoenix feathers and small swords at the same time Fengming, shaking in the air, blurred the sword shadow, blurred the space. In the air, the trajectory of the mysterious singer is swayed, and each of the phoenix feather swords shakes nine fire lotuses, and the 381-handed phoenix feather sword swayes out three thousand four hundred and twenty-nine fire lotuses. A piece of lotus sea surrounds the piano double.

Each of the phoenix feather swords towed nine fire lotuses and spurred toward the flame mountain range in the air.


The lotus sea and the flame mountain range collided, the blossoming fire lotus burst, and the flame mountain range was broken, the gravel flew, and the magma splashed.


The smashed rock, the splashing magma suddenly gathered toward the middle and gathered into a huge phoenix. The phoenix swooped toward the piano and flipped like a windmill. The huge wings continually swayed toward the piano. go with.


The piano doubles and doubles the combo, constantly colliding with the huge phoenix wings, and the body shape is fanned out. It crashed into a mountain and flew in the gravel.

Qin double stabilized his figure in the air, running a spirit, removing weak injuries. Since she practiced, she has always been a rival, and she has been hailed as the first demon in the demon world by the demon world. And her heart thinks so.

However, today, with Feng Yuan, she was actually slightly injured. Although she did not use the martial arts to repair, it was only the use of the Tao, and let her proud heart realize her deficiencies.

I have been able to overcome the challenges of the fire and the phoenix, and I have won the battle because I have not encountered true genius. The Feng nationality has this genius, compared to the dragon. I was arrogant before.

The volcano of Fengyuan was broken, but it was able to immediately condense into a second method. It seems that my wild path and the Feng nationality have such a deep foundation, and the system has cultivated a big demon, but there is still a big gap. However, with such a monk, I can steal the teacher and inspire me a lot.

Before fighting with the enemy, it is often a way to release it, and then brew a second method. Feng Yuan is the second Dafa method based entirely on the first Tao. This is continuous, whether it is speed or power. It seems that my understanding of the Tao is still not enough.

The reason why I was able to defeat the opponent in the past is that I am better than the enemy by virtue of my strong strength. If I open the fire and the body and integrate the three spiritual powers, I will surpass the opponent in repairing.


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