Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Jiulian Fusion



However, this is not the manipulation of the Tao. In the manipulation of the Tao, I am not as good as Feng Yuan.

"Then use him to sharpen it!"


Three hundred and eighty-one Feng Yu Xiaojian flew to the piano and built a pair of fiery red armor on the body of Qin.


The five-handed Feng Yu big sword came out of the body, hung on the head of the piano double, and the tip of the sword pointed to the opposite Feng Yuan. At this time, in the sea of ​​Qin double, there is only one phoenix feather sword, hovering around the sea squid, the phoenix feather sword has a general feather feather pattern, it is the real thing that Qin double wants to concise. The wind has gone all out.

The five-handed phoenix sword hangs on the double head of the piano. The sculpt on the sword flows, and when it is dark, the pattern constantly constructs different patterns, fire trees, volcanoes, sparks...

When Feng Yuan’s big guns stirred, he stirred a huge whirlpool, and the vortex grew bigger and bigger, and swallowed toward the piano.


The five-handed Feng Yu Dajian, which hangs on the double head of the piano, vibrates in succession. Every time it vibrates, nine fire lotuses are born. The fire lotus is constantly being born, and the layers are stacked, and a lotus sea is filled in an instant. Each piece of lotus is condensed in swordsmanship, sharp and extremely hot.

At the foot of the mountain.

Feng Guang looked at the doubles in the ball, and the corner of his mouth curved an arc, revealing a trace of disdain.

"With this strength, it can be boasted by the demon world to become the first demon of the young generation.

At this time, not only him, but all the Feng monks could not help but frown. The strength of Fengming and the reputation of Fengming are really inconsistent. Originally thought that Fengming would defeat Fengyuan with the ravages of the dead, it seems that Fengming has fallen to the disadvantage.

Scattering is really a loose repair, lack of foundation. Her manipulation of the Dao is obviously not as good as Feng Yuan. The reputation of the scattered repair is often exaggerated and the name is not true.

Feng Tian also frowned slightly, and the elders on the side whispered: "The patriarch, Fengming is this strength?"

Feng Tian stretched his brow and whispered: "The strength of the demon sacred layer can reach this level with the phoenix five-level Feng Yuan, which is already very strong."

"That's it!" The elders nodded, but still dissatisfied and said: "But there was news that she had been able to kill the Eighth floor of the demon."

"The Eighth floor of the demon is just a group of young cattle. Even Feng Yuan has the possibility of killing the eight layers of the Qingniu family." Feng Tian whispered, but there were some confusion in his eyes.


At this time, the whirlpool of the lotus and the phoenix of the Qin double collided together, the vortex and the flame were both smashed, and the Martian splashed in the sky, just like a fire.


Feng Yuan’s big guns stirred, and the splashing flames gathered toward his gunpoint, quickly forming a flame vortex, not only absorbing the originally smashed vortex fragments, but also absorbing the new vortex of the fire lotus pieces released by the piano. . The piano has a kind of learning, the sword finger is swiping in front of the body, and the five-handed sword trembles on the head. The broken lotus petals began to converge toward the middle, gathering together into a blossoming lotus. Not only the broken lotus petals, but also the smashed vortex fragments are also condensed into a blossoming lotus. Subsequently, the two sides collided again. The vortex and the fire lotus are constantly colliding, constantly broken, and constantly reorganized. The piano double is more and more proficient in the manipulation of the Tao.

"Good understanding!"

All the phoenix monks looked at the eyes of Qin Shuang and could not help but sigh.


A loud sword, the five-handed Feng Yu big sword gathered into a huge Feng Yu sword. The Feng Yujian, along with the Qin Shuangjian, crossed a mysterious trajectory in the air. Nine giant fire lotuses appeared in the air, and they lined up in the opposite direction, and they rushed away.


Feng Yuan snorted coldly, and a pattern of plaques spilled out of his body. A line of plaids actually built a huge Fengyuan around Fengyuan. At this time, Fengyuan had a height of 30 feet. The flow of the striated lines, the power of the power, the big gun in the hands is like a stalwart jade pillar, walking towards the piano double foot, one foot toward the piano double smashed past, it is like a big print, the foot soles flow , power can be unlimited.

"A strong way!"

The double sword of the piano refers to one finger, and the nine fire lotuses collide toward the base of the big print.


Nine fire lotuses continually hit the huge sole of the foot, nine fire lotuses were broken, and the huge sole of the foot, with half of the calf, turned into nothingness.

The 30-foot giant picked up a large gun like a jade column and slammed it toward the piano. Qin Shuangjian refers to a collar, nine lotuses came into being, and the broken nine lotus pieces have been integrated into the new nine lotuses, making the nine lotuses even bigger.

The shape of the piano doubles, and the huge Fengyuan is following. The rifle-like big gun is getting closer and closer to the top of the piano pair.


Qin Shuangjian refers to a combination, the original nine lotuses in the air are concentrated in the middle, the piano eyes are dignified, and the sword refers to the complex. This is the inspiration that she received through the Tao Law released by Feng Yuan, and she wanted to create a new way. If she can combine these nine lotuses, it will definitely have more power.


Qin double is flying back, Feng Yuan is chasing after him. Between two people, nine fire lotuses have touched together and are merging. A fascinating power has been uttered out.

Feng Tian and the eight elders look a tight, they are all locked in the nine lotuses that are being merged. They can all see that if these nine lotuses can really be completely integrated, they can't even determine the power.

There is a urgency in Feng Yuan’s eyes, and he can feel the fire lotus power that is being merged. And she was able to determine that if the piano doubled the nine fire lotuses successfully, he would never be able to resist.

"Can't let her succeed.

She is just a layer of demon, and I am the fifth floor of the demon.

Can't lose to her! ”

Feng Yuan squeezed his own potential and made his speed rise again. The huge gun tip hit a mountain like a mountain.

The figure of the double pair flew back, and the hands condensed out the sword and pointed out. The phoenix's phoenix sword on the head trembled violently, vomiting the radiance of the scent. The nine lotuses are rapidly blending.

At this time, the piano is very embarrassing, completely fleeing. However, all the monks of the Feng nationality are very clear in their hearts. If you give the piano a double time, the nine lotuses will be merged, and the Feng Yuan will be defeated.

"Good understanding!"

The demon hearts are very clear, this is Feng Ming in the battle, saw the magical power released by Feng Yuan, and the magical power that came out of the epiphany. How high is the insight that can be gained in a fierce battle?


Will Feng Yuan give Feng Ming the time to continue his enlightenment?


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