Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 814: a trace of natural wood



"Good!" Feng Tian readily nodded: "I will not bother you. You also know that our Feng nationality can no longer be attacked by the dragon once. So..."

"I understand!" Qin double nodded immediately: "I will set up a large array at the fastest speed."

Feng Tian left with satisfaction, Qin double back to the hall, once again look at the material in the storage ring, the face showed a happy color. These materials are high-quality and more than doubled. The piano double will not have a flash, so you can leave those materials. Waiting to return to the Crescent Moon Empire, you can give Feng Yan, let Feng Yan upgrade the Wanli Yellow Sands.

Qin double returned to the cultivation room, and then entered the town demon tower. After discussing with Feng Ming, two people began to refine the flag together.

The town demon tower has passed for a hundred days, and it has been more than one hour since the outside. All the flags have been refining. However, the piano double will not start to form immediately. Even if Feng Tian did not see the Grand Master, they could not refine the flag in less than a day.

Therefore, Qin double is ready to practice for ten days.

Ten days later.

Qin double informed Feng Tian and left the Flame Mountain. When she came to the front of Fengshuichi Lake in the middle of Fengshan Mountain, the elders of Fengtian and the Presbyterian Church had arrived, and even the tenth elder, Feng Guang, now stood behind Feng Tian. Feng Tian saw Qin double coming, with a surprise on his face:

"Feng elders, can you arrange?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "First, the door to the Fengxue pool is laid. The area covered by this array is small and can be laid out within one day."

"There are Laofeng elders!"

Feng Tian took the elders back to the side, Feng Guang looked at the piano double, and sighed in his heart. He did not think that in addition to the amazing strength, the piano double is still a big master, which makes him and the piano double fight again?

Is the Grand Master so easy to become?

It is conceivable how much time spent on the piano is in the circuit. How much time she spends on the lap, how much time is spent on cultivation. Even so, her strength is still more than his Feng Guang. If Qinqin will comprehend the time of the battle and take some of it on cultivation, he will have no chance to catch up with others.

Qin double does not care what Feng Guang thinks at this time, she only wants to quickly set up the big array, so secretly leave Fengdao and return to the mainland. Not to mention that it is Feng Guang, it is the Feng nationality, and she does not want to have anything to do with it in the future.

A flag was played, and since the Qin double promised the Feng family, it would not be perfunctory. The defensive array, the squad, the killing, and the big tiers were laid out by her. After six hours, Qin double handed the flag to Feng Tiandao:

"The patriarch, this flag is the main flag to control these bans!"

Then I took out a jade road: "The patriarch, this jade is the method of controlling the formation. I will be here today, and tomorrow I will set up the law for the treasure house."

"Good! Feng elders have worked hard, you go back to rest first." Feng Tian said politely.

Qin double left, Feng Tian and other big demon did not leave, the two elders: "The patriarch, you open the array, I go in and see."

The rest of the elders also came forward and said with interest: "We also go in and see."

Even the frustrated Feng Guang reveals the color of interest. Feng Tian smiled:

"I will first look at Yu Jian!"

After a quarter of an hour, Feng Tian presided over the formation of the law, and the nine elders of the elders entered the law. In less than twenty interest hours, Feng Tian stopped the formation, and the nine elders ran out of the way. Each monk's face was a horror of the rest of his life.

"This... the array... is too powerful!" The two elders were pale.

"Yeah, almost died inside."


The singer is screaming, but Feng Tian is smiling. "The elders of Feng are really powerful. If I didn't stop the operation of the array, you will really die in it. If the dragons dare to come again, they must have him. No return."

"Yes!" The demon is extremely excited: "Look at the phoenix elders tomorrow."

The second day.

Qinqin stood in the sky above the treasure house. The gods shed from the eyebrows, hanged from the air, shrouded the treasure house, and then sank into the ground. This array of methods is not just a gate, but the entire treasure house. Enveloped inside, so the piano double needs to find the base node at the bottom.


The double look of the piano was slightly moved, reaching out to the ground and grabbing it. A piece of broken jade piece was caught in the hand by the piano. The eyes fell on the piece of jade, and it looked like a piece of jade bottle from above. Perceived the breath of the original wood gas.


Feng Tian and the nine elders also flew into the air, came to the Qin double, and his eyes fell on the broken jade. There is a trace of anger in Feng Tian’s eyes:

"This is the jade bottle fragment that was taken by the dragons."

The piano double observed the piece of debris, which was covered with a hint of wood. Qinqin took out a jade box, put the jade piece into the jade box, then turned over the layer and banned the layer, and finally put the jade box into the storage ring.

Feng Tian and others did not care, although a trace of natural wood is also very precious, but it can not be important with the three large arrays of Qin double for the Feng nationality. Therefore, when Feng Tian and other monks saw the double pieces of the jade, they fell to the ground and looked at the piano.

After a lapse of one and a half months, Qin double set all the big arrays, and the Fengzu ancestors have not returned. The piano double sat in his own cultivation room, and took out the jade box with the jade bottle fragments, and the thoughts were in his eyes.

She knows that the source of wood is not so good. Everything that is the source is good at running away and hiding. Even if there is no spirit, it seems to be close to the road, it is difficult to catch. In this way, the dragons accidentally under the tension, shattered the jade bottle, but the original wood gas banned in the jade bottle escaped, the dragon is really not necessarily able to catch the source of the gas.

Does that have a chance?

The piano doubled the handcuffs, unveiled the seal on the jade box, opened the jade box, took out the piece of debris, and picked it with a finger, and the trace of the wood was picked up in the air. Qin double looked at the trace of the original wood, this is just a trace of the glue from the group of wood, there is no instinct to hide and escape. However, Qin double knows that this source of wood has a sense of the original wood gas. As long as the group's original wood gas has not been swallowed and refining by the dragon's ancestors, it has a great possibility of sensing the position of the group's original wood gas.

Qin double eyebrows rushed out of the sky, and the silk of the original source of wood, he was involved in the knowledge of the sea, so that the trace of the original wood gas stayed in the sea.


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