Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 815: Yan Yan



Concerned about the trace of the original wood in the sea, there is no response. There are still hopes in the heart of the piano, so I did not send that trace of wood gas into the town demon tower.

"It's time to leave!"

Qinqin walked out of the cultivation room and came to the hall. He placed a jade on the table in the hall and walked out of the hall. The hand is standing on the top of the mountain. She did not go to investigate whether there is a demon to monitor herself, because she has confidence that her current strength is not to beat Fengtian, but if she wants to go, Fengtian can’t catch up. Yourself. Because she is a sea of ​​secrets and has become a world of talent.

The piano stepped out in a double step, and her figure disappeared into the flames of the mountains.

The piano did not go in the direction of the demon door, but flew toward the depths of the sea. She knows that once Feng Tian learns that she is secretly leaving, she must be chasing in the direction of the demon door. She is going to find a place to break through the Ruijin and Xuan Shui laws, which just avoids the tracking of Fengtian.

She continued to make a world of glory. After an hour, she didn't even know where she was. She fell on a deserted island. The gods spread out and spread out, confirming that there was no life here. Qinqin dug a hole in the house, and then laid out the array and entered the cave house.

Qinqin began to break through the sharp gold and Xuan Shui law, these two aspects are now the twelfth layer of the magical period, breaking through the thirteenth layer of the magical period, just breaking through a small order, very simple for Qinshuang . It was only in less than a day that Qinhuang’s Ruijin and Xuanshui Fadao reached the thirteenth floor of the distraction period. And the ten ends of Haoran’s heart are filled with Haoran’s liquid.


The brows of Qin double suddenly picked up, and the figure disappeared in Dongfu and appeared outside the Dongfu. I saw a strong monk looking forward to her. Then I looked shocked and quickly took a jade slip from the storage ring and saw the ecstasy on my face:

"You are Feng Ming?"

Qinqin slightly frowned and said: "Yes, who are you?"

"I am a dragon, Yan Yan, I heard that you defeated Feng Guang and became the first talent of the Feng nationality. You will be killed here today."

"Ha ha ha..."

Yan Yan smirked and rushed toward the Qinshuang. The sea water shook the waves and instantly drowned the island. Qin Qin was shocked. The news of his victory over Feng Guang made the Dragons know so quickly. It’s no surprise that the dragons can get their own images. His own image has been circulated in the demon world, and it is not difficult for him to get a jade slip with his own image.


"He is Yan Yan?"

Qin double's heart was shocked, and his body flew toward the sky, and Yan Yan was chasing after him. The endless sea picked up the empty waves and was around the body of Yan Yan.

"You are Yan Yan?"

The body shape of the piano doubled, and the eight wild wastes were released. On the sky, within ten miles, it became red and red, like a big sunset into the mortal world.

"Not bad!"

Yan Yan's figure jumped and came to the opposite side of the piano. The sea below him was sacrificed by him and collided with the flame of the piano pair, giving a dense sound of boiling.

"Beat the face of Feng Guang?"

"Yes! I accidentally let the phoenix phoenix escape, and your direction, today will definitely make you unable to escape, I will kill you."

The piano doubles the heart and turns, this Yan Yan is definitely not dedicated to killing himself here. It’s also impossible to just wander around and just find yourself breaking.

should be……

The double jump in the heart of the piano, will it be the source of wood and not caught by them? Are they looking for the source of wood?

At this time, I saw Yan Yan’s hands grabbing, and the endless seawater was caught by hundreds of water cylinders, and turned into dozens of water dragons, hovering around his body.

"Go!" Yan Yan gave a big drink.


Hundreds of water dragons shouted and swooped toward the piano. The dragon body undulating in the air, like hundreds of mountains. A huge power can come.

The piano double opens the fire and phoenix body, and the three spiritual powers merge, and the shock converges out. The double fists blasted continuously, and the speed was so fast that the double arms of the piano pulled out the blurry afterimages in the air, as if the piano double suddenly grew hundreds of arms.

Wrapped in Fengqin!


The double-wrapped Fengqiu of Qinqin directly turned into hundreds of phoenixes and rushed toward the water dragon.


Bai Fengming screamed, and every fire phoenix spurted a flame, and the heavens and the earth reflected it.


The white dragon roared and a sea of ​​water was sprayed in the mouth of each water dragon.


Wang Yang is gradually extinguishing the fire, and Qin’s heart is a jump.


It is necessary to know that the piano pair has defeated Feng Guang cleanly, but it has fallen into the opposite direction with Yan Yan.

"Ha ha ha..." Yan Yan said with a sneer: "Look at me and slap you all the way!"

Then I saw the right hand of Yan Yan grabbed towards the sea, and the sea surface fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, I saw the bottom of the sea. The endless sea water was condensed into a water polo by the sea of ​​the sea and caught in the hand.

An extreme danger hit the heart of the piano, and the hairs of the body stood up. Qin did not hesitate to flip the handcuffs quickly, and his hands pulled out a group of blurred afterimages on the chest, and the space oscillated.

In the heart of Yan Yan, it was a glimpse. The temple suddenly jumped, and the great crisis hit the heart. The water ball was held in the hand and pushed to the piano. At this time, the hands of Qin double turned toward Yan Yan.

Fire emptiness!


Yan Yan's face changed dramatically, and he felt that his space was like being dug by a piece of life, and at the same time, the raging heat of the land was destroyed.

Do not!

This is not a piece of excavation, but a piece of fire burned out!


Yan Yan grabbed the original water polo and grabbed it back. Then he swung into the water polo, and the water polo evaporated and narrowed at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was only a moment of rest, and the space for burning was in the middle. Squeezed, the water polo madly hit the outside.


The sky-like roar sounded, the water polo burst, but in the moment before the explosion, Yan Yan’s figure rushed out. The muscles are broken and the bones are visible. The head did not return to escape to the distance.

Shrink into the inch!

The piano took a step and the body shape has already caught up behind Yan Yan. When Yan Yan’s heart was shocked, he saw him turn into a dragon shape and suddenly accelerated.

Close to the horizon!

Qin double volley takes a step!

This step!

The piano double appeared in front of Yan Yan, kicked back and kicked toward the faucet of Yan Yan. Yan Yan stretched out and kept the dragon claws toward the feet of the piano.


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