Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Nine vine



What shocked her was not this huge underground world, but in this huge underground world, there was an infinite behemoth. This behemoth is made up of countless thick vines. It swings back and forth on the ground. The thick vines are thickened by the recognition of the thighs. They are shuttled in the air on the ground below.


In the heart of Qin double, she felt that the thick vine had a more ancient rule of wood than the pothole.

"What is this?"


The face of Qin double has a faint color. She found that these thick vines are not casually shuttled, but have mysterious laws.

"This is... a big array!"

The piano double looked down at the rough vines below, and found that the shuttle rafts of the thick vines formed a huge constant change of the pattern.

In the heart of the piano, she found that the continuous shuttles of the thick vines were constantly changing the patterns and constructing them into different arrays. Very versatile and mysterious.

The piano double frowned, she did not know that in this case, now looking for the source of wood. That source of wood must be here. She began to push this array of characters, time is passing quickly, she feels like this, and her spiritual power is not enough to continue to release the defensive shield.

Fortunately, at this time, although she has not fully derived this huge array of characters, she has some understanding. I swallowed a few medicinal herbs and fell to the bottom. Falling on a thick vine, the figure flicked fast, and the foot followed a different pattern, passing through the gap between the thick vines and sneaking down the thick vine.


In the heart of the piano, there is no mistake in the direction of his own derivation, and there is no alarm in these rough vines. However, the piano double still tightened the nerves, while rapidly deducing this symbol, while constantly swaying on the vines, stalking through the gap.

Above the big island.

The two figures flew far away, and when they crossed the big island, the two figures suddenly broke. Two figures like the streamer are solidified, but it is the curtain of the dragon patriarch and the elders.

“The green wood here is so rich!” There was a surprise in the curtain.

Li Wu gently nodded: "There must be a wooden property treasure here."

"Let's go down and see!" The figure of the curtain fell to the bottom, but was grabbed by Liwu: "We are going to find the source of wood, remember this place first."

The curtain shook his head: "The patriarch, the original wood gas escaped too fast, we did not know where it went, just because we have a special induction of the original wood gas, we can find a little direction. Better than we will first The treasures on this big island have been collected. Yes, maybe the original wood gas is on this big island."

When my eyes are bright, I feel that the curtain is right, maybe the original wood is hiding here.


The two figures fell towards the avenue, and soon they both fell next to the pothole. I am looking at the pothole:

"It should be here, let's go down!"

The two great monks fell into the potholes, and the curtain screamed: "The patriarch, there is a rule of wood property!"

"Let's go ahead and see!"

Two people flew down, and the two of them were not engulfed by this wood attribute rule, but could absorb the wood attribute rule here.

When the two of them rushed out of the pothole passage, there was an ecstasy on the face of the scorpion, looking at the endless rough vine:

"Nine vines!"

The curtain stared at the thick vine, and I saw a nine-striped road on each of the thick vines. I could not help but surprise:

"Sure enough, it is the nine vines. The patriarch, this nine-grained vine is said to contain the power of the law, is the supreme treasure. If our dragons get this nine-grain vine, even if the ancestors did not return to their ancestors, they can also be invincible demon world."

"Not bad!"

Liwu nodded, and then took out a purple gilt from the storage ring, and the purple gilt sacrificed into the air, licking the mouth toward the nine vines below. Then he shot a light from the Zijin Pass and shrouded the nine-grained vines of the behemoth.


The nine vines below violently rioted, if boiling water. A large rattan attacked the scorpion and the curtain above. However, it was bound by the purple gilt and pulled toward the purple gold.

In the moment when the nine-striped vines ran away, the piano was shaken in both hearts, and the backhand gripped the Fengyu sword behind it. However, she then felt that the rough vines did not seem to have found her, but attacked her, but attacked upwards.

"what happened?"

Qin double looked up to the top. In the view of Qin double, it seems that there is a dense forest above her. The thick vines are like a big tree, and they are like a big stalk with a handle, facing upwards. Burst straight. Originally tangled, the staggered thick vines reveal a straight upward gap. Through those gaps, Qin double saw the purple gold dragonfly first.

The purple gilt is shining brightly, and all the thick vines shrouded in light are pulled away by Zijinyu. And those thick vines also madly attacked the purple gilt, and there were constantly thick rattan slap on the purple gilt, and the purple gilt was swayed around, and the light shook into pieces. It was just that the purple gold plaque continued to flow, and the light was re-mapped, pulling the nine-striped vines into the purple gold enamel, and the two madly fought together.

"Someone will accept these rough vines!"

The piano doubles in the heart, looking through the gap of the thick vines in the other direction above. The eyes were shrinking, and she saw the sorrow and the curtain.

"It's them!"

The piano doubles the heart, but she has seen the power released by Li Wu and the curtain on Fengdao. She is definitely not one of the two dragons. Any one of Li Wu and the curtain can kill her.

She knows that Li Wu and the curtain have not found her yet, and her body will quietly sneak down to the bottom. She will try to escape from below. Once she is found by her and her curtain, she will face the danger of death. .


Qin double suddenly stunned her body and held her breath, her eyes showing a surprise. She saw a space below, which was a pool.

Do not!

It was not a pool, because the water in the pool was green and very sticky.

"This is Aoki's liquid! That's..."

She saw a green tree, the small tree was only the size of a palm, the thin roots were tied in the pool, the branches stretched and the leaves shook.

"The source of wood gas!"


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