Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Scramble



In the heart of Qin double is a joy, and at this time, the small tree also stopped shaking his head, and the thin roots were pulled out from the liquid of Aoki, a gesture that was ready to escape.

Qinqin hurriedly held his breath, sighed with breath, hid in the thick vine, and secretly looked at the original wood. She knew that the little tree was the source of the wood, and she should have sensed her breath just now.

After a few moments passed, the roots of the little tree were put into the liquid of Aoki, and the branches began to shake gently again. It seemed that the battle between the upper vine and the two dragon monks seemed not to worry.

Qin double sneaked his head and looked up through the gap. I feel that the purple gilt is really not able to fight these thick vines. Looking down again, looking at the source of the wood, slightly frowning and thinking, how can we take away the original wood gas.

I thought about the time of five interest, Qin Qin knows that in addition to using the town demon tower, the rest of the methods may not be effective. Even if there is a trace of negligence, I am afraid that it will be escaped by that source. However, once I have sacrificed the town demon tower, I am afraid that it will be discovered by the upper eaves and curtains. Therefore, she not only has to figure out how to collect the source of the wood, but also figure out how to escape from the hands of Li Wu and the curtain.

Qin double carefully looked around, then the heart filled with helplessness.

The only exit is the top, but now it is blocked by the scorpion and the curtain, and between her and the curtain and the scorpion, there is the thick vine and the purple gilt.

That is to say, there is only one way to escape. Once she collects the original wood gas, it must be discovered by the nine-striped vine, and it must be discovered by the scorpion and the curtain. In this way, if she wants to escape, she must rush through the attack of the nine vines, break through the purple gilt, and break through the barriers of the scorpion and the curtain.

This is simply not the slightest possibility!

Qin double eyebrows thinking, on her top, nine-grain vine and purple gold 钵 fight fierce, Qin double knows for a while, this battle will not end. Then I calm down and think about the plan.

She knew that she had only collected the source of wood for a short time and then fled at the fastest speed. To be unexpected, once she was discovered by the curtain and the scorpion, it would become a dead place.


When the heart of the piano double moves, the figure will quietly enter the town demon tower. The original wood gas below stopped swaying, and it seemed to have sensed something. After the two interest, he happily swayed.

When Qin Double entered the town demon tower, he began to take out a large demon corpse of the demon sacred eight layers, began to peel, then cut, refining the skin, and making the symbol of the great master.

The outside world was less than a quarter of an hour later, and the piano pair quietly came out of the town demon tower. Hold your breath and converge. The original wood gas below stopped swaying again. This time it stopped for a long time, and there was a full time, and it was swaying happily.

The piano double minded, the town demon tower rushed out from the eyebrows, just appeared in the pool above, the tower door quickly opened, a ray of light burst out from the tower door, shrouded toward the entire pool.


The whole pool was shaken, and the green wood in the pool ran away toward the town demon tower, and was taken in by the town demon tower. However, the small tree that was made of wood and gas, the roots were deeply plunged into the bottom of the pool. Although the whole tree kept shaking, it struggled and was not taken in by the town demon tower.


The upper vines violently walked away, and countless thick vines swayed to the Qinshuang and the town demon towers. The dense vines were split in half and attacked the Qinshuang and the town demon tower.

At this time, the Qinshuang still dared to stay here, and the body shape turned into a streamer into the town demon tower. The power of the gods furiously poured into the town demon tower, and the town demon tower shined.

The dense thick vine is divided into two parts, one part is attacking Zijinyu and the other is attacking the town demon tower. The gap in such a space becomes empty, and the light of the town demon tower also rushes straight through the gap. Let Li Wu and the curtain see the original wood gas below.

"The source of wood gas!"

Li Wu and the curtains were ecstatic, and the figure swooped down.


The rattan fluttered and smashed toward the scorpion and the curtain, and even the scorpion and the curtain could not swoop down. The two big demons saw that the town demon tower was collecting the original wood gas, and the heart was anxious, madly attacking the nine-striped vine, and wanted to swoop down. But the nine-striped vine is even more crazy than the two big demons. Although there are many rattans crushed by two big demon, more rattans are coming to them.


The curtain sacrificed a long whip-shaped treasure, which is a dragon rib.

"go with!"

The dragon ribs swayed toward the bottom, avoiding the attack of the rattan, and shuttled through the gaps of the rattan, but in the twinkling of an eye, it penetrated the heavy rattan, appeared in the sky above the town demon tower, and then toward that The small palm tree spurred away.


As soon as the dragon ribs entered the light curtain in the town demon tower, the speed of the rapid speed was a slow one, and the trend was collected by the town demon tower.

"The patriarch!"

The curtain screamed and screamed at the heart, and a blood spurted on the purple gilt in the air. This blood spurted out, and the scent of the scorpion was weak. However, the purple gilt was a brilliance, and the nine vines that had been fighting with the purple gilt were constantly taken in by Zijin, and the space was empty, and the figure of the curtain swooped down quickly.


At this time, these nine-striped vines that fought with the town demon tower were also taken in by the town demon tower. The whole space became empty, and the figure of the curtain suddenly came to the space below. However, after the Qin double, Li Wu and the curtain are a glimpse.

They all found that the town demon tower and the purple gold urn did not really collect the nine vines. The dense nine-grain vine was originally a vine. The reason why there are so many rattans is the branch of this nine-striped vine. At this time, the nine-striped vine was generally taken in by Zijin, while the other half was taken in by the town demon tower. In the middle of the Zijin Temple and the town demon tower, there is a large nine-grained vine that has been pulled straight, so that Zijinyu and the town demon tower did not collect the nine-grain vine, and the town demon tower and Zijinyu are competing. Among them.

"A great treasure!"

Qin double stared at the purple gold dragonfly, but her heart is also very clear, the grade of the purple gold 肯定 is certainly not as good as the town demon tower. Only the town demon tower has not been repaired. If the town demon tower is repaired, don't say that it competes with the Zijin 钵 for the nine-grain vine, that is, the Zijin 钵 can be collected by the town demon tower.


The curtain stretched out two big hands, one big hand grabbed the town demon tower, and a big hand grabbed the original wood gas.


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