Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Speculation of the ancestors



Feng Guang nodded palely, Feng Yao was angry and said: "Feng Tian, ​​since you know Feng Ming is this kind of situation, why should she let her go? Even if she let her come out and practice, why not have the elders of the Presbyterian Church Secret protection?"

"Back to the ancestors!" Feng Tian grievance said: "I have been tens of thousands of people, not let Feng Ming leave, let her practice on the Flame Mountain. She also promised me, who knows, she actually ran away! ”


Feng Yao was so angry that he pointed out a little, but he was helpless. Her heart is clear, that Fengming is a wild path, used to idle, but also has his own habits, wild and difficult to train, want her to stay in Fengdao cultivation, I am afraid it is really more uncomfortable than killing her. However, how can I let Feng Ming run out alone, and how can I have to protect the elders of the Elder House?

"Old ancestors, have you seen Fengming?" Feng Tian asked cautiously.

"See it!" Feng Yao sighed: "When I saw her, she was being chased by the scorpion and the curtain."

"Ah?" Feng Yao was shocked: "She... is it okay?"

Feng Yao recalled it and couldn't help but smile: "The gimmick's ability to escape is good. I didn't really catch up with her." I just didn't know what happened before. The curtain and the two were also affected. hurt."

"Is it Fengming..." Feng Tian spirited.

Fengyao turned a white-eyed road: "What do you want? Fengming is stronger, and it is only a demon sacred layer. She can defeat Fengguang, which is already the limit. Liwu and the curtain are the nine layers of the demon, and still Two. What is Fengming's ability to hurt two big demons?"

"Oh!" Feng Tian’s eyes showed a disappointment: "Old ancestors, what about Fengming?"

Feng Yao sighed a sigh: "I don't know. At that time, I stopped both the singer and the curtain, let Feng Ming escape first. You immediately went to look for Fengming in all directions."


Dozens of fire phoenixes screamed and flew toward the surrounding, like a huge fireworks.

Feng Guang flew in one direction, and his heart was very uncomfortable. This uncomfortableness comes from the embarrassment of Fengming. He did not think that the family had attached great importance to Fengming to such a degree. If Fengming went out to practice, he would also protect the elders of the elders.


When he went out to experience Feng Feng, how did he not see the elders of the Presbyterian Church secretly protecting?

Is she still more important than Feng Xiaoying?


Feng Guang is like a kind of breath. This kind of breath is familiar to her. It is the smell of Fengming. It is already very light, but even if it is very light, it makes him keenly perceive. Lost in the hands of Feng Ming, so that she could not see Feng Ming's breath for a lifetime.

He quickly unplugged a phoenix feather, branded it into a message, and then sacrificed the phoenix feather, and the phoenix plume quickly disappeared into the air.

In less than two quarters of an hour, Fengyao and Fengtian, and dozens of fire phoenixes came here, Feng Tian said:

"Feng Guang, have you found Feng Ming?"

"The breath of the original wood gas!"

The sound of Feng Tian has just fallen, Feng Yao will be a fan. Feng Tian’s look was a glimpse, and then it was carefully sensed, and the look changed:

"There is also the atmosphere of the dragon."

Feng Yao nodded and said: "There is also a strong atmosphere of wood properties!"

She perceives it carefully and explores the ocean out of the ocean.

"This is the atmosphere of the nine-striped vine! And it should have been a big island. It was such a big big island that was broken by life. I saw the fragments of the big island at the bottom of the sea. I just didn't see the nine-striped vine. The shadow, did not see the source of wood."

Feng Tian and other big demons have swept the gods into the sea and reached the ocean. Sensitively one by one.

"The dragons should follow the origin of the wood gas to get here, but they did not get the original wood gas. The source wood gas should be taken by a human race. That Terran should be a sword repair, very powerful, I am afraid it has reached the peak of the world. ”

Feng Yao’s face became very ugly.

Just look at the boulders that fall on the bottom of the sea, and you know how big that road is, about five thousand miles. Such a huge big island has collapsed. This kind of destructive power is even difficult for her Fengyao to do.

"The Terran has such a master?" Feng Tian asked nervously.

Feng Yao nodded solemnly: "I have felt a strong sword, all over the demon world, and there is no such big demon to cultivate this powerful sword. And the sword is also very strange, I have never seen it. Most What's important is that there isn't a trace of demon in the sword, so it won't be a monk's monk."

"There are five kinds of breath here, the original wood gas, the nine-grained vine, the dragon, the Fengming and the powerful human race."

"The original wood gas and the nine-grain vine do not know who was robbed."

Feng Tian thought: "It is reasonable to say that since the Terran monk is so powerful, the original wood gas and the nine-grain vine should be robbed by him. The curtain and the singer do not chase the human race, why should they chase Fengming? ?"

Feng Yao’s face became chilly: “It should be that the sorrow and the curtain were hurt by the strong people of the human race. If they dared not to provoke the strong people, they would anger on Feng Ming. I stopped the curtain. And Li Wu, Feng Ming should be temporarily safe, will not be chased by Li Wu and the curtain. But I am very worried about the Terran strong."

The big demon looked at each other and felt incredible. To what extent are the Terrans of the Warriors on the mainland being oppressed by the demon and the two?

The Terran lost half of the territory, and both the demon and the devils took the Terran as a ration. If the Terran really has a strong, why not see him?

The big demon are all wondering there, but they dare not doubt Feng Yao. Where do they know that it is not a strong human race at all, but a sword symbol of the peak of the great master who released the piano.

Feng Yao took a breath and said seriously: "Things are already very obvious. Feng Yao came out to travel, and happened to meet the strong people of the Terran and the dragons to compete for the origin of the wood. And the source of wood should be hidden on this big island, And this big island gave birth to a nine-grain vine. Finally, the strong people of the human race defeated the scorpion and the curtain, and robbed the origin of the wood gas and the nine-striped vines. The sorrow and the curtain found Fengming, they chased all the way. kill."

Feng Tian nodded: "The ancestors are wise. In any case, the dragons should not get the original wood. Otherwise, the princes and curtains should return to the dragons in the first time, and they will not chase Fengming."

“Not bad!” Feng Yao’s eyes twitched with a hint of surprise: “So, the dragon’s ancestors couldn’t return to their ancestors without the original wood.”


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