Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Landing


The eyes of the monks of the Fengfeng people are all bright, and their hearts are excited.

After seven days.

Qin double stood on the mainland of the demon world, and took a long sigh of relief, finally leaving the sea, so he got rid of the dragon. A battle with Li Wu and the curtain made her full of jealousy about the dragon. She knows that with her current strength, in front of the powerful dragons, she is just a relatively powerful ants.

If you are stopped by the dragons in the sea, it is bound to be a group of dragons, and they are all masters, because they have snatched the precious wood of their ancestors. At that time, it was a **** battle, and it was possible that it was very small.

"It is estimated that the dragons will think that they will return to the Feng nationality after they have obtained the original wood. They are chasing in the direction of the Feng nationality. Do you know if the dragon and the phoenix will have another war?

No matter, even if it broke out, it was a war between the Phoenix and the Dragon, and it has nothing to do with itself. ”

Looking back at the direction of Fengdao, the heart said: "I was discovered by Fengyao. At this time, the Fengzu should know that they left Fengdao. They left a jade slip in the flame mountain. The Feng family should send people. Gao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyun were sent to Fengming City in the mainland of the Warriors. Didn't know if the Fengzu would send people to return to Fengdao for cultivation?

I don't know if the Dragons will go to Fengming City to kill themselves. ”

God knows from the double eyebrows of the piano and outlines a white tiger. The piano sits on the white tiger's body, and the white tiger flies in four hooves and flies away in the direction of the demon door.

The piano doubles momentum, like the essence, stirring all the way. The pride of the heart continues to rise.

"Before I arrived in Fengdao, the monks came to kill me. The monk was the highest, that is, the eight layers of the Yaozu. Even so, I broke through the shackles of the great masters. This time. I once again set foot on the mainland of the demon world. I have to look at it. Who else dares to kill me?"

The piano between the two hearts rushed through the fire to emptiness and magic, and the chest was full of anger.

"The Yaozu kills the Terran in the mainland of the Warriors. I am now killing the Yaozu in the demon world!"

When the piano double stepped on the demon world, it was discovered by the first group of demons, and after being killed by the piano, the news that Qin double came back from the sea Fengdao quickly spread in the demon world.

Every demon monk is very clear in his heart. When Qin Qinming returns from Fengdao, it is necessary to go to the gate of the demon, enter the mainland of the warrior, and return to Fengming City. Therefore, on the way to the door of the demon to the demon, countless big demon gathered there to go to intercept the piano.

"I didn't think that Feng Feng Feng Ming still dared to come out from Fengdao. The last time because her Fu Xi made her earn a cheap, now I got a new defense aura, that Feng Ming is in front of me, is a rookie. ”

Within the city of Wanxuan.

Aba and Tu hide in the restaurant, holding a wine jar in their hands to drink. From time to time, looking out the window, I saw a big demon flying toward the outside of the city, demon and arrogance, the demon cloud filled. A tyrant recovered his gaze and looked at the land:

"I heard that the big elders of the Qingniu family have come out this time?"

"Yes, hahaha..." The secret could not help but laugh: "The most outstanding monk of the Qingniu generation, Gao Xiaoxiao, who claimed to be the first hero of the whole demon world, actually became the mount of Fengming!

Do not!

It’s not a mount, it’s still lower than the mount’s position, it’s just a pull. Hahaha..."

The tyrants couldn’t help but laugh: “The younger cows of this family have lost their faces. The young elders of the Qingniu family will come out of the mountain, and they will surely kill Fengming and bring Gao Xiaoxiao back to Qingniushan.”

"This time Fengming must be in jeopardy. The monk who was dispatched this time is different from the last time. The last time we only had a few of the eight layers of the demon, and the worst monk who was dispatched this time was also the eight layers of the demon. I have a little more. It’s not as good as watching Feng Ming’s death. Let’s both of us leave!”

The face of the land became dignified: "I really don't know how Feng Ming will have so many, so powerful." Although we all have a violin, but her symbols are too powerful. If those are all her Those who made it themselves, those who went to kill Fengming may not be able to kill her. We will follow it far behind. If Fengming really has that kind of symbol, we still have to be careful."

"It is estimated that even if there is such a symbol, she will die this time. The two of us have already spread the things that she has." Even if there is no big demon against the symbol, I will be more careful." Aba thought and said.

The land nodded and said: "Yes, the strength of Fengming is not so strong, but it depends on Fuxi. However, when she was able to escape the demon world in the heavy containment, it shows that she is experienced in fleeing. We still don't want Anxious to go forward, waiting for those big demon to consume her strength, the reputation of killing Fengming must be the two of us."

"It’s just a peak of the demon god. Last time, if it wasn’t caught by her symbol, I wouldn’t be chased by her and I would become a joke in the demon world.”

When you hear the tyrant, the burial is also a gloomy face. Since being seen by many big demons, both of them have been chased and killed by the doubles, and they have become the object of the whole demon world. Even if the two of them said that they were injured by Fu, no one believed. The earth said:

"This time I must kill her by myself!"

The tyrant also got up in a murderous way: "Let's go!"

The piano double rides on the back of the white tiger. This time she did not go back, but went straight to the direction of the demon door. She did not rest for a moment. During the day, while on the road, while looking at the phoenix feather sword in the sea, the brand is full of sacred symbols. In the evening, while she was on the road, she was embarrassed and let the Yinshen receive the training of Yuehua.

The Yinshen is like a streamer, passing through a lot of clouds, catching up with the white tiger that is running, and entering the body of the piano on the back of the white tiger.

After a quarter of an hour.

A ray of sunshine broke through the clouds and put a layer of color on the body of the piano. Qin double opened his eyes on the back of the white tiger. His eyes crossed the mountains and whispered:

"It’s going to be empty and secret!"

The empty space is in the way of going straight to the gate of the demon. The reason why Qinshuang is eager to go to the Fengzu nationality is to comprehend the space heaven, so he is anxious to leave Fengdao, and he is anxious to enter the empty space again. Go find the godsend.

Qin’s eyes suddenly glimpsed and looked over the mountains. I saw the figure above the foothills. There are dozens of big demons, and each big demon is enchanting, and the whole mountain is covered with demon, so you have to be confused.


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