Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Empty atmosphere




The momentum on her began to climb. In her knowledge of the sea, the sea of ​​lotuses under the Fenghuo Yuanshen began to change. Originally, there was only one layer of sea lotus under the Fenghuo Yuanshen, but now another layer has been created. Know the sea lotus, build two layers of sea lotus.

The second layer of distraction!

"Not good, she broke through!" and the big demon exclaimed.

All the big demon hearts are huge earthquakes. Before the breakthrough, they did not kill the piano pair. Now they can break through the piano pair. Can they kill her?

The hiding and the tyrants hiding in the mountains far away from the mountains were shocked and confronted each other. The two big demon hearts did not even have the idea of ​​appearing.

Qinqin opened his eyes and felt his heart hurt and the breakthrough of Fenghuo Law. He was delighted. Moreover, not only that, she feels that she and the hand of the Feng Yujian are more close, and there is already a trend of mutual communication. She believes that it will be more smooth and easy to brand the Feng Yu Jian after the script. What makes her even more gratified is that through this understanding, she has stepped up her understanding of the smoldering of the void and reached the peak of Xiaocheng. Only one step away, you can break through to the realm of Zhongcheng.

At this time, her mood has no wave, and she has lost her killing. Looked at the big demon around, and lost the heart of battle. However, when she saw that the big demon gathered around her at this time was over a hundred, my heart was also a glimpse. Looking at the mouse, my heart is helpless.

She knows that even if her own cultivation is improved, the magical power is raised. As long as the mouse is in the big demon, she is bound. If she is here to fight with these big devils, she believes that she will eventually fall to this place, she has not reached the level of the world.

There are currently only five demon sacred nine floors, and they are all early. If there are more than a few demon saints in the early nine layers, or one of the five demon saints and nine layers is the middle stage of the demon saint, even if there is no mouse demon, he will not fall here, or flee.

After all, I am still inflated, and I am big!

Her heart suddenly sank, before she opened the fire phoenix body, and later because of the time limit, the fire phoenix body automatically dissipated. Her phoenix body can only be used once a day, and it can only be used for a quarter of an hour. There is no fire phoenix body, even if it is a combination of three spiritual powers, she is only the strength of the seven layers of the demon sacred, this kind of strength can not escape the chasing of these big demon, even if she understands the world.

She instinctively checked her body, and her face showed ecstasy. She found that her blood was further improved. She did not think that there was no baptism of the blood pool, but it was only through the magma washing. Your own blood. Only half of her blood has become a bloodline, but now it has reached four percent.

After she whispered, she realized nothing.

Magma washing sword, is it not a kind of self-cultivation?

It is this rare tempering that allows my blood to be improved again. And because of this bloodline improvement, her phoenix fire grade reached the peak of ten products.

I want to come to the piano and I want to condense the fire with Feng Ming. I am afraid I need to break through to the day of the Mahayana period. Nowadays, he accidentally passed the epiphany of magma washing, and his own phoenix fire level reached the peak of ten products. It is very likely that when I next break through to the third layer of distraction, there is the possibility of condensing the fire. What makes the piano the most happy is that because of the improvement of the Fenghuo grade, I have once again had the opportunity to release the fire and phoenix body today. And it can last for two quarters of an hour.

"You can leave!"

The piano looked up and the dark clouds in the sky had dissipated, the rain had stopped, and a rainbow crossed the sky. The binocular eyes swept through the demons, and the big demons also awake from comprehension. The eyes that looked at Qin double became fierce.

There was a smile on the face of Qin’s face. She had never made a fortune in front of these big demons. She believed that she would be surprised.


The fire phoenix body opens, and the three spiritual powers merge. The piano stepped out in one step, and the figure disappeared in the big array and disappeared in the vision of the demons.

Close to the horizon!

Everyone looked shocked!

What is this supernatural power?

A group of gods spread wildly, and in their knowledge, they saw the back of the piano.


"Don't let her run!"

One big demon spurred the wind and the wind, each showing its ability, chasing the past toward the piano.

Qin double looks back at those who are chasing after the big demon, but also step by step to the world, the figure is fast away. There are fewer and fewer big demons that can keep up with the double speed of the piano, but even if there are a few big demons that can go up to the speed of the piano, the heart is also cold. They know that in the future they want to kill Fengming again, and they are already impossible. Qinqin has grown up, and the height of growth has made them helpless. If you want to kill the piano again, I am afraid that they need the patriarchs of these Yaozu.

The piano is step by step, and every step is a long way to go.

Suddenly, the piano doubled. Not far from her, it was a huge whirlpool, and she knew there was an empty space.

"God, I am coming!"

Qin double turned his head and looked at the six big demons that were being pursued. These six big demons are the big mouse and the five demon holy nine layers that will confine the space magical power. The six big demon saw that the doubles of the piano had stopped, and suddenly they suddenly burst into the heart, and they stopped involuntarily.

Seeing these six big demons, it should have been aggressive, but now it has become a full-fledged, and the piano can not help but sigh. Strength is the most important regardless of race. She believes that after this campaign, her own reputation has been established in the demon world.

Your own prestige is completely killed in the demon world!

Although I once again smashed out from the demon world, I returned to the mainland of the warriors. However, at that time, most of them were fleeing, and they were able to change their identities and secretly sneak. Finally, leaving the gate of the demon, it was also turned into another identity water sneak out. Therefore, there is no deterrent to the demon world. The demons of the demon world are not afraid of themselves at all. They all think that Qinshuang is only a monk who is good at escape, and his strength is not so great. All want to kill the piano double, stepping on the body of the piano double.


This time is different!

This time she did not evade, no change of capacity, no secret sneak. It’s just killing all the way. In the dozens of demon sacred eight layers above the big demon siege, killing a demon holy nine layers, eleven demon holy eight layers, but also able to calmly leave. As long as you see the guards and jealousy in the eyes of the six big devils in front of you, you know that you have already killed the demon in the demon world, and they have begun to fear themselves.

At the same time, in this serious demon world with strength as respect, it also won the respect of the Yaozu.


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