Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Space stone



This time she is going to return to the mainland of the warrior from the gate of the demon. If she can do this, she believes that maybe she will enter the demon world in the future, and there will be a demon to chase her, but there will be no more demon people to enter the warrior continent to kill her.

She has already played a prestigious name, played a position, played respect and also played respect.

You can chase the piano in other places, but you can't go to the old double-family Fengming City to chase the piano.

Last time, the reason why a large number of Yaozu ran to Fengming City to scream and kill, such as Gao Xiaoxiao, that is because Qin double did not play the prestige and status. All the Yaozu think that even if Fengming City can't kill Fengming, then Fengming still dares to retaliate against them?

But it is different now!

She has already killed her name and killed her position. Her strength has been guarded and tabooed by the Yaozu. If you dare to block the door of the piano at this time, then Qin double will dare to block their door.

not to mention……

Qin double also reveals that she is the identity of the martial arts division, such an identity is even more devastating. No one would be willing to offend a squad to the extreme. Once that martial artist, at the gate of which Yaozu, a family is the real tragedy.

The piano pair just smiled at the six big demon, and did not bring the slightest anger in the smile. Then slowly turn around and step toward the vortex.

Until the body shape of the piano double disappeared into the whirlpool, the six big devils were relieved.

Suddenly, one of the big demon faces changed: "Feng Ming is going to the empty space to comprehend the space magic!"

The rest of the big demon also became ugly, and the Fengming before entering the empty space was already very powerful. If you understand the space supernatural power in the empty air...

"I have long wanted to go to the empty space to see, I went!"

When the words fell, the big mouse rushed into the empty space.

As soon as he entered the empty space, the big mouse flew quickly and went straight to the stone monument in the middle of the lake, and the figure rushed into the stone monument. ,

Then he saw a large road leading to the snowy mountains, with countless demon monks flying. He looked far and wide, but did not find the figure of the piano. Then he rushed into the road.

At this time, Qin double has stood on the top of the snow-capped mountains. After looking at the transmission array of the snow-capped mountains, he stepped into the desert and rushed down the desert under the snow-capped mountains. The figure disappeared into the desert.

One sand and one world!

In the gravel world, the space behind it is constantly collapsing and flooding toward the piano. The piano double tears the space and shuttles into the next gravel world.

The piano double tears the gravel space and shuttles through the gravel space. Her speed is extremely fast, and she runs through a gravel space with almost no interest.

After three days.

The figure of Qin double appeared in the lonely smoke of the desert, just like the blue clouds straight up, it appeared above the moonlight, and shuttled away, falling into a crystal.


The piano looks at a group of endless crystals, and a group of crystal mountains stand there. There is no silence around, no godsend.

"God, are you there?"

The sound of the piano double echoed in the quiet space, but there was no God-given response.

There was sadness on the face of Qin double, and the figure ran across the crystal mountain, searching for the godsend. Her figure suddenly fell, her eyes fell on a crystal stone on the ground, the stone is only the size of a nail, but the atmosphere of the silk space.

When the piano doubled out and grabbed it, he grabbed the crystal stone in his hand, and the gods explored into the crystal stone, and a space heavenly sentiment was born.

"This is a space stone!"

In the heart of the piano, a joy, his eyes looked around, and then began to rush, and this time she was looking for a godsend while looking for space stone.

When the piano doubled thirty-two space stones, they saw the transmission array. She suddenly stopped and looked at the transmission array with a sly look. She remembered that she used to keep words there. I don’t know if Godsend saw it?

Although intellectually, Godsend was swept up by that space hurricane, it is impossible to survive. But in terms of feelings, Qin double still hopes to have a miracle, otherwise it may once again enter the empty space.

Qinqin stood in place for a quarter of an hour, holding a relatively large space stone with a half fist size. Finally, she took a few breaths in a row, although there was still a slap in the eye, but there was an expectation. She did not fly away, but walked step by step, the pace was heavy.


Finally she walked to the front of the transmission line, looking at the ground, the space stone in her hand fell to the ground, rolling toward the side.

"Double children, I am not dead, I am leaving, I have a chance to get together.

Godsend words! ”

"God-giving!" Qin’s eyes were so excited: "You are still alive, it’s great!"

Outside the air and the secret.

The demon world has been sensational.

A Feng nationality monk who did not have the slightest reputation two years ago, after two years, he killed countless demon gods and even monsters, and this time he simply killed a demon saint nine layers, and A dozen demon eight layers.

What is the concept of the demon eight layers in the demon world?

That can already become the patriarch of a small family, and the sacred nine tier can become a patriarch of a medium-sized family. Even in a large family, it can be a top elder, even a great elder. However, this is the strength, but it was killed by the piano. It’s really the big demon that was killed in the beginning, not only these, but more. Feng Ming is in this case, killing a demon holy nine layers and a dozen demon sacred eight layers, and then calmly leave.

It can be seen that Feng Ming is powerful!

With such a young Junjie...

Do not!

Although Feng Ming is a young man, he has not been able to describe it with Junjie. Her strength has won the respect of the top powerhouses of the demon world. It is regarded as the big demon of that class, which has exceeded the level of Junjie.

With such a big demon as an enemy, how to prevent the various demon people from feeling the pressure?

With Fengming’s strength, it is possible to destroy a small family by itself. The medium-sized family is also somewhat uncomfortable. Once it is such a big demon as a deadly enemy, it will be a big trouble, even if it is large. The family, although not afraid of Fengming, is not willing to provoke.

Conversely, if you can make friends with Fengming and have friendship, it will be much more enjoyable!

Don't say anything else!

Just look at Gao Xiaoxiao and crack high.

Gao Xiaoxiao has been an enemy of Fengming, and he has only become a humiliating mount.

Just look at the crack high again.

However, because of the help of Qin double, not only has a breakthrough, but also the status of the family has become more stable.


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