Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Fengtian arrival



Qin Bing's combat power is almost equal to the peak of the demon, and it will be difficult to catch her. I thought of Feng Ming’s big demon in the early stage of the five demon sacred nine layers, plus a big demon that would confine the magical powers of the demon, and dozens of demon sacred eight layers of the big demon to kill, and also be able to kill a demon Nine floors and a dozen demon sacred eight layers, and finally calmly leave, let the families have a headache. ,

Moreover, they also learned that the Fengming is a master of Dan Dao, the only Dandao master in the demon world. Also learned from the big demon of the siege of Fengming, Feng Ming is still a master of the road, do not know what level. But it must be the master of the platoon, and maybe it will be the legendary master of the martial arts, which makes them even more taboo. Who knows that after screaming Fengming, will Fengming go to the gate of their family and throw a big array?

These messages spread to the various families of the demon world like a hurricane, and all families immediately convened a family meeting. What should I do after the family that once killed Fengming?

It is to continue to jointly kill Fengming, or to fight for the two circles of Fengming. And those families who did not participate in the fight against Fengming were negotiating how to obtain Fengming’s friendship.

At this time, Qin double has stood in front of the transmission of the air and secret. When I learned that Godsend didn't die, and I left the empty space, the mood of Qin double was pleasant, and it became easy. In this pleasant mood, she certainly does not leave the empty space immediately, but continues to look for space stones here.

In the end she got eighty-six space stones, the smallest of which was the size of a nail, the largest but the size of a fist. She did not encounter a space storm again, but she did not find another space stone on the last day, so she decided to leave.

Guanghua rises in the transmission array, and the figure of Qin double disappears in Guanghua.

When she appeared again, it was thousands of miles away from the empty space.

Wan Yaocheng.

Qin double entered the city gate, and Wan Yaocheng is the only way to go to the gate of the demon. The piano double swayed into the city. Anyway, now she is already the nine elders of the Phoenix. Passing through the Wanxiong City, you must always go to the Phoenix Palace to see the palace in Wanxue City. And she wants to inquire through the palace of the Feng nationality in the Wanxue City, the situation of the Feng and the Dragon.

As soon as the piano entered the city of Wanxue, her message was immediately transmitted to the various families in the palace of the city. The public demon family has two expectations for the formation of the piano double.

Qin double has a great possibility to come to the Wan Yao City, even if it does not come to Wan Yao City, it will go to the Demon City. Therefore, in the Wanxue City and the Demon City, there are representatives of various families. Qin double has just entered the palace of the Fengzuo in the Wanxue City, and was greeted by the imperial demon of the palace. Many representatives of the families came to visit.

"The cracked sky is less than the main cracker, come to visit Fengming."

"Qingqiushan Fox Mei Niang, came to visit Fengming."

"Kun Wu, the elder of Kunwu Mountain, asks for Feng Ming."

"The Shenguai elders flew to see Fengming."


Qin double one by one to meet these big demon, some of these big demon are her friends, such as crack high, such as Fox Mei Niang. Some are not friends, nor are they enemies. Because these Yaozu did not participate in the siege of her. These big demons came to make friends with Fengming and deepen friendship.

Of course, there are also many former enemies who have participated in the siege of Qin double. They came here this time to get the understanding of Qin Double.

At the end of the day, the demon who had been besieged the piano doubles, except for the Qingniu family did not come, the rest of the race came. Qin double did not shut them out, all met one by one, accepted their gifts, and released goodwill.

The Fengzu Palace was so busy. The piano is a three-day, three-day feast. Every day, sitting on the banquet is the elders of various families, the young patriarchs, and even the patriarchs of the small family. Every day, the sounds of laughter and silk bamboo are heard from the phoenix palace.

Whether it was a former friend, a friend who had just become a friend, or a former enemy who had obtained a double understanding of the piano, when they visited the Qinshuang, they all sent a gift. For a dozen days, Qin double almost recognized the representatives of the various ethnic groups of the Yao, and even received countless gifts. Everyone knows that Qin is a martial artist and an alchemy teacher, so most of the gifts are precious array materials and alchemy materials. Let the piano double become extremely rich at once.

Don't say a demon holy, I am afraid that a few demon saints are not as rich as the piano.

The patriarch of the Qingniu family sent a message, letting her release Gao Xiaoxiao, and did not propose to release Gao Xiaoxiao, and then she turned her into a jade. Qin double unceremoniously announced at the banquet that if the Qingniu family dared to provoke her, she would certainly set up a large array to kill the Qingniu family.

Gao Xiaoxiao heard the news, and his heart was full of loss. She was able to hear from the news of the Qingniu family the guilty guilt of the Qingniu family. Because they only asked the piano to release her Gao Xiaoxiao, did not say, if the piano does not let go, they will play the double. And in the face of the tough response of Qin double, the Qingniu family did not respond.

She feels that her life is gray, and she will be a mount of Fengming in the future. And her heart is very puzzled, is this Fengming not an enemy all over the world? Isn't it almost chased by the entire demon world?

How do you hear the news now, this Fengming has become a friend all over the world?

At this time, she and Xiaoyun followed Feng Feng’s Feng Ming to the Wan Yao City. The news she heard along the way made her jealous.

Qin double originally thought that he would leave in Wan Yao for a few days, but did not think that the Yaozu changed her view so much, and they came to visit, and they all took a heavy gift.

And these gifts are all needed for the piano, even if the piano is not needed, the Crescent Moon Empire and Luo Fuzong are also needed. Therefore, for these gifts, the piano pair will stay in the city of Wanxue for fifteen days. I finally saw all the gifts. When he decided to leave on the second day, the Feng nationality chief Feng Tian hurried to the Wan Yaocheng.

After the palace.

Small building!

Feng Tian and Qin double sit opposite each other. Fengtian face sinks like a waterway:

"Feng Ming, your courage is too big..."

"The patriarch, eat a few fragrant fruits!"

Qin double smiled and took a few fragrant fruit from the town demon tower, placed in front of Fengtian. Feng Tian looked at the hippie smile of the hippie, and the heart was helpless.

This Fengming did not have been in Fengdao since childhood, and was wild and not afraid of her patriarch. If you change a disciple in a family, even if you are like a Fengming, you will be like a child, and dare to make such a hippie smile. If she violates her orders, she will not be polite and will take her back directly to punish.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Seeking a recommendation ticket~!



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