Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Chasing



"Oh..." The curtain also whispered: "At that time, we took the Feng people to be slaves. Right, how is the process of the patriarch and the ancestors returning to the ancestors?"

The sorrowful look of the singer: "I blame the phoenix, robbed most of the original wood, the original ten-year-old thing, now only 50%. Now the ancestors retreat, I don't know how the process. Let's go. ""

"Are we going back to the Dragon Palace, or is it going to catch Fengming?"

"This Fengming disappeared completely without a trace. We followed the big island that she came to, and then the big island changed. Maybe the Fengming has turned into a purple sand here, but it is a pity that the original wood gas."

"The patriarch, that Fengming is a fire attribute, will not use the original wood gas, even if she is dead, her storage ring should still be."

“How about?” I sighed and sighed: “Where are we going to find such a large purple desert? Maybe it has already sunk to the bottom of the desert, or it has been collected by the purple butterfly.”

"Right, what is that purple butterfly?"

"I don't know!" Li Wu shook his head. "It should be something from ancient times, and from the power that he broke through, he should not have just been born, but was hit hard in ancient times, or he is not this at all. One side of the world, but from the upper bound, is because of the heavy hit and the shuttle space has come to this side of the world, falling asleep. But because the world's aura is very thin, so he has not woken up.

However, since the demon gate and the magic path were opened, the aura on the mainland of the warrior was restored, and he recovered his injury and awakened. Therefore, we feel that this purple desert has life, maybe it is because of the purple butterfly. The reason why we have not turned into purple sand, on the one hand because of our strength, on the other hand, it should be that the purple butterfly has not fully recovered. Therefore, we can't find anything left after Feng Ming's death. ”

I heard that Wu Zi said that the purple butterfly is probably an ancient old monster, and the curtain has a goose bump:

"That... let's leave!"


The two big devils rushed toward Wang Yang.

After half a day.

The two big demons of Yiwu and Curtain have already walked on the waves and left the purple island. Curtain low channel:

"The patriarch, are we the Huilong Palace?"

"No!" Li Wu shook his head. "The human race monk has a big secret. She may not die on the purple island. We pretend to leave, and then hide, waiting for her to come out of the purple island."

Purple Island.

The piano is lying in the purple desert. The injury recovered a little. In the process, she always felt the life of the desert faintly, and the vitality was still a little stronger. Only she did not feel the danger, so she simply put aside and waited quietly for the recovery.

After fifteen days.

A piece of purple sand fluttered, and the figure of the piano double rushed out of the purple desert and landed on the desert, looking around.


In the eyes of Qin double, there is a strange color, quietly around, no one figure, only the sound of the tide is faintly transmitted from a distance.

The purple desert, the purple halo, looks far away, like a purple ocean.

"Oh, the curtain and the phoenix go where? Where are the demons going?"

The piano double tried it, but still couldn't let the gods spread out. As long as the vision was far-sighted, it still found no trace of life.

"Don't those demons leave?"

Qin double took off his clothes and applied a cleansing technique to himself. Then he took out a new white dress and put it on the back. He carefully plucked toward the ocean.

The speed of the piano pair is getting faster and faster. One day later, the figure of the piano double appears on the edge of the purple island. Looking back at the purple island, the heart has a long sigh of relief. There is a feeling in her heart, 敖 敖, curtain and Feng Tian, ​​and those who have disappeared, must be related to the purple butterfly. The reason why I did not have an accident, it should be that the purple butterfly with his own water mines to rob, I am grateful, but did not move myself.

However, this purple island gave her a very bad feeling. She could safely leave the purple island and let her tight mind relax at this moment.

Turning his head and facing the blue sea, the whole mind relaxed.

"It's time to go back!"

Qinqin discerned the direction, and took a step in the void, flying in the direction of the mainland of the warrior. I was able to fly again, so that the whole body of the piano was refreshed and I couldn’t help but scream.

Such as Feng Qi, such as He Ming!

"Ha ha ha..."

On her left side, there was a sudden burst of laughter. When the piano looked around, she saw two figures appearing on her left side, but it was the singer and the curtain.

Qin Shuang Huo turned to look to the right side, and saw the space rippling, Feng Tian's figure appeared there. Li Wu and the curtain look a glimpse, and the look sinks, then squeezes a smile:

"Feng Tian, ​​have you not left?"

Feng Tian light smiled and said: "You have not left, how can I leave? Rest assured, our agreement is still valid, and her secrets are shared."

"Okay! Let's join hands!" Wu Wu nodded, then looked at the piano double. At the same time, the three big demons stopped the direction of the piano pair and wanted to escape to the purple island.

"These old geeks are too embarrassing!"

The piano in the heart of the dark road, take a step directly, cast a fire and phoenix dance, and swept away in the direction of the mainland.

"Can you escape?" I yelled out loudly: "Call out your secret and spare you from death."

"You are cheating!"

In the heart of the piano, the darkness of the heart escapes, and the speed of this limit makes the residual image of the piano doubled and staggered. However, Feng Tian, ​​Li Wu and the curtains of the three big demon speeds significantly faster than the double, and quickly pulled into the distance.

At this time, Qin double did not dare to entangle with the three big demon. On the purple island, only the two big demons, Li Wu and Feng Tian, ​​attacked themselves. At that time, they still had ten buckets of Hao Ran liquid, but now they are less than five fights. Once your own awesome liquid is consumed, it will be easily defeated by Liwu and Fengtian.

What's more, now has a curtain added?

Qin double is daring, and does not dare to fight with such three big demon.

Without looking back, you can feel that the three big demons are approaching quickly. The speed of the four big monks is too fast, and the air is broken, causing the air to burst into a dense and series of popping.

Qinqin did not hesitate to open the fire phoenix body, and the speed immediately doubled. This speed has far exceeded the speed of sound, but in an instant, the three big enchantes in the back have been opened for a short distance.


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