Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Mozu



It’s just that the speed is too fast. At this limit speed, she can only fly straight, and she has no ability to change direction. Fortunately, she flies high, otherwise even if she is a big mountain in front, she can only I ran into it.

"No! Come on."

Qin double felt that the two powerful breaths behind him were forced again. She knew that the curtain should be smashed by herself, leaving only the scorpion and Feng Tian. After the integration of spiritual power and the opening of the fire and phoenix body, the speed of the first, the curtain of the early nine layers of the demon is no longer her opponent, but the singer and the phoenix of the middle of the demon sacred are constantly pulling in.

This is still the two big demon did not show time magic and space magic. Look at the appearance, these two magical powers can not last, otherwise these two big demon have long opened the magical powers, catch up with themselves.

The distance was pulled in a little bit. After half a day, the three big monks were already arrogant, and the piano did not know how to swear and phoenix, but they knew that they had been in the limit for half a day, and they began to feel exhausted. However, she did not dare to relax. As long as she relaxed her time, the two big demons would catch up with her.

She is not without other cards, such as using the skills of Confucianism and Taoism to escape, it will be faster than the current speed. After all, the skills of Confucianism and Taoism have reached the level of the ten-level master, which is equivalent to the demon Later, but she knows that once she flees with Confucianism, I am afraid that my body will collapse first.

Her true cultivation is only one layer of Wusheng, and the strength of the body is only the mid-level peak of the fourth layer of Wusheng, which can not withstand the speed of the late tenth-level Confucianism and Taoism.


Her fire and phoenix body was open, and her speed immediately fell. Feng Tian and Li Wu immediately pulled in with her, no more than a kilometer away from her.

"I don't care!"

Qin ** 浩 浩 浩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The speed of the piano double slammed, but in an instant, it became a little black spot in the eyes of Li Wu and Feng Tian. The sorrow and the heart of Feng Tian were shocked, and they no longer wished to preserve their strength. One made a sense of space and pursued the past with the piano.

At this time, the piano double has become a light, and the clothes on the body are instantly torn into pieces, falling from the body, and the muscles of the body begin to separate from her body. The blood is falling like delicate petals, and the bones begin. Exposed, the piano knows, and then, the bones will also shatter at this speed. The heart lingers in the stars, and the body is covered with a layer of moonlight.

Stars wear the moon!


The speed of the limit hits the star wearing the moon, and the moon and the starlight are broken instantly, and the bones of the piano begin to crack. Qin Qin thought of a move, Jin Pengjian from the knowledge of the sea, however, turned into a pair of armor, shrouded her body, and then quickly ate a Vientiane, and ate a remedy.

Behind her, Li Wu and Feng Tian are also not good, this extreme speed shock, so that their two skin also began to crack, but they are after all, the two are the mid-peak of the demon, only the skin cracks , but no further damage.

Wanli passed instantly, and Qinqin felt that Fengtian and Yiwu were chasing after him, and had to use it once again to support the Wanli, and the body shape once again went wild.

After one day.

Qin double has already flown through the ocean and entered the land. This is the southern desert of the warrior's mainland. It is the gate of the demon and the magic path. In the magic path, a young man in black robes is walking slowly, with a confident smile on his handsome face, his eyes looking around with a lazy look.


When the young man suddenly looked up, he saw his head in the air, and the three volatility passed by, and he could not see the figure. His eyes burst into a sharp light.


His figure suddenly disappeared from the ground, and there was a rapid fluctuation in the space.

"How to do?"

At this point, Qin Shuang's heart is full of anxiety, her Haoran's liquid is only two fights, and more importantly, where is she now fleeing?

Luo Fuzong? Or the string moon empire?

No matter where it is, it will bring disaster!

The two big demons in the back are not ordinary demon people. They are the dragons and phoenixes who are known as protoss, and they are still patriarchs. That is the two big demon standing on the top of the demon world. Her phoenix body can no longer be used today, so it is not any opponent of Yiwu and Feng Tianzhong, or even the opponent of the curtain. Once it is caught up by Liwu and Fengtian, there is only one dead end.

"Can't escape any more! There are only two buckets of Haoran's liquid. Once the Haoran's liquid is exhausted, the fire and phoenix body can't be opened. You are the lamb to be slaughtered, and there are two buckets of Haoran's liquid. I am so heavy, so I can still survive."


Qin Shuang's eyes have seen the life defense, but know that the humanity of the life line does not help her much. If it is Wu Dongying's shot, maybe there is still some help, just a little, she does not think that Wu Dongying will be the opponent of Li Wu and Feng Tian.

The shape of the piano pair suddenly slammed, just this moment, and Wu Wu and Feng Tian were less than five kilometers away from her. Qin double is another turn, and Li Wu and Feng Tian are less than three kilometers away from her.


The piano doubles the way, and Yiwu and Feng Tianyi left and right, they are only a kilometer away from Qin. That Fengtian heard the Thunder and Wan Hao, but she was able to withstand the thunder and sorrow, and her body shape could not help but look at the air. At the same time, the shape of the piano double has already rushed past the scorpion.


The thick thunder slammed toward the scorpion, and the squadron in the heart of the squadron, and a rifle in the hand, a thorn in the air. The Thunder bombarded the rifle and then poured it on him, leaving his body awkward.


This moment the piano double has been a hundred meters away from her, and the soul is screaming out. After that, Qin double was a glimpse of her heart. She found that I did not receive the influence of her ecstasy, and it should be wearing a defensive sound.


A sword, the figure of the piano double has passed the curtain, and the dragon sword shines. The curtain was not the dragon patriarch, first bombarded by the Thunder, and then by the Qinshuang type of fast sword, even so, he also made the fastest speed in the thunder and numbness of the Thunder. Magical. Qinshuang’s dragon sword was slow, and I was forced to endure the numbness and trembling sideways. The dragon sword smashed him and pulled his neck halfway, letting your head pull aside.

"Good sword!"

A cheering voice, a black robe youth appeared in the vision of the three great monks. The momentum is compelling, the atmosphere is strong, and the whole body is full of strong magic.



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