Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Tanjia



"Treading step..."

A hooves came, accompanied by laughter. A group of young men and women rode on horses. Everyone has weapons in his hands, carrying bows and arrows, and rushing into the forest.


A young man who led the first took hold of the stable and turned to look between the two big trees. A group of young men and women who followed him also took hold of the stables and looked at the young man’s gaze. A young woman next to the young man looked at her eyes:

"There is a man there!"

A group of people rushed to the next horse and came to the front of the piano pair. The British woman’s eyes flashed a stunned look:

"This person is very hurt!"

Jump off the horse, come to the front of the piano double, put your finger on the nose of the piano double.

"Alive alive!"

Reaching out to solve the red cloak, covered in the body of the piano. The young man who led the jumped off the horse and glanced down at the piano. At this time, the body of the piano double was covered by a red cloak, only to see a **** face. Can not help but frown, my eyes flashed a strange.

"She was hurt like this, what was it hurt?"

Everyone shook their heads and the young man stood up and said, "We will send her to the camp first."

"it is good!"

The Ying Ting woman hugged the piano and gently slammed it on the horse's back. She clipped her legs and urged her to squat down and rushed toward the road.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a dozen young people came to the edge of the forest, where two carriages were parked, and several of them were guarding there. Seeing a group of people rushing, hurriedly prayed:

"Young master, miss!"

The Ying Ting woman handed the piano in her hand to a shout: "Xiaohong, take care of her."

"Yes, Miss!" The cockroach took over the piano and saw the face of the piano with a **** flesh. He was shocked and said: "Miss, this person is terrible."

The Ying Ting woman waved her hand and turned the horse's head. She smiled at the young man:

"Laughing brother, let's go hunting."



More than a dozen young men and women fell into the forest like a strong wind.

Very noon.

The dozens of young men and women returned, and the prey was dragged on the horse. "Yu Tong" was thrown on the ground. The next man complimented the ground, moved the prey into the car, and then picked a deer and began to peel and pick it up. Raise the campfire and barbecue.

Tianshui City.

Very late at dusk.

More than a dozen young men and women rushed toward the gates of the city, and there was an excitement of laughter in the wind. Behind them, there are two carriages to follow.

"Young Master Tan, Miss Jiang is back!" Someone kept saying hello to the two young men and women. The two young men and women nodded faintly and rushed into the city gate.

The piano double opened his eyes slowly and entered the bedroom. Quickly recalling the past in my mind, my heart is:

"This should be saved!"

Sit up from the bed, first want to use the gods to check the body, the look is a stiff, and find that his gods are actually shrinking to know the sea, can not find out. After a few experiments, I can't let my gods leave my own knowledge. Her heart was shocked, and her knowledge was locked in the sea, and she lost the power of the Tao. I hurriedly transferred my spiritual power, and my face changed. I found that my spiritual power was locked in Dantian and could not be released. This has lost the power of the martial arts. Qinshuang pinned his last hopes in Haoran, and found that the power of Haoran was also locked in the heart of Haoran. Qinqin was pleasantly surprised to find that Haoran’s gas could be mobilized, but the Haoran’s liquid in the heart of Haoran is now only left. More than a dozen drops, little pity.

The heart of the piano double sinks to the bottom of the valley. Only the heart of Haoran can move, but only ten drops are left. I hope to remember the righteous song. I don’t know what year and month, I can fill a bucket, that is, the piano. The duality of the body is basically abolished. Looking around. This is a very simple bedroom with only one bed, one table and one stool.

The eyes fell on the bedside and saw his dragon sword placed there. I was relieved in my heart. From the perspective of the dragon sword that did not greet myself, the person who saved himself was good. Because it is an ordinary person, you can also see that your dragon sword is not simple, it is a peerless sword.

Looking down at my clothes, I have already changed it. It is a set of yellow clothes. The material is not bad. It seems that it is not easy to recognize his own dragon sword, and he does not regard himself as an ordinary person.


The person who saves himself may be because of good character, or because he cannot guess his own background, and he dare not start with himself. Once he knows that he has lost power and has no background, will he treat himself like this? ?

She has a feeling that the place where she is now is probably not the mainland of the war. It should be that the five of them had the strongest magical powers, broke through the two barriers and let themselves shuttle to a new world.

Qin double turned out of bed, the heart is a jump, she found that the action here has become stagnant, the gravity here is very large, the piano double calculated a bit, should be ten times the mainland of the military.

When I came to the table and sat down, looking into a bronze mirror, I saw that I had fully recovered. Even the appearance has restored its original appearance. After thinking about it, I sat on the stool and started running the phoenix collection. Then my face changed. She found that she could not run the exercises at all, and the space here is not spiritual, but a kind of piano. Gas not seen.

The piano opened his eyes, raised his hands and held it hard.


The air in the hand was pinched by the double piano, and two loud sounds were heard.

"The power of the ontology is still there!"

Qin double is immersed in meditation. There is no such mysterious energy to grow the soul and the gods in this world. Therefore, she cannot cultivate the gods and spiritual powers, so her knowledge of the sea and Dantian are locked. But Haoran’s anger is in any world, and all can use the heart of Haoran.


The power of his own body is still there. Is this a world of refining?

The footsteps sounded outside the door, and the piano stood up and looked out at the door. I saw a handsome woman pushing the door and coming in, her mouth slightly open, showing the color of surprise:

"you're awake?"

Qin double arched: "Is you saving me?"

"It was me who first discovered you, so it was me and I who saved you back."

“Thank you!” Qin double again said: “Please ask the surname.”

"My name is Jiang Hanrong. I am called Tan Xiao."

Qin Shuang and Jiang Hanrong talked for a while, probably knowing that this is Xiongcheng, Tanjia is a second-rate family here, Jiang family is also a second-rate family, Tan Xiao is the eldest son of Tan family, took the daughter of the Jiang family, two Family marriage. Tan Xiao’s qualifications are very good. The 28-year-old grade is already in the middle of the bronze. Although Qin Double does not know what the bronze period is, it is very good from Jiang Hanrong’s mouth. The strength of Tan Xiao has overshadowed the disciple of Xiongcheng's first-class family and became the first master of the Xiongcheng youth generation.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket~!



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