Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 848: Tuyuan Continental



Too many things, Qin double did not dare to ask. For example, how is cultivation here, what is the bronze period. Jiang Hanrong also simply asked the name and life experience of Qin double. Qin double said his real name, and then only told Jiang Hanrong that he had been practicing with the Master in the mountains. He had only recently gone down the mountain and experienced a group of wolves. After the fierce battle, he escaped.

Although Jiang Hanrong also has doubts, he did not ask again. Then he took the piano and went to see her husband. After crossing a few moon gates, I heard a burst of laughter. Looking far away, in the middle of a tree shadow, there is a military field, where there are dozens of people around.

The piano double carries the dragon sword, followed by Jiang Hanrong along the forest path, through the woods, and suddenly opened eyes. A very large martial arts field appeared in front of her. When I heard the footsteps, the dozens of people looked over here and then greeted them one after another:


Jiang Hanrong greeted him and took the piano pair to the crowd, standing in front of a young man with a national character face.

"Laughing brother!"

"Rang Mei!"

Tan Xiao turned his eyes to Qin Double: "Rong Mei, is this?"

Jiang Hanrong smiled and said: "Can't recognize it? This is the one we rescued. She is called Qinshuang."

"Thank you, Tan Da Ge for saving!" Qin double arched hand.

"Wow!" A young man jumped over and looked at the piano. "You are so beautiful, before you were bloody..."

"Hey!" Jiang Hanrong looked up and took a picture on the head of the young man and said, "What nonsense!"

The young man held his head and narrowed his neck, but his eyes still looked at the piano. Tan Xiao shook his head helplessly and smiled at the piano:

"Qin double, is your body healed?"

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded gently.

"I will introduce you to you!"

Tan Xiao introduced the people around him to Qin Double. They knew from their surnames that these people were all Tan family. Tan Xiao was very surprised that Qin Qin was so badly injured at the beginning.

"Qin double, you are also a warrior, let's talk about it?"

Qin double does not understand this world, how can he and Tan laugh? Then he waved: "My injury has healed, but my body has not fully recovered. Wait until later."

"Alright!" Tan Xiao's face apologized: "I don't think so well. Rongmei, you take the piano to rest."

"Good! Let's practice first, I will come back later."

Qin double hurriedly said: "If I don't mind, can I look around?"

"Of course!" Tan smiled and said.

The piano double walked to the side and stood there watching. Gradually, her heart is sure, here is a world of refining. They are not warriors, although they claim to be warriors, they are purely refining. Every stroke of their fight is a close fight, no boxing, no sword.

Pure power!

"Piano double sister, what is your realm?" A voice rang in the ear, and the piano turned around and looked at it, but it was the young man who began to say that he was beautiful. At this time, he looked at himself enthusiastically.

Qin double did not answer his words, but the shallow voice: "Tan Fei, do you have a bookstore in Tanjia?"

"Yes!" Tan Fei nodded, and then there was a dilemma in his eyes: "However, you are not a Tan family, you can only look at the first floor."

"Then can you take me to see?"

"There is nothing in the first layer, it is some biography, or travel notes, the customs of the mainland, and a brief introduction to cultivation."

Qin double listening is a joy, she is about to understand the world.


This world is called the earthen continent, and it is the safest, most direct and quick way to learn through books.

"If I don't mind, I want to go see it."

"Okay, I will take you there!"

Tan Fei eagerly left the stage with the piano.

Tan family is very big, Qin double followed Tan Fei for more than half an hour before he came to an independent three-story building. There was no guard in front of the door. Tan Fei walked directly into the first floor with the piano and lowered the voice:

"The first floor can be seen casually, the second floor can't go up, there are guards."

"I know, you are busy, I see it myself!" The piano doubled, then walked toward a row of bookshelves.

"I... I will accompany you!" Tan Fei said, and he followed the piano pair and picked up a book in a decent manner.

Qin double is not taking care of Tan Fei, although now the gods are locked in the sea, can not read with the gods. However, her realm of the gods is in the realm of the soul, so even if there is no knowledge of the gods, it can be done with one eye and ten lines, and it is very fast.

There are quite a few books in the first floor. Qin double looked here for a day until sunset. Although he did not read this book, he also had a basic understanding of this world.

And Tan Fei left, returned to his room, there are people to send meals, since waking up, Qin double found a problem. When you are in the mainland of the Warriors, you don’t have to eat and drink after you have completed your repairs. You can rely on the aura of the heavens and the earth to support your body. Eating is just a desire.

However, in this world called the Tuyuan continent, the gods were shrunk in the sea, and the spiritual power was locked in Dantian. She found that she had to maintain her function through eating.

After the meal, some people packed up. I don't know what Tan Xiao and his wife thought about her. Anyway, no one is bothering her today. She leaned on the bed and silently thought about the harvest of the book today.

This world is called the Tuyuan continent, and it is indeed a pure refining world. There is no energy to cultivate the knowledge of the gods, nor the aura of spiritual power, and some things that are called vitality.

She did not get the practice of cultivation, because there is no layer. Some are just a brief introduction to the practice of cultivation. After reading those introductions, she had a simple understanding of the practice. The practice of cultivation here is completely different from the practice of practice before Qinqin. The cultivation before Qinqin is to absorb the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, run through the meridians, and then send them like Dantian.

But, you think!

The dantian of Qinshuang was locked and lost its function. what does this mean?

This means that in this world, it is impossible to cultivate Dantian. God cannot cultivate the meridians and run through the meridians for a long day. According to the description in the book, there is a kind of exercise in the people here, that is, to absorb the power, and not to store the power in the body, and there is no place to store. What they need to do is to constantly absorb the heavens and the earth. Yuan Li, to wash his body, so that he can quench his body tougher.


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