Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 880: Tongtiancheng

"I don't know what I want to join these four sects. What are the requirements?"

"The assessment is very simple. There are only three speeds, strengths and savvy. There should be no problem with the repair of Qin Shimei. However, even if they enter these four sects, they are divided into inner and outer doors. Want to enter the inner door. You need the piano master to do your best, don't stay strong."

"Thank you, I understand!" Qin nodded and said: "How long is it now to betrayed disciples?"

"There is still three months, you can live in Tongtiancheng first, but now Tongtiancheng is full of people, want to find a place to live, you need a lot of Yuanshi."

Qin double thought a little bit: "I am not familiar with Tongtiancheng. Can I ask Dong Xiong to be a guide for the day? I will pay Yuan Shi."

Dong Qiwu’s eyes were bright, but then he looked all the way: “Qin Shimei is my savior, I am willing to be the guide of the piano teacher, but the matter of Yuanshi will be mentioned again.”

The piano double shook his head and said: "One yard is one yard, and you should have a reward when you pay."

The double-handed pendulum stopped Dong Qiwu: "I want to join Tianjianmen. I am tired of Dong brother helping me find a place to live near Tianjianmen beckoning disciple."

Dong Qiwu glanced at the dragon sword on the back of the piano. He was in the heart. A person who made the sword naturally wanted to join the Tianjianmen. Thinking about it:

"I try my best, but I don't necessarily have a place to live."

After a few people finished the barbecue, they went to Tongtiancheng. In less than half an hour, everyone entered Tongtiancheng, and the other five people clashed with Qinqin, and Dong Qiwu took the piano in two directions to the Tianjianmen.

Tongtian City is very large. This city actually contains two rivers and four peaks, while Tianjianmen, Bazhimen, Tianyimen and Liuyunmen each occupy a mountain. As for other Zongmen, they can only The place.

Two people came to the foot of the Dongcheng Mountain, and there was a city wall under the mountain. It was simply a city in the city. Dong Qiwu walked into the city gate with Qinqin and walked along the street, with various shops on both sides. Qin double also entered several shops and purchased some herbs.

After half an hour.

Dong Qiwu smiled and looked at Qinshuang. On this road, they entered countless inns. Every inn was full, and there was no room left. Even the cheapest room didn't. Qin double thought:

“Go to the most expensive inn here.”

"it is good!"

Dong Qiwu came to an inn with Qinshuang. This inn covers a very wide area. Two people enter the inn and a middle-aged woman sits in the counter.

Qin double stepped forward: "The best room, rent for three months."

The middle-aged woman looked up and looked at the piano. "The room is gone, there is only a single hospital."

"Give me a single house."

"Ten ten pieces of stone in a day." The middle-aged woman said carelessly.

Qin double is not swearing, ten pieces of top grade stone in a day, three months is nine hundred top grade stone, converted into the next product Yuanshi is nine million.

Qin double took out the black gold stone card and placed it on the counter.

"Rent for three months."

The middle-aged woman took out a jade, inserted the black gold card into the groove on the jade, turned the nine hundred yuan stone, and then handed the piano a good card, and sent a guy to pass the piano. The back door passed through several moon gates and came to a door. The buddy took out the key and opened the door. Then he handed the key to the piano and left.

Qin double pushes the door to open, Dong Qiwu curiously followed the back door, he has never been to such a place. As soon as I entered the yard, my eyes were not enough.

The green trees in the yard are green and the flowers are blooming. There are six rooms, except for one caster room and one alchemy room, each room is beautifully furnished. On the ground are jade paving, the wall is inlaid with night pearls, soft light illuminates the room, all kinds of furniture are complete, and are made of precious materials, full of noble and comfortable feeling.

"Not bad!"

The piano nodded twice and felt that Yuanshi spent a lot of money and was very satisfied with it. In particular, there is a casting room and an alchemy room.

Dong Qiwu is behind the piano double, his eyes are full of envy, small voice:

"Good is good, it is too expensive!"

"This is also true!" Qin nodded and said: "Is there a Danfang selling gold Dan in Tongtian City?"

Dong Qiwu shook his head: "No!"

Qin double thought about it, took out a piece of Shangyuan Yuanshi and handed it to Dong Qiwu:

"This is a reward for you."

When the words fell, I took out a black gold card and handed it to Dong Qiwu. "Dong brother, you give me all the Danfang. Every time I buy a Danfang, I will give you a piece of Yuanshi."

Dong Qiwu took over the top stone, and his face showed joy. Hearing the next words of the piano, it is a whole look:

"I have already received this top grade stone, helping Qinshimei to buy Danfang, but it is impossible to accept Yuanshi."

"That will trouble you."

Qin double to Dong Qiwu knows that the impression of mixing is good, and the look is good. Dong Qiwu left the inn with the black gold card. It was about an hour past, and the sky was already dusk. Dong Qiwu rushed back. A stack of paper and a black gold card were taken from the backpack and placed on the table on both sides of the piano:

"The first house is thirty-two Danfang. A total of 280,000 yuan of stone is spent."

Qin double took the black gold card and took a Chinese yuan stone from his backpack and threw it to Dong Qiwu:

"Hold it, I will trouble you in the future."

Dong Qiwu tangled in the heart, and finally accepted the Chinese yuan stone, Shi Lidao:

"Thank you!"

After the piano double swings and let Dong Qiwu leave, he comes to the yard, closes the courtyard door, then returns to the house, sits in the chair, and begins to watch the Danfangs that were acquired one by one.

"Dan demon!"

Qin Shuang’s heart jumped, and she did not expect that there would be Dan Dan in the Tuyuan continent. When she was still in the mainland of the warrior, she learned the way to refine the Dan demon from the evil spirits of the alchemist. I looked at it in detail, and I found out that the way in which the Tuyuan mainland and the warriors refine the Dan demon is completely different.

The method of refining the Danxue of the Pyracantha is to refine the Danmao and then enter the soul of the Yaozu into the Danmao. The Tuyuan continent is different.

The monsters of the Tuyuan mainland and the monsters of the warriors of the mainland are also different. When the demon of the mainland of the warrior dies, the soul will drift out of the body. The monk will use the device to close the soul. But when the monsters of the Tuyuan mainland die, the soul will enter the demon. As long as you have dug up the demon of the demon, you have the soul of the demon. Moreover, when refining the medicinal herbs, it is not the first to refine the Danmao, but to put the dandan into the alchemy furnace, and put the herbs on the Danfang into the Dan furnace in order, refining them into Dan liquid, and then Dan The liquid infiltrates into the demon, nourishes the soul, and reaches the level of the soul. When the time is broken, the soul inside will be turned into a monster and help the master fight.



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