Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Dan demon

This kind of medicinal medicine is extremely difficult to refine, because the step of infiltration of Dan liquid into the demon is very difficult, the fire control is not good, or the liquid is burned and dried, or the liquid entering the demon is a little faster, tearing. The demon, and the world has no knowledge, let the drug obey the command, relying on the blood to recognize the Lord.

Qin double was very interested in the Dan demon, immediately got up and left the inn, looking for shops selling demon in the street. Not far from the inn, Qin Double found a shop and stepped in. The shop was a little dim, filled with the smell of herbs and a touch of demon.

There are four or five people inside who are buying herbs, or medicinal herbs. Qin double stood in front of the counter, his eyes on the shelf, his eyes fixed, he fell on a jade box with a label on it, saying "the congenital pig". Qin double knows that this is a Daniel of a congenital warthog. The day after tomorrow, the monster is no inner Dan, so the lowest level of Danden is the innate.

The piano was looking for a hand in the two-way counter. "Take me the Dan of the congenital pig."

The guy took the jade box from the shelf and placed it on both sides of the piano. When the piano double opened the jade box, he saw a fist-sized demon dan in the jade box. The inside of the demon dan was filled with medicinal herbs, such as clouds and fog, in the cloud like a fog, a solid and sturdy cockroach pig. That buddy said:

"Guest, as long as you drop a drop of blood in this Dane, this Dan will listen to your command and become your helper."

"How many stones?"

"One hundred yuan yuan stone." The man stretched out a finger.

Piano double-handedly licking your mouth, a congenital Dan demon will have a thousand yuan stone, it is really not cheap. Qin double put the Dan demon into the jade box cover:

"How many yuan stones does this inner Dan?"

The buddy did not answer the words of the double, but looked at the piano doubles with surprise:

“The guest officer wants to refine the Danden?”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.


Everyone in the shop looked at the piano pair, and the guy looked up and down the piano pair and advised:

"Guest official, Dan Yao is not easy to refine, a fire is not well mastered, Nedan will explode. Refining other medicinal herbs, at most, is to refine the waste Dan. However, refining the Dan demon, once Nedan Explosion is life-threatening."

"I know, you told me how many Yuanshi of such a Nedan?"

"Hey..." There was a laugh around, and one voice came.

"Where is this gimmick, I want to refine the Danden!"

"Yeah, how many alchemy masters dare not refine the Danden, this is the gimmick of the family, it is really a newborn calf not afraid of the tiger!"

Qin double did not pay attention to those people, just looking at the man. The guy looked at the piano with pity, as if he had foreseen the appearance of the piano.

"This kind of inner Dan wants a Chinese stone."

"One hundred times the difference!"

Qin Qin double heart can not help but sigh, it is estimated that the price of all levels of Nedan and refining Danboy will be a hundred times different. I thought about it:

"Give me ten inner congenital monsters!"

"Good!" The guy nodded. "What are the requirements of the guest officer for the type?"

"Nothing is required."

Soon, the buddy placed ten monsters inside the counter. Qin double again:

“The thick soil period, the hard rock period, the black iron period, the bronze period, the silver period and the golden period of the inner Dan each gave me ten.”

"Hey?" The man looked at the piano double in shock. I swallowed a mouthful of water: "Guest, the congenital demon blasts when it refines, it should not hurt you. But the inner dan, which you want now, is dangerous."

"Shantou!" At this time, a middle-aged man looked at the piano double-eyedly: "Don't say that it is the golden period Dan, that is, the Dan explosion during the silver period, you will blow up the slag."

The piano double frowned, but did not look at the person, just staring at the guy:

"How not?"

"Yes!" The guy swallowed a slobber: "However, there is only one in the golden period, five in the silver period, and the rest is no problem."

"OK, put it up for me."

The buddy stared at the piano and said: "Is the guest official ok?"


"it is good!"

The buddy didn't say much more. He took out a big basket and put those inner dans in a basket. Qinqin bought some herbs to refine all kinds of dandans. After finishing the account, he left the basket and left. Shop, returned to the inn.

Entering the alchemy room, in order to avoid interruption, Qinshuang first took out some of the lower stones, laid out a formation, and then came to the alchemy furnace, first took out a congenital inner Dan, and arranged several auxiliary drugs. On the side, then open the ground fire and begin to put a strain of herbs into the alchemy furnace in order.

The power of the mind penetrates into the alchemy furnace to see the fire and regulate the fire. When a strain of herbal medicine is used as a liquid, it begins to fuse the liquid. This is a light road for Qinshuang, and it is not difficult. When the liquid medicine is integrated, it is at a critical time.

Qin double picked up the innate period Dan, put it into the alchemy furnace, controlled the liquid to begin to slowly penetrate into Nedan, this process is very demanding, to burn the inner wall, which is conducive to the penetration of liquid, but It is not possible to burn the inner dan, and it will be abolished. Not to mention that it is burnt, it is slightly too soft, it is easy to rupture in the process of penetrating the liquid, and then the explosion.

Qin double feels the difficulty of refining the Dan demon. This is the power of her own soul. She can grasp the fire in a slight way. She really does not know. If there is no power of the soul, can she refine it into a demon?

A little bit past, the more and more liquid medicine penetrated into the demon, and the soul of the demon inside Nedan became active, and the faint soul gradually became solid, like a tiny version of the monster.

When the last silk liquid penetrated into Nei Dan, Qin Double immediately grabbed the Nedan and looked inside Neidan. The piglet inside was like there, and it seemed to fall into a deep sleep. The liquid medicine inside Nedan was absorbed by the warthog, and the soul became more and more solid.

Qin double sighed softly, and he had the power of the soul. It was so difficult to refine. I really don’t know how the alchemy in this world made the Danish refining successful.

No wonder a Danden price will be so expensive!

Qin double looked at the medicinal medicine in his hand and frowned slightly. She did not drop a drop of blood on it. If the piano double is just refining a Dan demon, there is nothing to drop a drop of blood, but the piano double must refine a lot of Dan Yao, if each Dan demon has to drop a drop of blood, this is also a damage to the body of the piano.



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