Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 892: Kill


Another arrow was shot by the piano, as usual, straight to the face of Wuhai. The figure of Wuhai twisted on the sea, flashed the arrow, and took out a blossoming spray at the foot, like a flying fish, flying toward the piano.

On the way of flying, he reached out and grabbed it in the air, and he grabbed a finger on the claw-shaped weapon that was broken by the arrow, and slammed it toward the piano. The figure swept under the five arrows that collapsed.

There was a flush of red on the face of Qinshuang, and a little starlight was displayed, and five arrows were continuously shot at the fastest speed to make her blood rush.

The foot glimpses and floats, and the slanting spurs fly back, not only pulling away the distance between Wuhai and Wuhai, but also avoiding the radiant fingers.

The backhand draws two arrows on the bowstring.

Pulling a bow like a full moon, the arrow looks like a meteor!

Wuhai is now in a fierce color. The double arrow of the piano is fast, but it is not in the eyes of Wuhai. When the mind is moving, it will slant out. To escape the arrow, it suddenly stops, and the face There is a faint color on the top. He found that the five arrows that were still rolling in the air turned to him, blocking his moving angle, so that he can only meet the arrows that are coming in front of him, otherwise he will avoid in any direction. Actively rushed to one of the five arrows.


Wuhai snorted and slammed the weapon in his hand toward the arrow that was shot in the face.

Above the island.

The eyes of Baige and Tan Xiao are bright, and they are both nervous and clenched.

Above the sea.

The arrow that the double shot of the piano seemed to travel through time and space, and immediately came to the front of Wuhai, and the weapons in the hands of Wuhai would also reach the lasing arrow, but found that...

It was originally a long sword, suddenly turned into two, split into two, one arrow kept the original trajectory, spurred the weapon in the hands of Wuhai, and the other arrow was It fell half a foot and shot at the heart of Wuhai.

Wuhai suddenly fell into a thousand pounds, and his body sank toward the sea. Then he made a sigh, and the arrow passed through his right shoulder. His figure disappeared into the sea and there was silence around him.

Qinqin quickly picked up the bow and arrow, pulled out the dragon sword in the backhand, and watched it with vigilance.

The calm flow of the sea, where to find the half trace of the Wuhai?

The people on the island looked at the piano double on the sea, and the shock of the piano double was too great. They have already seen it at this time. The repair of Qin double is between the first and second floors of the silver period, but the martial arts of Qin double is really powerful, especially the arrow skill, that is, Lu Binwang feels terrified.


The doubles floating above the sea suddenly felt a stun.


In the heart of the piano, she quickly took out a detoxification suit and dropped her eyes on the surface of the sea. Then she saw that the sea water had turned black and began to rise in black air.


There was a loud noise under the soles of the piano. The piano double felt that his right foot was hit hard, and the whole body was bombarded and flew into the air.

With the roar of the sea, Wuhai’s figure rushed out of the sea and looked up at the doubles flying into the air. At this time, the piano was spurting out of the blood, and the whole leg was sore. . The black sea picked up the weapons in his hand and pumped them toward the piano in the air.


Qinshuang’s dragon sword was placed on the weapon of Wuhai, and Zhangkou spurted another blood, and his body tumbling in the air.


The big feet of Wuhai glimpse on the sea, and their bodies rise to the sky. The weapons in their hands are waving and continually attacking the piano. Although Qinqin can use the dragon sword to block the attack of Wuhai, it is difficult to resist. The huge power of Wuhai was smashed and tumbling in the air, completely unilaterally killing.

"too weak!"

Wuhai shouted a slap in the air, and the body of the piano doubled like a projectile. The big feet once again glimpsed on the surface of the sea, and the figure was like a sharp arrow. The plucking of the piano in the air spurred away, and the face slowly showed a hint of shackles, and the weapons in the hands had already prepared for another beating.

Qinqin was so frustrated for the first time, even if he was chased by the entire demon world, he was not so embarrassed. Under the continuous and intensive impact of the huge force of Wuhai, the body's blood tumbling, the whole person is a little groggy.

Looking down at the Wuhai, which came from the lasing below, the shackles on his face, the double heart of the piano, and the power of the mind rolled up a silver-colored Dane in the backpack, and the killing in the eyes blew out.


The piano double held the Dan demon and smashed it.


A tweet, a golden eagle appeared between Qinshuang and Wuhai. The power of the silver period emanated from the body of the eagle, and swooped down toward the Wuhai below. Two sharp claws caught the Wuhai. .


The two claws collided with the weapons of Wuhai. The shape of Wuhai fell to the bottom. The golden eagle hovered in the air and swooped down towards the Wuhai Sea again.

The piano double stopped rolling, and the figure fell in the air toward the bottom. The dragon sword was carried on the back, and the bowstring was taken out again. The clothes fluttered and fell, locking the black sea.


The golden eagle and the Wuhai are fighting together. The golden eagle is only six layers of the silver period. It only takes advantage of the ability to fly and suppresses Wuhai. Wuhai was originally shot by Qin Qin. At this time, it was suppressed by the golden eagle. More importantly, the Qin double on the side was locked with arrows. He knew that the double bow and arrow of the piano was so powerful that the whole man's hair was standing up, and the heart finally gave birth to the color of fear.


Hearing this bowstring sound, Wuhai’s heart was a shake, and he couldn’t help but look at the piano. This energy, but let the golden eagle grab a piece of meat on his back and make him miserable. Screamed, but what is more serious is that a little black shadow has already arrived at him. Where is he still paying attention to the golden eagle, hurriedly traversing the weapon in front of him, the heart is a cool, and sure enough, the black shadow Divided into two, but this time the separate arrow is not falling, but suddenly rises and shoots at his door.

Wu Hai’s figure was fierce and then hesitated. The “When” sounded an arrow and the second arrow wiped off half of his nose and spurred it. He screamed again. Only this half was called, and it stopped abruptly, and a huge claw was caught on his head.


Wuhai’s head was shattered and the body fell to the surface of the sea.



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