Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Gossip

The golden eagle flew over to the piano, and the piano fell on the back of the golden eagle and flew toward the island. Take out a healing suit.

Shou, the golden eagle fell on the island, and the piano double jumped from the golden eagle. The Baige and Tan Xiao couples greeted early, and the Tan Xiao couple excited:

"Qin Shimei, you cow!"

Bai Ge’s gaze fell on the golden eagle standing next to the double body of the piano. He was envious and surprised in his eyes. He did not think that the piano double had a silver demon in the silver period. This is not to say that in the passage, Qin double still left a hole card?

"Hidden is deep!"

Lu Binwang and Shu Ying and several other silvers expected the eyes of Qin double to show a hint of jealousy, but also revealed greed. What they are afraid of is that the Qin double has a silver demon in the silver period, and the greed is the martial arts of the Qin double. They believe that if the martial arts of Qin double are in their hands, they will explode more power.

The piano double hangs down, and the eyes are full of cold and murderous intentions.

She was able to perceive the greed of the four silver periods, but also the grievances that were only abused by Wuhai.

However, it was only at a time when it was less than three interest rates. Lu Binwang recovered his calmness during the four silver periods. Lu Binwang said faintly:

"Let's explore the remains!"

Others nodded, and at this time they had jealousy about the piano double, naturally they dare not force the piano double. Shu Ying looked at the golden eagle standing next to the piano, and his face smiled:

"I didn't think that you still have a Danish demon. I think you have more than this one? So we have a more grasp of this expedition."

"Ha ha……"

Qin double smiled twice, not to mention that he still has something on his body, nor does he say that he does not have a body, so that Shu Ying’s look can’t help. Looked at the piano double, and turned and Lubin Wang shoulder to the island. The white-bearded dagger and the indifferent youth also looked at the piano pair, followed by Lu Binwang and Shu Ying, and Qin Ding and Bai Ge walked to the end.

Qin double took out a healing suit and walked while healed.

There was no trauma to the body of Qinqin, but it was shocked by the strength of Wuhai and suffered internal injuries. At this time, under the treatment of healing Dan, it is recovering quickly. However, the injury can be restored, but the depression and grievances in the heart are even worse.

The strength of Wuhai is really too big, and according to Bai Ge’s introduction to Wuhai, the strongest thing in Wuhai is not his strength, but his poison. In this way, it is still not the Qin double can resist, which does not allow Qin double to have a deeper understanding of the world. The smelters in the middle and the smelters in the Bianbu area are not at all a level. Even in the same realm, the smelters in the middle will kill the Bianbian cultivators in the same way.

Just think about it a little, it will be clear. The gravity in the middle is several times that of the side ridge. Living under this kind of gravity all the year round, it is the same realm, and the strength will be higher than that of the border cultivators.

A group of people walked deep into the island. The whole island was a huge stone. When you entered the place, you couldn't see a little plant, let alone the traces of animals.

The whole island is very quiet, only a few people's footsteps recall in the air, but it shows the death of the island.

The sea breeze gradually grew bigger, blowing everyone's clothes and flying, hunting and screaming.

After walking for about an hour, Qin’s injury has been restored to 7788, and he looked down at the rock under his feet, and the color of the rock became darker and darker. Qin double frowned a little, rubbed his body, wiped it with his fingers, sniffed on the nose.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ge asked nervously.

The people in front also erected their ears, and the piano whispered softly: "The gas is getting richer and thicker."

The look of Lu Binwang and others in the front is also a change, and they have once again taken out a detoxification suit.

The footsteps stepped on the rocks, making a sound of air and echoing over the island. The mind of the people is nervously unconsciously.

Lu Binwang walked in the forefront, and his eyes looked around from time to time, but it was all in vain, and there was no trace of activity around it.

It was about half an hour later, and everyone came to the middle of the island, and their eyes were all moving. They saw a platform in the middle of the island.

On the blue-black rock, a huge platform with a diameter of nearly 50 meters is located there. The pattern is engraved on it.

Not only did the people not speed up their paces, but they slowed down and watched them with vigilance. Finally, they all set their sights on the platform and slowly approached.

Finally, everyone stood in front of the platform and looked at the platform. The brow's brow is a move, and she recognizes that the pattern on this platform is a gossip.

"This must show something!" Shu Ying said: "Let's study."

The crowd spread out and walked around this huge gossip map. The double side of the piano rotates around the platform, thinking about the meaning of this gossip.

"This is a gossip!" Shu Ying said: "I remember that in the ancient times, there used to be a top sect, called the Eight Diagrams."

"Bagua Gate?" The eyes of the piano are amazed: "The gossip is the way of the road and the path, but since she came to the mainland, she knows that there is no way and no way in this world." So, where does this gossip come from?"

"That is a mysterious sect, now there are only legends about it." Shu Ying whispered: "In the legend, Bagua Gate has the ability to borrow the power of the heavens and the earth, and dominated the ancient times. There are dozens Wan disci, there are hundreds of golden period refiners. It is only the sudden rise of this sect. The sudden disappearance is also very sudden. They suddenly rose without any warning, and suddenly disappeared without any warning. If not they are The ancient times were too prosperous and dominated, leaving too many legends. It is estimated that no one would believe that there would be such a sect in the ancient times. Even so, today’s people also regard the Eight Diagrams as a legend. No one believes that there is such a sect."

"Does the Eight Diagrams Gate be the same as oneself, is a Zongmen created by an outsider?" Qin Zhongxin secretly, looking to Shu Yingdao:

“And there are more legends about it?”

"Yeah!" Shu Ying gently nodded: "The legend of the Eight Diagrams Gate, his cultivation has exceeded the golden period. In the ancient Yuan Dynasty, no one was his opponent."

"Beyond the golden age!"

Qinqin was slightly shocked. In terms of strength alone, the golden period of the refiner has already surpassed the Wusheng on the mainland. So what does it mean to go beyond the golden period?



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