Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 894: dark

That means that it is already a level of immortal. Is the head of the Eight Diagrams door coming from the fairy world to the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty?

Her heart was excited and her eyes fell on the platform. With her experience, it is basically certain that this platform should be an entrance into the ruins. Once inside, it will be able to reach the ancient times. The mysterious gossip.


The piano double suddenly appeared in a vertical shape and jumped onto the platform, looking at a hole in each pattern on the platform, and the face became very ugly.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ge jumped onto the platform and came to the side of Qin Double.

"What do you look at there?" Qin double pointed to the depression on the gossip.

"this is……"

"This is Yuanshi Powder!" I just jumped on the platform and looked at it again. I crouched down and stretched out my fingers to pick up some Yuanshi powder. The face became more ugly:

"These stone powders are new, and it should be someone who first enters the monuments."

Lu Binwang's face was also changed. He quickly took out eight pieces of Shangpin Yuan and put them into eight holes. The gossip figure will shine loudly. People under the platform jumped on the platform.

The piano double felt a sigh, and then felt that he was in the dark. I can't see the surrounding scenery at all, and my eyes have lost their functions.

Qin double spreads the power of the mind, and the look is a change. She finds that the power of her own soul can only spread out one meter here. It has a strong suppressing effect on the power of the mind.

"Someone?" Qin double suddenly heard the sound of Shu Ying not far from the left.

"I am!" Lubin Wang’s voice sounded.

"I'm here!"


The rest of the people made a sound, and the piano doubles also made a sound. The nervousness of everyone was slightly slow. Although they could not see each other, they could be heard from the sound, and everyone was very close.

Suddenly, my feet vibrated!

Do not!

But the whole space is shaking, as if every air ion is shaking, so that every cell of your own will vibrate, and the blood in the body will surge.

At the same time, a voice came from all directions, and the sound seemed like a vast movement. Even the Qinshuang of the Ten Shadow Masters have never heard of such movements, and have never heard of the movements that shock the soul. But I can understand the meaning of each movement.

"It seems to express the vastness of the sky!" Lu Bin Wang shouted in shock.

"This is the expression of the earth's thick!" In the progress of the movement, Shu Ying could not help but also exclaimed.

"This is expressing the majesty of Ray!"

"This is invisible in expressing the wind!"

"This is good at expressing water!"

"This is expressing the destruction of fire!"

"This is expressing the mountain!"

"This is expressing Daze!"

In the heart of the piano, a jump, dry for the sky, Kun for the ground, the earthquake for the thunder, the wind for the wind, the ridge for the water, from the fire, the mountain for the mountain, against the Ze.

"This is the sound of gossip!"

The vibration of the space gradually subsided, and the sound of the gossip gradually drifted away.

Finally, everything has returned to calm!

The piano doubles and listens, and the look is slightly changed. Zhang mouth yells: "Is anyone here?"

"Someone is there... Is anyone here... Is it...?..."

The sound of the piano double echoed in the dark space, but no one echoed. The piano doubles and looks around, seeing the black lacquered space, can not see things, the power of the soul can only spread one meter. The face of the piano pair showed a dignified color, and the heart screamed again with vigilance:

"Is anyone here?"

"Someone is there... Is anyone here... Is it...?..."

Still, my voice is reverberating, and there is no response from others.

"Tan brother, Rong Jie, Bai brother!"

Still no response, Qin Qin was alert, but did not have the slightest fear and panic. She has experienced more adventures and is able to remain calm in dangerous situations.

Qin double spread the power of the mind and shrouded the area of ​​one meter. If there is danger, she will be able to react.

From the power of the mind, we can see that her feet are black steps. She looks back, can't see the exit, looks around, and can't see any direction, as if she is locked in a closed dark space. Inside.

All she could see was the steps under her feet, and she could only see the third order. The first step behind yourself, the first step under the foot, and the first step in front.

Looking at the direction in which you are standing now, if you go forward, this step should be extended all the way to the ground, just because the power of the mind can only cover a square meter, and you can't see how long the steps are.

"Treading step..."

Qinqin gently lifted his footsteps and walked along the black steps. Her footsteps were already light, but the dark space was too quiet, and her slow footsteps slowly echoed in the dark space. .

The piano doubled in the footsteps and looked around again. It was still the endless darkness, as if the ink was dark and could not see the endless nothingness.

Gently wrinkled his brow, the piano doubled his mind, took a piece of the next stone from the backpack, and used a little force to crush the next stone into a myriad of small pieces, and took a piece from the right hand. A bomb on the left side.


The piece spurted out and shot into the darkness to the left. The piano double ears listened, and the brow couldn't help but wrinkle up. She didn't hear any sound. At the very least, she should hear the sound of Yuanshi fragments falling to the ground. It seems that she is really standing in the endless void.

The pieces of the Yuanshi that are shot are not half-wired!

She shot a piece of Yuanshi to the right side, and still did not hear a little movement. Qin double thought about it, and shot a piece of Yuanshi in front of it. The result was still no movement.

"How is this possible? Should there be steps in front? How can there be no sound of pieces falling on the steps? Is there no step in front? Is it a void?"

The piano popped a piece of debris behind her, and her face changed, because there was no movement.

"This is impossible! I have just walked down the steps, there must be steps behind, how can there be no sound?"

"Or is it... can it shield the sound? Even if it falls on the steps, it can't make a sound?"


It must be like this! ”

The piano doubled and looked forward to picking up a piece of Yuanshi and threw it at the step on his foot.


The sound of the Yuanshi pieces touching the steps was clearly heard.

The face of Qin double is a change!

"How is this going?"

Qin double frowned and thought for a while, biting his teeth and stepping down the steps to continue down.

"Treading step..."



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