Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Through the illusion

The steps in front are not as there as the piano double imagined, not only exist, but also always down, no end. The piano can only hear his footsteps echoing in the dark space. No matter what direction you look around, it is a black lacquer. If you can't see anything, it is the power of the soul. You can only see the foot. Three steps.

Rao is a rich pair of pianos, and the scalp is slightly numb at this time!

She paused again and looked back, dark. The eyes slowly swept around, and the darkness covered her like ink.

She stood there motionless and listened to her ears, hoping to hear something different.

quite a while.

Her mind was moved, and the Confucian gold book floated out of the spiritual space, hung over her head, and the page opened with a slap in the face, and finally stopped on a page with four words:

The fire of the stars.

A little star fire appeared in front of the piano double, a little spark, and a little spark...

A little bit of sparks appear around the strings, like a star river flowing around the strings. It illuminates the space of ten meters around the piano.

The piano looks around in both directions, as if the endless darkness is constantly consuming the sparks, engulfing the light from the sparks. She looked down at her feet, and her heart was a glimpse. She found that there were only three steps at her feet. The steps that she stood now and one step before and after, they are now standing on the third step, and the third step is Vain in the dark void. Looking down the steps is the boundless darkness.

The piano double raised one foot slowly and took a step forward. One foot was on the front step, and the other foot was still on the middle step.

The steps under the two feet are all there, looking back at the first step of the back.


Qin double raised the foot on the step in the middle and fell to the front. His face changed. A new level of stairs appeared in front of her, and the first step was originally abrupt. The land disappeared.

Qin double at this time is three steps at the foot, she stood on the middle level, each has a first step. She stepped back and stood on the first step of the back. The steps did not change. It didn't look like the piano. As she stepped back, the front step would disappear and the first step would appear. At this point she stood on the last level of the three steps, with two steps in front.

She lifted one foot and took a step toward the back. There is the first step that has just disappeared. The foot slowly fell, and there was nothing in the original steps, a hollow, a void.

Qin double took back the foot, and some hair in his heart.


Qinqin spit out a sigh of relief, and the power of the mind spread again. The fire of the stars around her body began to move. A little spark of fire moved around the strings, and a gossip array was set up in an instant. The piano double stood in the middle of the Eight Diagrams array.

There is still no change around, it is still endless darkness, and there are still only three steps at the foot.

The piano double locks his brow and stands there motionless. Looking through the sparks of the stars, he looks around.

Really no change!

Everything is the same as before!

The strength of the soul of the piano double fluctuated again, and the starlight began to move again, reconstructing a picture.

Reverse the eight maps!


A wave of sound that seems to be broken in space, the piano doubles its mind, and the inverted eight-frame map constructed by a little bit of sparks expands toward the surrounding.


In the perspective of Qin Double, the endless ink dyed darkness faded in color, and her feet were no longer three steps, but a step that could not be seen at the end, and the piano double stood on the passage of this step. Among them.

The inverted eight-frame map constructed by little sparks is still slowly expanding toward the surrounding because of the inertia of the power of the mind, as if a universe is being generated, spread, and illuminating more space.

The piano looked around in both directions, with black rock walls on both sides and black steps at the foot. At this time, it seems that this upside down eight-frame map cracked the space, and the piano double heard the slow and hesitant from the front. The footsteps seemed to be walking forward with hesitation.


The power of the soul of the piano can not be extended too far, and the inverted eight-picture is expanded by the inertia under the force of the soul. However, when the little sparks lost control of the power of the mind, they began to suffer the impact of this space. As the sound of the space slammed, it was like the humming of the earthquake, and the little sparks began to be disordered.

In the field of view of the piano, the diameter is constantly changing. For a while, there is endless darkness, and for a while it is a passage full of steps. These two scenes alternately appear in the eyes of the piano.

"There is a lineup here! And it is very strong!"

Qinqin suddenly speeded up and swept down the steps toward the bottom.

Empty footsteps rang in the channel, and in the field of view of the piano, endless darkness and channels full of steps alternated. She seems to be constantly walking in a broken space.


She took a step and found that she was in a sea of ​​fire, and she gathered warmly toward her. She could clearly perceive the burning pain and see the flame as her tongue licking her cheek.

However, she did not stop, and did not retreat, but continued to take steps and flew forward. It was only a step, and the endless sea of ​​fire disappeared without a trace, but it entered a world of lightning and thunder. The thick thunder bombarded her head, and the atmosphere of destruction was trembled. Let the piano suddenly have a thought in the heart of the heart. If you are concentrated by this thunder, it will become gray.

Qinqin rushed a step forward, and there was a lush deep forest in front of him. The prestige spurred the leaves to rustle, the flowers on the ground swayed, and they were able to smell the flowers, as if the lightning and thunder was just an illusion.

The piano doubles constantly rushing, and the scene in the eye keeps changing, as if she is constantly rushing into one picture.

The piano doubles in the heart.

In her vision, there is an endless darkness and a channel full of steps, and the two are constantly alternating.


The fire of the Confucian star was finally consumed, and the surrounding became an endless darkness, only three steps below the foot.


The piano doubled his eyes and looked around the endless darkness.


In the heart of the piano, in the middle of Dantian, the golden guqin on the golden pool floated from the water and the strings fluctuated.

Long Fengming!



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