Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 898: explore

This person is still saved. Now there are another group of people coming here. The more people they save here, the safer they are.

Qin double is not close to the white-beard dagger old man, because at this time he is going crazy, although close to him, he is crazy attack. The piano is a distance away from the old man, and the circle is around the old man.

The indifferent youth stood still in the field, and a pair of ears kept swaying, eyes closed, and the eyelids could not help but jump a few times. He heard the piano doubles throwing things on the ground, and his heart could not help but be suspicious.

"What is she doing?"

Qinshuang is revolving around the white-bearded daggers and throwing a piece of Yuanshi on the ground. She is setting up an inverted gossip array with Yuanshi. It is only a dozen times of time, and an upside down gossip line is completed. If the madness of the white-bearded dagger is suddenly a glimpse of the old man, the madness of the action is stiff, and the darkness that has been shrouded in his back is gone. He sees his own situation.

He stood in a small cave, surrounded by seven passages, standing indifferent youths a few tens of meters away from him, standing at a distance of less than ten meters from him.

"you guys……"

The piano pointed to the Yuanshi on the ground and then walked toward him. "I have set up a formation. In this formation, it is not restricted by this."

"Array method?" Baishou’s first old man looked like a sigh: "Do you actually have a battle?"

At this time, Qin double has already reached the law, and then confronted the indifferent youth: "Come to me."

The indifferent youth is swept away like a wind, and it appears beside the piano. Then I heard the sound of the piano double:

"You can open your eyes."

The indifferent youth heard the look of a glimpse and then opened his eyes. Then he set his eyes on the Yuanshi on the ground, and then looked at the Qinshuang. The indifference in his eyes showed a glimpse of it.

The piano nodded in both directions, and then looked at the white-bearded dagger old man: "Do you know the formation?"

This can't help but make the piano strange. Since she came to the world, she has never heard of the tactics, and she has never heard of the squad. Is it because her time is too short and ignorant?

"Yeah!" Baishou’s first old man knew at this time that Qinshuang rescued him from danger and looked at Qinshuang’s eyes full of gratitude. Without the previous arrogance, he said very politely:

"Kirin Mountain, do you know?"

Qinshuang really didn't know Qilin Mountain, and his face just showed the shyness of his face: "The younger generation came from the sidelines and was ignorant.

There is no accident in the old man. A person from Bentham does not know much about it. Then nodded:

"Kirin Mountain is a strange place. There is no vitality there. Instead, it has a different kind of gas. It is said to be called aura."

The heart of the piano is a violent jump, and the power to control his emotions is not revealed. Showing a look of listening.

"If the Qilin Mountain is like a Kirin head, it is called Qilin Mountain." Here, the old man looked at the piano and doubled:

"Maybe you still don't know, there are countless continents outside our continent."

Qinqin just showed the color of surprise, the old man continued:

"Occasionally, for various reasons, there will be other people from mainland China who fall on our land. The way these people practice is completely different from our land, and the need is aura, not vitality. It is called Monks. Everyone is different, so the smelters of our land continent naturally regard them as heretics and see one killing one. After these people came to our continent, because they have no aura, their cultivation skills can’t be completely eliminated. So we were killed a lot. However, it happened to enter the Tuyuan continent near Qilin Mountain, so they fled into Qilin Mountain.

The smelters of our land continent also wanted to kill the Qilin Mountains and kill all the monks. But once those monks have aura, even if they are not rich in aura, the power that erupts is simply a shocking, weeping ghost. When the refiners of the Tuyuan continent suffered heavy losses in Qilin Mountain, they gave up and entered the Kirin Mountain. However, those monks do not think about it, come out one, we kill one. ”

Qin Qin is silent. She believes that these refiners in the Yuanyuan continent can kill the monks, even those who have immortals.

We must know that only the bronze period is on the body's strength, and it has already surpassed the Wusheng of the warrior's mainland. What about the silver period?

I am afraid that it has already surpassed the immortal, so what about the golden period?

Perhaps the strongest immortal who has been closed to Dan Tian and the sea of ​​knowledge is not necessarily the opponent of this world's golden period. In this way, those monks who have fallen into the Qilin Mountains are really one, and they will be killed. As long as they are discovered, there is no possibility of surviving.

"We know from the air of the monks, there are arrays and ways, and their methods of refining are different from ours. We have also studied the formation and the way, and also gave birth to the division and the division. However, the realm is very low. Perhaps because of the environmental problems in the mainland, it is difficult for our smelters here to understand the meaning of the road and the road."

The face of Qin double shows the sorrowful color: "I have accidentally got a clumsy trick, no wonder I have never touched the squad."

"I met the squad?" The old man in the white beard said with a smile: "Because our smelters in the mainland have almost no understanding of the martial arts and the road, almost no one has gone to practice the road and the road now. You Where did you come across?"

Having said that, his face is full of excitement: "You can actually fight against this by laying a lineup. You are a genius."

Qinqin smiled and shook his head: "But this battle is dead. Once you leave this battle, the resistance to it will disappear. Right, haven't asked for two?"

"My name is ancient." The old man said with a smile.

"My name is warm." The indifferent youth said.

The piano doubled his mouth and sighed, and the heart was dark, what about your indifference, also called warm?

The three people were silent and didn't have the mood to talk. Because at this time their encounter is very dangerous, especially the ancient meaning, as soon as they leave this inverted gossip, they will become a blind man and a blind man. This is simply a target, letting people attack targets. However, it is not always possible to stay here. Qin double thought a little bit:

"How old can you hear a little voice?"

“Yeah!” the ancient nodded and said: “I can still hear it within a few meters.”

"This is good! I am walking in front, warm walking behind, you are in the middle."

"it is good!"

The ancient meaning did not hesitate to hesitate. In this situation, this is the best way.



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