Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Small space


With a soft bang, the Danish double-headed lion consumed the last trace of soul power and dissipated in space.


Qin double did not collect the Yuanshi on the ground, and chased the past to the rampage of the tall and obese woman. At this time, in this passage, the traces of tall and obese women have been lost. Fortunately, there is no more rumbling in this passage, so that Qin double has always been chasing the direction. The ancient meaning of holding a long knife in the hand, followed by a meter behind the piano, one meter later, is the warmth of holding a long sword. None of the three people spoke, and the old and warm eyes closed their eyes, and they used the footsteps of the piano that they heard in their ears to move forward quickly.

Qinshuang kept moving in the middle of Dantian, and kept himself awake. However, with the depth of the passage, she found that there is an inexplicable fluctuation, which is affecting her dragon and phoenix.

Her dragon and phoenix sounded a little weaker, and the passage in front of her disappeared and became dark. As she strengthened the dragon and the phoenix, the darkness became a channel.

This kind of darkness and passage alternated, and the heart of the piano double gradually gave birth to a bit of irritability.

Suddenly, the double footsteps of the piano doubled, and the ancient meaning and warmth behind her naturally stopped the pace, and the ancient meaning condensed:

"Running sound!"

The piano is staring at it, and the front is a corner. Stepping slowly toward the corner, when I turned the corner, there was a waterfall in her eyes. Left from the top of the channel, flowing to the ground of the channel, disappearing below the ground. People don't know where the source of the waterfall comes from, and where it goes, not to see the back of the waterfall.


Qin double's look was awkward. She found that standing here, Long Fengming seems to no longer be affected by the inexplicable fluctuations, and then stopped Long Fengming, and the beauty was slightly.

Sure enough, here is no longer affecting people's minds. Then condensed the channel: "Ancient seniors, Wen brother, you can open your eyes."

The ancient meaning and the warmth of the words, but still opened his eyes, then the face is a hi, they found that they can see the situation around. There was no cold feeling around, standing in front of this waterfall, as if everything was vivid.

"They should escape from this waterfall?" Warming up the first two steps, standing side by side with the piano, looking at the waterfall with a heavy face.

"We have to be careful that they are setting aside behind the waterfall." The ancients also stepped forward and stood side by side with the piano.

The piano nodded twice and took out an innate Danish demon from the backpack behind him. After crushing, a warthog appeared in front of three people. Under the heart of the piano, the pig rushed toward the waterfall.

Everything seen by the warthog is clearly presented in the mind of the piano. The eyes of the ancient and warm people also fell nervously on the pigs.


The warthog jumped up and the volley rushed toward the waterfall.


The warthog rushed into the waterfall and disappeared into the eyes of the three people. Both the ancient and the warm eyes looked at the piano pair. Although they don't know that Qin double can see everything behind the waterfall through the vision of the pig, but know that the pig has died behind the waterfall, the piano must know.

At the moment when the donkey rushed over the waterfall, the piano double felt like it had crashed into the rain. Countless black spots spurred toward the sly pig. At first glance, what kind of organs the pigs touched.

The face of Qin double is so beautiful, how can there be no organs after the waterfall?

When the black spots are finished, they have not waited until the piano doubles to see what those black spots are, and the pigs are dissipated in space.

Warm and ancient looking at the piano double and took out a Dan demon from the backpack, they know that the Dan demon that passed through the waterfall has completely died, and it is not a look of condensation, frowning.

At this time, Qin double has crushed the Dan demon, another piglet appeared, and slammed into the waterfall. "哗啦" passed through the waterfall.


Another intensive black spot spurred toward the pig, this time the piano did not pay attention to the black spots that are lasing, but the black spots that shot the first pig. The ground is filled with a black needle with a length of one-fifth of the arrow.

The piano double felt black and knew that the second warthog was also dead. Then the backhand took out the last congenital Danish crush, and a piglet passed through the waterfall again.

This time, no black needles were lasing out, and the eyes of the piano pair were bright, and they shouted:


The figure of Qin double rushed toward the waterfall, and the ancient and warm people also looked happy, followed by the piano double.


The piano double passed through the waterfall and landed on the ground, looking at the opposite side.


The ancient and warm people also passed through the waterfall, and fell on the left and right sides of the piano, and their eyes also looked opposite.

Not far from them, the piglet stood there, seemingly waiting for the command of the piano double, and in front of the pig, it was a hole, looking out from the hole and seeing a verdant green.

All three people frowned, and the double-driver made the pig ran out of the hole. There was no danger of seeing it. The piano doubled first toward the hole.

Out of the hole, the face of warmth and ancient meaning was shocked. However, the piano is calm and the outside is a verdant forest.

The experience of Qin Shuang let her know that it should be a small world, an independent space, just like the original string month secret, just do not know how big this space is, the eyes can not help but look around. ,

Surrounded by tall and thick trees, each tree has a hundred meters above it, that is, the grass on the ground is also high to the human chest, and an original breath is coming.

Between a piece of green grass, you can also see a cluster of flowers, but the flowers are also very large, some flowers have a basin size, and the smallest flowers are as large as a bowl.

Everything here gives the impression that it is big!

The ear is listening, there is no animal sound, even if the bird is called insects, there is no trace. There is only endless grass and a moist smell.

The eyes of the three people fell on a piece of grass, and the grass fell in one direction. Obviously this is the trace of the tall and obese woman.

The three people looked at each other, and they all held their breath, put their light steps, followed the traces left by the vegetation, and walked silently toward the front. It was only a long way to go, and the three people stopped their steps, stumbled, and then slowly explored their heads and looked at a big tree. At that time, under the big tree, there were two people.

The bamboo man and the fat woman.



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