Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 900: Gossip

The bamboo scorpion man still seems to be unconscious, and the obese woman is using some ointment to smear the bamboo man's wound.

The ancient meaning touched the piano double and made a gesture. That means that the piano is waiting here, he and the warmth to solve the two people. The true strength of these two is stronger than the piano, and the piano is naturally so happy. Then nodded. The ancient meaning and the warmth exchanged a look, and the figure of the two men suddenly rose to the sky, and swooped down toward the obese woman under the big tree.

At the moment when the ancients and the warmth rushed, the obese woman felt it. The left hand grabbed the huge shield next to him, greeted the ancient meaning, and picked up a huge axe in his right hand and slammed it into warmth.


With two loud noises, the obese woman’s figure was like a huge ball, rolling out. The ancient meaning and warmth did not stop to pursue the past to the obese woman.

When the piano doubled and swept, he came to the man in front of the bamboo pole and looked at the man of the bamboo pole. He saw the bamboo man with his eyes closed and a coma.

Qin double reached out and searched the man on the bamboo pole. When he touched the bamboo man’s chest, it was a meal. His eyes fell on the neck of the bamboo man. There was a necklace there. When the necklace came out, I saw a gossip card hanging on the necklace, half a slap in size.

Remove the necklace from the neck of the bamboo rafter, and hold the **** in the hand and watch it carefully. I saw that there is a pattern on this gossip card. This can not help but surprise Qin Qin.

Isn't this time not a problem?

How does this gossip card have a pattern?

But when I think of this mysterious array, there seems to be no mystery.

Spread the power of the mind and explore it into the gossip card, and the thoughts are in the eyes. In my heart, I thought about the kind of fluctuations I experienced in the passage, and then carefully checked the signs on the gossip cards.

This gossip card should be able to resonate with the fluctuations in the channel so that it can remain awake in the channel.


Where does this gossip come from?

Who is this bamboo squat man and the obese woman?

Qin double once again gaze on the gossip card in his hand, his eyes are shrinking, this gossip card is very simple, the age is absolutely long.

"Is this gossip card something left over from the Eight Diagrams Gate of the ancient times? Just like the monastic circle, enter the identity card of the guardian ancestor?

Is this bamboo 竿 man and obese woman a disciple of Baguamen?

Didn't the Eight Diagrams door have disappeared? Where are the disciples?

If there are disciples in Bagua, how can there be no legend in the mainland? ”

When Qinqin was in front of the fog, he heard a scream from afar, and he hurriedly stood up and looked at the sound. He saw that the left arm of the obese woman had been cut off. The shield fell to the ground with the left arm, leaving only a huge axe in the right hand. At this time, the ancient and warm people also stopped the attack, but the left and right sides of the bag sandwiched the obese woman, and sealed her escape. Ancient cold channel:

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Go to death!"

The obese woman rushed toward the ancient intentions with an axe, and the long knife in the hands of the ancients suddenly slammed down and squatted on the giant axe.

The "when" bang, the obese woman was smashed out. The warm figure is like a sharp arrow. The sword is screaming, and the sword in his hand is on the throat of an obese woman. Looking at the obese woman coldly:


The obese woman did not go to see the warmth at all, but looked at the piano double. Qin double knows that the woman wants to see the bamboo man, and then looks down at the bamboo man lying on the ground.

Suddenly, the bamboo squat man lying on the ground squatted from the ground, arms wide open his arms in his arms, opened his mouth and bit his throat toward the piano.


Under the enthusiasm of the piano, he suddenly bowed his head and slammed his forehead toward the other's head. The bamboo raft man was seriously injured. He just woke up, and he was so powerful that he could not make two points of power, and the piano double broke out all the power.


The bamboo man’s neck was directly broken by huge force, and his head was pulled back in a strange way, and his figure fell to the rear.


The obese woman screamed and slammed into the tip of the sword in the warm hand.


The long sword in the warm hand penetrated the throat of the obese woman, and the tip of the sword penetrated from behind the neck.

The faces of the three people of Qinqin are very ugly, and no news is available. The bamboo man and the obese woman are so dead. In this strange environment in the depths, the three people in the piano can't help but feel awkward.


Warmly slammed out of the way, the body of the obese woman flew out, took back the long sword, and stood there with some nausea. The piano pair was also a little boring, wrapped the necklace around his wrist, and then walked towards the obese woman and walked over. Came to the obese woman, Qin Qin squatted down and searched, and soon took a necklace from the woman's neck, looked down, and sure enough, there was a gossip on the necklace. At this time, the ancient meaning and warmth also came over, Qinqin threw the gossip card to the ancient meaning:

"This gossip card may be able to protect the mind from being confused!"

The ancient look is a joy, took the necklace carefully, and looked at the necklace on the left wrist of the piano warmly, the lips moved, but ultimately did not ask for it.

The ancient meaning of the piano double wrapped the necklace around the wrist, and then looked around:

"what should we do?"

Qin double also looked around: "This should be a real monument, we naturally have to explore. Are we going apart, or together?"

"Together!" The ancient intentions still have a heart for their own lost minds, and immediately began to speak.

Warming also nodded immediately. In this strange place, everyone naturally wants to be together. If before entering the place, the ancient meaning and warmth may not be willing to take the piano pair, it will be cumbersome to see the piano, but on this road, the ability of the double display of the piano is shown, although the combat power is weaker, but it has Dan Yao, how can you still look down on the piano?

The piano nodded twice, looking around and thinking about which direction to go. The gaze was a bright light, and the ancient meaning and warmth at this time also saw a small path. The three people looked at each other and followed the path. The speed was not fast, and everyone raised their vigilance.



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