Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Giant tree

When I walked for about two minutes, the heart of the piano double suddenly moved. There is no limit to the law here. Can the power of my own mind spread?

When I think of it, Qin Double immediately spreads the power of the mind, and my heart is a joy, and the power of the soul can spread. She took back the power of the soul, but expanded it to a hundred meters, so there would be no sudden danger, and it would save the power of the mind.

After walking for about half an hour, the ancient meaning suddenly said: "A tall tree!"

Qin double’s face was also surprised. At this time a giant tree appeared in her eyes. The giant tree was actually far away from them, but it was too tall and let the piano double them. It can be seen from afar. And they noticed the path under the foot, which is the direction leading to the giant tree.

The three men could not help but step up and flew in the direction of the giant tree.


The piano double frowned, and they rushed out of the forest, and there was a grassland in front of them, without a tree. The forest suddenly disappeared here, making the piano double-minded and not going to a tree. This is not in accordance with the laws of nature. Qinqin could not help but be careful, and the strength of the mind expanded to a hundred meters, and the footsteps continued to rush toward the giant tree in the distance.

About ten miles away, there was another forest in the eyes of the three people of Qinqin. This forest consisted of the towering giant tree and an ancient tree about 100 meters high.


Three people rushed into the forest, the body of the double and the ancients kept on, but the warmth screamed, the sword in his hand madly danced, looking as if and what was evil. Fighting.

Qin double and ancient two people stopped their steps, looked at each other and looked at the necklace on their wrists. Qin double solved the necklace on his left wrist and threw it on the ground. The scene in front of me suddenly changed, and countless monsters rushed toward themselves.

The guqin strings in Zhongdantian fluctuated, the dragon and phoenix's music played, and the eyes of the piano pair were clear, and the green and lush forests were restored. Where are the traces of the monsters?

Qin double bends and picks up the necklace, looking to the ancient saying: "The ancients, your repair should be higher than the warm?"

"High is not much higher!" Ancient means.

"Can't you stop him?"

The ancient meaning shook his head, and the piano double brows deep lock: "Repress him for a moment, let me put this necklace around his neck."

The ancient meaning came to the end: "Do you still have the congenital Dan Demon?"

Before that Dan Dan was only able to stick to a quarter of an hour, it has already dissipated. Qin double nodded and said:

"there's still one."

The spirit of ancient meaning is astounding: "The warmth should be in a state of loss at this time. You will use the Dan demon to attack him. It will definitely attract all his attention. Maybe I can take this opportunity and subdue him."

"it is good!"

Qin double immediately took out the last congenital Dan Yao crushed, and a pig was urging the heart of the piano to slam the lost warmth.


A warm sword will dissipate the pig, and the ancient meaning has already rushed to the warm front, and it has been warmed up. Lost in the warmth, I felt a sharp knife wind blowing in the face, and hurriedly blocked the long sword in my hand. But I just killed the warthog, and I felt that there were countless monsters around me.

Painful, and after killing the pig, there is not enough power in a hurry. The ancient meaning of cultivation is a little higher than him, the sword collided, the warm sword in hand was swayed out, and the empty door opened.


A fist of ancient meaning was slammed on the warm head, and the warm figure shook, and he slammed into the ground and fell into a coma.

The shape of the piano pair flew past and hung the necklace in his hand on the warm neck. Then the water bladder was taken out of the backpack and sprayed toward the warm face.

Warmly opened his eyes, and then "squeaky", sucked a cold air, reached out and touched the top of his head and found a big bag on his head.

“What happened?” asked warmly and confusedly.

"That..." has not waited for the double opening of the piano. The ancient meaning is: "After you enter the forest, you suddenly become mad, then slammed into a big tree and fainted."

Qinqin bit his lip and his shoulders shook slightly.

Warm and squinting, remembering the lost scene. Looking at the laughing doubles and the unnatural old mind, the heart guessed the truth, and a face became ugly. Suddenly, my heart moved and asked:

"How am I sober now?"

The piano doubled out his fingers and pointed to the necklace hanging around his neck. Warm and stunned, climbed up from the ground, on the double and ancient meaning:

"Thank you!"

The look on the ancient face was loose, and he said: "No thanks, as long as you don't remember to hate the old man."

Warm and cold: "So, this big bag on my head is what you played?"

"Cough..." The old-fashioned look is: "That's your own collision, don't talk nonsense!"

Qin Shuang’s heart is also a bit stunned. It seems that this ancient meaning is very taboo and warm!

"Here... it’s better than the inside of the passage!" Warmly looked around and said with a lingering heart.

Both the piano and the ancients nodded. In the passage, the warmth was able to stay awake by closing the eyes, but as soon as they entered the forest, they immediately lost.

"We are careful."

The piano double condenses the channel, and then takes the lead in the direction of the giant tree. To their surprise, there was no danger this time. After about a quarter of an hour, they stood in front of the giant tree.

On the ground in front of them, there were some messy footprints. The three people in the piano circled around the giant tree, and the old and the warmth frowned. They did not find any useful clues. But on the ground surrounding this giant tree, there are countless messy footprints, and it is obvious that the masters of these footprints came under this giant tree from different directions in this forest. However, under this giant tree, there is no one.

Where did those people go?

The eyes of Qin double fell on the thick trunk, and the gaze was shrinking. On the trunk, she saw the footprints and could not look at the trunk and looked up.

"Is the secret in the tree?"

At this time, the ancient meaning and the warmth also found the problem, and also looked at the top of the giant tree.

"Let's go see it!"

The warm figure is vertical, and the feet are constantly connected to the trunk, and the figure flies toward the tree.


Qin double and ancient two are also close behind, one like Feiyan, one like an eagle, rushing along the trunk toward the top.



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