Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 902: root

After a while, the three people had stopped at the top of the tree and looked at their feet. They saw a black hole in the top of the tree. The center of the giant tree was hollow, and the black scorpion was not deep.

The ancient meaning and the warmth are locked with their brows looking down. They simply can't see the situation inside. Qin double has no way at this time, because in this forest, her power of the heart can only spread a meter.

Qinqin thought about it. He took out a firecracker from the backpack, pulled the lid open, and took a breath. The firefold burned up and threw it down into the tree hole. Three pairs of eyes stared at the black hole in the tree.

The fire flops slid into the tree hole with a beam of light, illuminating the scene inside the tree hole. As the fire broke down, they watched all the way.

However, with the fall of the fire, the tree hole gradually darkened, and only a flash of light was continuously falling.


The fire broke into the ground in the tree hole and made a sound. The three people in the piano can only see the ignition light faintly, and can no longer see the situation inside the tree hole.

"I will go ahead and see!"

In ancient times, holding a long knife, facing the inside of the tree hole, the feet kept clicking on the wall of the tree, and the figure fell toward the bottom. Then the warmth also went down, the piano double followed in the end, three people in the silent tree hole, falling to the bottom.


Three whispers, three people gently fell on the ground, under their feet, it was the burning fire.

By the light of the fire, they saw that there was a downward hole at a distance of five meters from them. The inside of the hole was a first-class step and extended toward the ground.

The ancient idea picked up the fire on the ground and took the lead toward the steps. Warmly made a gesture to the piano pair. The piano nodded and followed the old intentions, and the warmth went to the final stage.

This is a passage that continually extends downwards. The passage is wider and taller, with a mural on the stone walls on both sides of the passage.

Each mural is about the glory of the Eight Diagrams. In the murals, in addition to seeing the power of the Baguamen sculpt, the Qin double is interested in the fact that she also saw the shadow of the martial arts and the path. However, in the view of Qin Shuang, the line of the Eight Diagrams Gate and the Fu Dao are still in the realm of the first stage.

Think about it too, the gossip of the Eight Diagrams is very powerful, and she can't just crack the suppression of her here by the dragon and the phoenix of the ten shadow master level.

About a hundred meters down, and the three people of the piano walked down the last step, and the faces of the three people were not shocked.

At this point they seem to be in an underground forest, as if they are in a pillar forest.

A large pillar stands in this underground space, and it can't be seen at the end. The piano double reached out and touched the pillars around him, and the look was a change.

"This... is the root!"

The ancient meaning and the warmth were also changed. When the body shape flashed, they each came to a pillar and reached out and touched it. The face was more shocked.

"Sure enough is the root!"

The piano is mastered four times, and the face is more and more weird.

"The wood on the ground is a tree!"

At this time, the ancient and warm face also became dignified. They also saw that the endless roots here are the branches of a tree root. What explains this?

This shows that the forest on the ground is formed by the branches of the towering giant tree. That is to say, the forest is actually a tree.

The heart of the piano double suddenly moved, a tree formed a forest, such a tree, you can imagine its vitality. I don't know, is there such a tree, will there be any treasure?

The piano doubled out the dragon sword and inserted a sword on the root of a tree. After the sword was pulled out, the green liquid flowing from the root of the tree was seen. The piano double stretched out his fingers, and then in the deep entrance, there was a disappointment in his eyes.

Although this green liquid has a strong life, it is much worse than jade paste, and even worse than jade. For Qinshuang, it doesn't make much difference.

Qin double wants to find the main root. The roots of the underground world are formed by a main root of the giant tree on the ground, which is more effective than the main root. She thought back from the direction of the steps and went in one direction.

The ancient meaning and the warmth saw the movement of the piano double, and did not ask why, it immediately followed the Qin double. Although the practice of Qin double is not as good as the two of them, the behavior on this road has made them both in the subconscious, and they have become the backbone of the piano.

The piano doubled around and walked for about two quarters of an hour. There was a glimmer of light in her eyes. She saw a huge pillar not far from her. This column is ten times thicker than other columns.

Don't ask, this is the root of the giant tree.

The ancient meaning and warmth are also sluggish.

Where is this root, it is simply a mountain peak inserted into the sky.

It is... too big!

On the root of this huge tree, there is also a root with a different thickness. It is as thin as an arm, but thicker than five meters in diameter. It is densely covered on the ground and stretches over ten meters.

After the piano double stayed, it was a big joy. At the foot, the body slammed into the main root, and the "snap" slammed out the dragon sword and stabbed it toward the root of the tree.


The roots of the fallen and thick branches suddenly moved, like a whip with different thicknesses. It was extremely fast, like lightning, exploding the air, and pumping it toward the piano.

Qin Qin double heart was shocked, surrounded by whip shadows, tight and airtight, as long as I heard the dense sound of the roots of the tree, I can imagine that even if there is a tree root on her body, even if she can not take her If she is killed, she will be seriously injured.

Meteor swordsmanship!

At this time, there will be a little bit of reservation in the Qin double, the meteor swordsmanship will appear, the speed is as fast as the meteor, with her body as the center, immediately emerges countless sword tips, like a hedgehog.


The piano doubled all the roots of the tree outside the Jianguang, but the arm was numb, the lower plate was unstable, and it was involuntarily pulled out by a root root to withdraw ten meters.


The piano licked the dragon sword with both hands, and spit out a long breath. Although it was only in a moment, it was pumped out a dozen meters away, but in the blink of an eye, the piano doubles will run the whole body to the extreme, The meteor sword method has reached the limit, and the meteor sword method that is pierced in this moment is more tired than fighting hundreds of strokes with others. Sweat the clothes, the whole person is like fishing out of the water.



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